/ / Recipe for thin pancakes on milk

Recipe for thin pancakes on milk

Pancakes for the Slavs have long become a familiar national dish. To date, there are many different recipes for their preparation.

Recipe for thin pancakes on milk №1

To prepare these pancakes you need to take half a liter of fresh cow's milk (preferably home), 0.5 tbsp. l. vegetable oil and sugar, a glass of flour, three medium chicken eggs. Recipe for thin pancakes on milk is as follows:In a bowl, break the eggs and beat them with a fork. Add sugar here and mix well. If pancakes are planned to be unsweetened, then you can do without sugar at all. After the sugar, you need to pour in the flour. Slowly mix all the resulting mass. Manual labor in this process can completely replace the mixer. You can not allow the appearance of lumps - if they do appear, they must necessarily be broken. After that, you need to add milk, you need to pour it in gradually, everything is good to stir occasionally. Now it's time to prepare the necessary size of the frying pan. The bottom of the frying pan should be greased with a cotton-wool soaked in oil, and the frying pan itself should be heated. As soon as the frying pan is warmed up, it is necessary to pour in a thin layer of the obtained dough, quickly rolling it over the surface of the entire bottom. As soon as bubbles appear on the pancakes, they can be turned over to the other side. It is necessary to turn over carefully, try not to break the pancake. In the filling of such pancakes you can add any products to your taste. It can be as sour, meat, sharp products, and sweets. This very simple recipe for thin pancakes with milk is great for making breakfast. It turns out a real treat for the whole family.

Recipe for thin pancakes with milk №2

For pancakes you need 2 cups of cowmilk, 4 eggs, seven tablespoons of flour, four tablespoons of vegetable oil, a spoonful of sugar, salt and a hundred grams of butter. In the beaten eggs add sugar, salt, a glass of milk. Mix and pour pre-sifted flour. The dough should be thoroughly beaten, then pour the remaining amount of milk and again, whipping pour boiling vegetable oil. In a hot skillet, bake pancakes. This recipe for thin pancakes on milk is based on very thorough whipping. In the test there should not be a single (even the smallest) lump. This rule can be attributed to other recipes.

How to cook lavish pancakes on milk?

For the preparation of this delicious dishyou will need half a liter of milk, two eggs, half a kilogram of flour, three tablespoons butter cream, at the tip of the knife salt, 2.5 tsp. baking powder, vanilla. The flour should be sifted with salt, baking powder and sugar. Eggs beat up and add in them pre-melted butter, milk. It's time to whip it. In the flour pour in the resulting milk mixture and mix well. At the output should be a fairly thick dough, reminiscent of the appearance of sour cream. On a greased and preheated frying pan put the dough, distributing it in the form of the usual pancake of the desired diameter. Fry well on both sides until saturated brown. It is necessary to turn it over when the bubbles appear. Serve this dish with any fruit, sour cream, berries or sauces.

Pancakes on melted milk

For their preparation you need to take half a litergood melted milk, 2 eggs, two hundred grams of flour, vegetable oil and sugar, salt to your liking. Sugar, salt and flour pour into the kitchen bowl. Beating, gradually pour steep hot, but not boiling milk. Stir the mixture well and leave for about thirty minutes. Add chicken eggs and mix well with a spoon. After this, pour a small amount of vegetable oil. As a result, you should get a dough yogurt yogurt, but thicker than milk. From this test, bake thin delicious pancakes. Bon Appetit!