/ / Cherry cake: a recipe with a photo

Cherry cake: a recipe with a photo

Do you like pies?With these words, many are a gentle, airy dessert. But pies are very different - closed, open, with a sweet filling or with a salty. With the onset of summer, the housewives begin to delight their family with delicious pies with berries. Strawberry, crimson - they all have their own charm. But the best is the cherry pies. The recipes that we are considering today can be used without the slightest doubt. They are old, proven and reliable.

cherry pie simple recipe

The easiest option

This method of preparation is suitable in case,when you on the way home bought a package of cherries and think what to do with them. The recipe for a pie with a cherry will please the busy housewives. It is prepared in bulk, that is very easy. From above it turns out with a crispy crumb, and inside juicy and gentle. You will need to do the following:

  • Mix in a large cup of 150 g of flour and mango, and a teaspoon of baking powder.
  • Rub on a grater a pack of butter.
  • We rub everything into a crumb.
  • It's time to prepare a split form. It needs to be wrapped with parchment, so that nothing gets leaked.
  • Put half of the mixture on the bottom of the mold, and on top of 200 g of berries without pits. On top you need to sprinkle with sugar, it will take 150 g.
  • We fall asleep with the rest of the baby.

The recipe for a pie with a cherry is very good. Everyone who tried it, definitely left in their cookbook. More from you nothing will be required. It is baked at 180 degrees for 40 minutes.

cherry cake recipe step by step

Chocolate cake with cherry

This combination will appeal to any gourmet.It's almost brownies with a refined note. All guests will ask you for a recipe for a cherry pie, if you try this dessert. At the same time it is prepared quite simply.

  1. Pound 2 eggs and 100 grams of sugar, add a little vanilla. Now pour in three tablespoons of vegetable oil and half a glass of soda. A little whisk.
  2. Sifting through a sieve, add one and a half glasses of flour, 3 teaspoons of cocoa and a teaspoon of baking powder.
  3. A bit of bitter chocolate cut into pieces and add to the dough.

Preheat oven to 180 degrees.The resulting mass should be leveled on the surface of the baking tray, and on top put cherries. It will take 600 g of berries with bones. Bake takes about 50 minutes. Above, the pie is covered with a crust, but inside it remains gentle and moist.

Loose pie

If you like a gentle, creamy and melting dessert, then this option is especially for you. The recipe for a sand pie with a cherry will never lose its relevance. And in this version it is especially good.

  1. Preparation should start with the fact that put a pack of oil on the table, so that it is properly warmed.
  2. After that, put the oil in a cup, add a glass of sugar and start whipping. We draw your attention to the fact that you can not replace margarine with oil. The taste will be quite different.
  3. Without stopping to whisk, one after another we break 4 eggs.
  4. Add 200 g of flour and a teaspoon of baking powder.

It turns out quite a thick mass, which can betake hands. Long to interfere is not necessary, the dough does not like it. To prevent mistakes, it is best to learn the prescription in advance with the photo. Pie with cherries should be prepared on parchment, so cover the pan. Take 450 g of cherries and free it from the bones. Now lay on top of the dough, lightly pressing them down. This must be done to ensure that the berries are inside. Bake the cake for about 20 minutes. Put the finished product on the grate. Before cutting, allow it to cool slightly.

recipe for a pie with cherries in the oven

The original snail pie

Если вы считаете, что ягодными пирогами никого не surprise, then this is exactly the option that you need. The ingredients are pretty ordinary, but the feed is very interesting. So, step by step recipe for a pie with a cherry.

  1. First, you need to make a dough. To do this, 5 glasses of flour grind into a crumb with 300 grams of margarine.
  2. Add 0.5 liters of yogurt.
  3. Knead the dough and remove it for an hour in the refrigerator.

While the dough is resting, you need to prepare the filling.To do this, you need a kilogram of cherries without pits. If you immediately separate the berries from them, then flip them in a colander beforehand to stack excess juice. After that, roll the dough into a large layer and divide it into 4 strips. For each of them lay a number of cherries and 50 grams of sugar. Accurately fill up each strip with a test to make a tube. Now spiral the tubes into a round shape. Bake cake at 180 degrees, for 30 minutes. In the section, it looks just magical. Such a dessert can be served even at the festive table. It turns out very tasty.

sand pie with cherry recipe

Cherry on a cloud

How to most effectively serve this berry?Of course, on the snow-white featherbed their cottage cheese. The recipe for cake with cottage cheese and cherry will be one of your favorites. It is useful and fantastically delicious. If children do not like cottage cheese, then they will not refuse this delicacy.

  1. Sugar and oil (150 g each) with a fork.
  2. Whisk 3 eggs and add butter to them. Beat again.
  3. Add a glass of flour and a half teaspoon of baking powder. Gently knead the dough. It should be soft.

To make a filling, you need 150 g of sugargrind with 300 grams of cottage cheese. Add 150 g of sour cream to this mass. Separately, prepare 500 g of cherries (already without pits). Cover the form with parchment. Place the dough and form the sides. At the bottom, lay the cherries, and pour the cream on top. It is baked for about 40 minutes at 170 degrees.

It remains only to prepare the glaze.This is a pretty simple recipe for a cherry pie. In the oven, you can leave it for another 5 minutes if you like desserts drier. To prepare the glaze, you need cocoa, butter, sour cream and sugar. Melt the butter and add all the ingredients to it. After that, well pour the icing on the cake and clean it for impregnation in the fridge.

Layered cake

This dough today can be bought at any store, so there is no need to long tinker with it in the kitchen. Packing puff pastry will help when you want to quickly prepare something for tea.

  1. You will need to defrost the dough. To do this, simply lay it on the table, then divide it into two parts. One must be slightly larger than the other.
  2. Roll out the bulk and pack it in a mold.
  3. Top with 400 g of cherries already pitted, sprinkle them with starch.
  4. Whip 3 eggs, 200 g of sour cream and 120 g of sugar. Lay this mass over berries.
  5. Cover with the second layer of dough.
  6. Gently join the edges. The cake should be baked for 30 minutes. Ready desserts preferably before serving to cool, so that hot juice does not flow out.

The layered pie turns out surprisingly tasty.He has a crisp base, a delicate filling and berries with a pleasant sourness. He conquers from the first bite. For sure this recipe will be one of the most loved in your family.

pie with a frozen cherry recipe

Cooking in a multivariate

If you have no time today, and in the evening very much want topamper yourself with fresh pastries, then entrust this task to your kitchen assistant. The multivariate will do a very good job. First, peel a couple of glasses of cherries and fold them into a colander. While the juice is draining, you can cook the dough.

  1. Beat 2 eggs and half a glass of sugar.
  2. Add 75 g of butter and a glass of kefir. Mix again well.
  3. Add the baking powder.
  4. Gradually pour 2 cups of flour into the prepared mixture, thoroughly kneading the dough.

Чашу мультиварки изнутри обязательно смажьте oil. This is necessary so that the pie does not stick. Now lay out half the dough, from above distribute the berries and fill with the second part. Turn the multivarker on the "Baking" mode and leave it ready for 60 minutes.

pie with cherry recipe with photo

Winter cherry

What to do if, in the midst of the cold weather,summer dessert? You can make a lovely pie with a frozen cherry. The recipe is also very simple. You will need a little more time to defrost the berry and remove the bones. If you have taken care of this since the fall and there are cherry-free cherries in the freezer, they will not even have to be thawed. Directly from the ice "bunker" they will go to the pie. Your actions:

  1. Three eggs and 150 grams of sugar beat in a magnificent foam. Do not stop ahead of time, as you need a thick foam to make the dessert porous and tasty.
  2. Add 4 tablespoons of sour cream and a spoonful of soft oil.
  3. Gradually add 300 g of flour and baking powder. The quantity indicated may be different from what you need. The dough should be creamy, flowable, but not liquid.

Cover the form with parchment.In it you need to lay out half the dough and gently level it. Top with cherries, sprinkle with a spoonful of sugar and the same amount of starch. Pour the remaining dough and put in the oven for baking for 40 minutes at 200 degrees. Ready pie can be sprinkled with powdered sugar. But even without it, it is very beautiful and tasty. And the fragrance in the kitchen is fantastic.

pie with cottage cheese and cherry recipe

Instead of concluding

Pies with cherries will never lose theirrelevance. It is a delicious dessert, original and bright. It can always be supplemented with chocolate to even more shade the taste. To make the pie turned air, be sure to sift the flour. So you will saturate the dough with oxygen. The taste of cherries perfectly emphasizes vanillin in the dough and cinnamon in the filling. If you like this combination of taste, then do not deny yourself the pleasure.

There are a lot of recipes for cherry pies.Today we reviewed the classic options, each of which is already repeatedly proven. If you want something new, you can safely experiment, taking one of them as a basis. You can add other berries, chocolate or condensed milk.