How many grams per milliliter? This question cannot be answered unequivocally, since it directly depends on the substance, the mass of which is necessary to know.
And why is this happening?This will surely be asked by many. It all depends on such an indicator as density. If you possess at least basic knowledge of physics, you will understand that it is the density of a substance that affects its mass. That is why a milliliter of mercury is 13 times heavier than a milliliter of water.

There is, of course, the practice of measuring mass andvolume with spoons. This refers to both table and tea appliances. There are even special correspondence tables, so finding out how many grams in a spoon is easy. For example, 18 grams of water, 20 - milk, 17 - sunflower oil, 20 - sugar and 25 - salt are placed in a large tablespoon. You, of course, noticed that the masses of an equal number of different substances are completely independent of volume, because it is the same. Affects the weight, as mentioned above, the density of a substance.
By the way, based on these data, you can easily andjust calculate how many grams per milliliter of milk, for example. If 1 tablespoon = 20 grams of this vitamin-rich liquid, and its volume is 18 milliliters, it turns out that 1 ml of milk will weigh about 1.1 grams, so you should not be surprised at such discrepancies - just the density of each liquid is different.
And if you take ice cream for example, then with the answerOn the question of how many grams per milliliter, you can not decide at all. The problem here is that every manufacturer today produces a cold dessert according to its own recipe (as a result, the figures may differ significantly).

Интересно также и следующее:All data calculated for tablespoons and teaspoons are 100% correct only at a pressure of 760 mm. Hg st. and humidity in 0%, since these indicators are normal from the point of view of practical physics. That is why all measurements made in excellent conditions can be considered made "by eye". Thus, in mountain conditions, for example, you can, of course, know how many grams per milliliter, but the results of such a “study” will differ from the standard ones.

So as you can see, volume is notby no means the identical mass - for each substance there is an eigenvalue of the ratio of these two physical quantities. For food, for example, even special tables have been compiled from which you can learn everything you need. We hope that with the help of this article you have found the answer to the question of how many grams per milliliter.