/ / How much is 50 grams of sugar: how to determine without scales

How much is 50 grams of sugar: how to determine without weights

Counting product weights is a favorite topic fordisputes of all housewives and even experienced cooks. Questions such as "how much is 50 grams of sugar", "how to measure the mass of this bulk product" will not lose their relevance. Very often there are certain difficulties with the calculation of the desired weight of products. Most recipes already indicate recommended volumes in tablespoons or glasses. But often not a specific volume is offered, but the required weight in grams. Measuring the weight of the desired ingredient is not difficult if you have professional scales for such measurements. Well, and if they are not? Inexperienced cooks sometimes find it difficult to navigate, how can one measure, for example, how much it is - 50 g of sugar, if there are no measured scales on hand.

how much is 50 grams of sugar

Possible options for calculating the weight of sugar without weights

How much is 50 grams of sugar?To solve such a global problem as the measurement of the weight of the desired products, our samplings also used the available tools (measurement using teaspoons, tablespoons, for example).

So, for the elementary measurement of a small amount of granulated sugar, there are several options that can be easily applied in practice:

  1. Use of small measuring containers (cups, spoons) with already marked graduated divisions. Here, everything is extremely simple - just pour the granulated sugar to the desired measurement.
  2. Use a teaspoon. It should be noted that the weight of the spoon itself is not taken into account. Traditionally, the weight of a teaspoon "with a slide" will be 10 grams.
  3. Use a tablespoon. If you type a tablespoon of "with a hill", you get 25 grams of sugar.

These methods are the most popular and effective.

So, 50 grams of sugar - how many spoons?

As you can see, the calculation is not complicated at all and it is possible to use several variants of calculation.

50 grams of sugar how many spoons
If the determination of small volumes (how much is 50 grams of sugar) is required, then undoubtedly, the use of cutlery will be the most suitable way.


If the recipe indicates the addition of granulated sugar in the amount of 50 grams, this means that you need to take 5 teaspoons with a slide or 2 tablespoons with a slide of granulated sugar.


The use of the considered tools will allow anyonethe cook will calculate the desired weight without weights. It is worth noting that the measurement of weight with the help of spoons in the domestic environment, of course, will give approximate dosages and the error is always 10-15%. For a more accurate definition, the use of measuring containers with specific values ​​is recommended.