/ / Tabule salad with bulgur: recipe with photo

Salad "Tabule" with Bulgur: a recipe with photos

If you want to diversify your regular menucold snacks, it's time to pay attention to popular recipes of other nations. Some of them require fanciful excesses and rare ingredients. For example, today we will learn the Arabic salad “Taboule”, which is quite exotic and at the same time simple in execution.

Taboulet Salad

On the basis of what is cooked such a dish?

Bulgur is often used in Arabic dishes.(steamed crushed wheat groats that do not require cooking), so we will use it in our recipe. Another "Tabule" is made from pearl barley, rice and couscous. Connoisseurs and admirers of the dish, who are fortunate enough to try it in several variations at once, in most opinions tend to lean towards the bulgur groats.

How to cook salad "Taboule": a recipe with photos

First, let's evaluate our capabilities and transfer them.on their own needs. If we need an easy to prepare, not high-calorie, besides a vegetarian dish, then this salad is just made for us. As ingredients, we will need:

  • bulgur groats - half a cup;
  • 2 ripe tomatoes;
  • onion feather - 100 g;
  • a large bunch of parsley;
  • lemon - 1 pc .;
  • olive oil - 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • salt.
    Tabule Salad Recipe

Cooking process

Some lovers cooking salad “Taboule”, yetboil bulgur, and then washed it. In this case, we will not depart from the Arab tradition, and yet we will only steam the cereal. Moreover, boiling water in the tank is enough to fill so much that the water hid grains only 1 cm. Very soon, the mass swells and becomes usable.

At this very time, we are going to chop parsley.There should be a lot of parsley, approximately half a kilogram, and in the finished form the green mass should visually exceed the bulgur in its quantity. Shred parsley should be finely small, so we arm ourselves with a bowl of combine and entrust this process to the machine. Green onions, on the contrary, we traditionally skewer - with the help of a knife. Fragrant ringlets will bring aesthetics of taste and a good addition to appearance to the Taboule salad.

Take a salad bowl or bowl, put it therechopped parsley and onion, then comes the turn and the tomatoes. We will cut them into as small as possible particles, best of all if you remove the peel from a round vegetable before cutting. It is easier to do this when the tomato is placed in boiling water for a few minutes. Then the skin will crack and will be cleaned without any effort.

Taboulet Salad with Bulgur

Sliced ​​tomatoes are also sent to a bowl togreen mass. We will add the swollen cereal a little bit, all the while mixing the salad. Also, make sure that the amount of cereals does not exceed the amount of chopped parsley. If we have steamed too much bulgur, it can be put away in the fridge and subsequently used as a dressing in the soup.

All components are thoroughly mixed, salt,sprinkle with lemon juice and season with olive oil. The original Lebanese salad "Taboule" is almost ready, it remains to decorate it with several leaves of mint.

Some recommendations

Arabic cuisine has its own subtleties, wisdom and traditions. To make a real “Tabule” salad with bulgur, it is necessary to strictly follow certain rules:

  • Use for salads only small bulgur - a variety called koftelikom.
  • Ingredients after washing are always dried, this applies to both greens and cereals.
  • Before steaming in Bulgur add a few drops of olive oil, mixing the composition.
  • In all the salads of the Middle Eastern cuisine ingredients are cut as small as possible.
  • Lemon juice is always sent to the salad in front of olive oil. This is done so that the greens are crunched on the teeth.
  • Salad "Tabule" with bulgur can be served both as an independent dish and as a side dish for meat delights.
    Arab Taboule Salad

Variations on the theme

Ardent supporters of meat filling dishes cansleep well while there is a french snack option. After all, it is prepared with fried chicken breast pieces. Let's take a look at such a more bourgeois recipe. This salad "Taboule" is based on couscous due to the fact that this cereal is most of all combined with meat ingredients. Previously, couscous was made from millet, but now it has become popular to cook it from whole-wheat grits.

As ingredients for a real bourgeois salad, we will need:

  • chicken breast - 1 piece;
  • couscous - half a glass;
  • sweet blue onions - 1 piece;
  • one small eggplant;
  • one Bulgarian pepper (preferably red)
  • lemon - 3 pieces;
  • zucchini;
  • salt;
  • olive oil;
  • spices (tarragon, basil, cilantro).
    Taboule Lebanese Salad

As you can see, the French salad "Taboule" recipewhich we are now considering, contains a sufficient amount of spicy herbs. Do not be lazy and find the entire list of ingredients in the store or on the market, and the result will surpass even the wildest expectations.

This dish is positioned as special for true aesthetes and gourmets. Cooking time (due to roasting each ingredient separately from each other) - more than one hour.

Take to fry vegetables

When eggplant, onion, sweet pepper and zucchinithey will be cleaned and cut, they need to be roasted (each component separately) in a small amount of olive oil. Salad "Taboule", the recipe of which we now present, does not tolerate the remaining oil from frying. Therefore, throw the roasted vegetables into a colander and let the oil drain well.

Steaming couscous

Groats, as in the previous recipe, do notlet's cook, and steam with boiling water or broth. Before steaming couscous, add salt and a little olive oil to a saucepan, then mix everything.

Olive oil is back in business.

Our bourgeois salad "Taboule" is not withoutfried chicken breast pieces. 10-15 minutes on a good fire, some salt, olive oil and the participation of magic hands - and the golden pieces will be ready to fill up with a strange snack.

Salad Tabule recipe with photos

Simple salad dressing

The swollen couscous is ready to fillsalad bowl, vegetables got rid of excess fat, and the meat had time to cool. It’s time to start preparing a gas station, especially since it consists of only three components. Juice, pressed manually from sliced ​​lemons in half, mix with olive oil and salt.

It remains only to mix all the ingredients together, pour the “Tabule” salad with lemon dressing and decorate with fragrant herbs. Before serving, the snack can be further cooled if desired.


Обязательно приготовьте дома ливанский вариант dishes that will force guests to rush to the table from the threshold. Thin and strong, fresh and fragrant blend of aromas of mint, parsley and green onions will drive a mind-spirited gourmet. If the greens for the salad has not just been picked from the garden bed, it is better to squeeze it in addition by dropping it in cold water for 15 minutes. Then dry and let in the case.

Bon Appetit!