/ / Tasty for both adults and children: Kazakh baursaks

Tasty and adult, and children: baursaks Kazakh

Под выпечкой большинство людей в нашей стране usually involves pies, cakes, pastries and rolls. For some reason, donuts in the traditional sense did not take root among compatriots. Meanwhile, donuts, which were invented by the Poles and later spread around the world, have their own analogues in the cooking of most nations of the world. Among such relatives are the Baursaks of the Kazakh, without whom not a single everyday event of this nation can do. Of course, they are often present in the daily menu, but they are an ornament to any (especially wedding) celebration, and among the Uzbeks, whose cuisine also has its own version of baursak, they were used in all rituals.

Baursaks Kazakh recipe

What are baursaks for?

First of all, let's talk about how in the east andTatar tradition should look feed these kind of donuts. They are carried on a separate dish, folded in a slide, and are an important part of the celebrations. So, at the wedding of the Tatars, this pastry served as a gift from their parents. The Kazakh baursaks, together with all kinds of sweets and coins, were used for sprinkling a young family. And Uzbeks had almost a mystical attitude towards such confectionery.

What is the basis?

Kazakh baursaks
Since baursaks (Kazakh or they belongto the number of dishes of a different eastern ethnicity - not so important) - a multifunctional dish, used both “under borsch” and as a dessert, the dough is different for it. Most often used yeast or fresh, but not rare, and cottage cheese. The most common option when baursak consists only of dough. But its sweet kinds, in a concession to children, can be made with a filling. It is usually fruit (fresh or dried, but soaked); Our contemporaries can fill the Kazakh baursaks, the recipe of which has been preserved from time immemorial, candied fruit that is unusual for this country.

Varieties of Oriental Donuts

Even those people in our country who heard itthe name and approximately imagines that it hides under it, usually do not know that the Kazakh baursaks are of various kinds. Accordingly, they are prepared not at all equally. In principle, they can be divided into three groups. So, what will please us with the Kazakh cuisine?

Baursaks fresh, the most tolerant

Kazakh baursaks on kefir
Such products are suitable as everydaydishes, instead of bread to any meal. These donuts are called "Shi Baursak". They are made from unleavened dough, for which 2 glasses are taken (in the original recipe there are two bowls, but the measuring containers are similar in volume) flour, half a teaspoon of soda, 5 eggs (which is not typical of other unleavened dough), a glass of milk or water and a teaspoon (can less) salt. If you want to know how to cook baursaks in Kazakh, forget about vegetable oil. They should roast only on fat. Dough ingenuously rolled out, cut into strips and fried. In a cauldron such as fries or a wok pan

Yeast Donuts

Basically, this dough is used forcooking sweet varieties from the category of baursaks Kazakh. Ingredients for the test: 3 piala (we will adhere to the "native" terminology) flour, 1 - water, a teaspoon of salt, in the dining room - yeast and sugar. The difference from the usual yeast dough is 150 grams of fat, and fat-tailed. The product of such products will be called Kespe Baursak. The components are kneaded soft dough, rolled out, cut into strips, which are wrapped as necessary. In the original - flagella, but more interesting - a variety of squiggles. And at the end of the tips are connected. Roast them, as in the first version, in a large amount of fat, and then sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Cottage cheese delights

how to cook baursaks in Kazakh
Finally, prepare a dessert that the Kazakhscalled "Domalak Baursak." For him, you need to take 2 bowls of cottage cheese and one bowl of flour, sour cream and powdered sugar. Plus 3 eggs, a big spoon of sugar and two spoons of butter, another teaspoon of salt.

Cooking in this case is much morecomplicated than previous recipes. Cottage cheese without fail should be rubbed. Then everything else is added to it (except for powder); Do not forget to melt the butter before. Mixed dough is divided into flagella, cut into pieces and boiled until elastic. Water is allowed to drain, roll blanks in flour and fry all in the same fat in a deep cauldron. Offer guests with sour cream and powdered sugar.

Kefir donut

The dough, in principle, is also yeast.Only the basis is taken kefir, which should be 0.5 liters; only one egg is laid; still need a teaspoon of salt and soda, two tablespoons of sugar and vegetable oil. Yeast (if they are dry) you need a little bit - enough teaspoon, and flour - how much will go.

Kazakh cuisine baursaki
Of all the ingredients are kneaded dough and howusually put on an hour in the heat. Then it is cut into strands (sausages), cut into pieces and put 15 minutes to lift. Traditionally, Kazakh baursaks (on kefir or on any other basis) should be fried in mutton fat, but our contemporaries have improved the recipe. They are advised to use vegetable oil and cooking oil in equal shares. They say that donuts are not so fat, and softness is maintained for a couple of days after baking.

However, the principle of frying remains.No cauldron - take a deep pan. Fat with oil warms up well. When the mixture is almost boiling, pieces of dough are thrown into the container and constantly turned over.

Children can pre-roll in a donutdried fruit, a slice of marmalade or candied fruit, and sprinkle icing on the top of the treat. But even without such additions, the children willingly eat the product, dipping it into honey or jam.