/ / Take an analogue of "Yodomarina" or use the original?

Accept an analog of "Iodomarin" or use the original?

Iodine deficiency in the modern world reaches itsapogee. Everywhere there is a lack of it in the environment. Even the sea water is now not always filled with this most important natural element, and after all on its existence vital vital functions depend.

Analogue jodomarina

With a lack of iodine, we immediately go to the pharmacy forwith the drug "Jodomarin". However, what if it is not on sale or there is not enough money to buy it? In this case, you can use the analog "Iodomarina".

There are about 10 drugs that also successfully fight iodine deficiency. Accept an analog of "Jodomarina" or the original?

What is the difference between these drugs and what to give preference to, read this article.

Analog "Iodomarina" - the preparation "Potassium iodide"

This medicine containsinorganic iodine. As in any such preparation, the mechanism of action on the body is as follows: when it enters the blood, the drug “Potassium iodide” is quickly delivered by it to the thyroid gland and begins its therapeutic effect.

The drug stimulates the activity of the gland, cleansfrom radionuclides and other harmful substances. Another useful feature of this tool is that it copes well with the dilution of sputum in the bronchi and trachea, contributing to better coughing and cleansing of the entire broncho-system.

However, the side effects of the drug "Potassium iodide"Forcing many to abandon its use, while the side effects of "Iodomarina" are not identified, and this tool is prescribed even for babies. Next, we take a closer look at the original.

The drug "Jodomarin": application

Данное средство выпускается в форме таблеток.The drug is taken after a meal, washing it down with half a glass of cool water. If your baby has been prescribed this drug, then for convenience, one tablet can be dissolved in a spoonful of liquid.

Side effects of iodomarin
For the prevention of iodine deficiency newborns and children up to twelve years old are prescribed at 50-100 mcg per day. It is supposed to take the entire dose at a time.

Children older than twelve years and adults are prescribed 100-200 mcg. When breastfeeding or pregnancy - 200 mcg.

For treatment: children under 12 years old and newborns need 100-200 mcg per day. Adults up to 45 years on 300-500 mcg.

Doctors do not recommend in this case to self-medicate and insist on monitoring your well-being by a specialist. Also, doses are prescribed strictly individually.

This tool is allowed during pregnancy and feeding. It is also recommended to prepare in advance for the conception of a baby and start taking iodine-containing drugs six months before fertilization.

Analogue "Iodomarina" - the drug "Iodine Vitrum"
Yodomarin application

This drug is available in the formcoated tablets. Its advantages over other analogues: permission to use children and the presence of a special form of release for them - chewable tablets.

The drug has no adverse effects on humans, is eliminated completely within one day and reaches the maximum concentration within an hour after ingestion.

This tool is absorbed into the blood by 97%, which is 10% more than that of the drug "Jodomarin" and its other analogues.

There are also about five other drugs that are ready to protect your health, but this analogue of “Yodomarina” remains its only worthy substitute.