/ / Glaze for gingerbread house: recipe

Glaze for a gingerbread house: recipe

Glaze for a gingerbread house can be made fromdifferent products. The main thing is to strictly follow all the requirements of the recipe. Only in this case you will get an original and beautiful dessert, which is sure to please all your household members, especially children.

glaze for the gingerbread house

Chocolate glaze for a gingerbread house: recipe for step by step cooking

After the formation of a beautiful gingerbread house, you need to think about how to decorate it now. We decided to use chocolate icing for this. For its preparation we will need:

  • dark chocolate - 1,5 standard tiles;
  • high-quality creamy butter - a small spoon;
  • fresh lean milk - 3 large spoons;
  • multicolored powders confectionery - use at discretion.

Make the glaze

Before you prepare the glaze for gingerbread,It is necessary to break the tile of chocolate into slices and put them in a metal bowl. Next, you need to add quality butter and low-fat fresh milk to the dishes. After the bowl should be placed in a water bath and gradually warmed up. In the end, you should get a uniform chocolate coating without a single lump.

How to properly decorate the gingerbread house?

After the icing for the gingerbread housewill be cooked, it should be slightly cooled, but so that it does not completely froze. After that, the sweet chocolate mass should be evenly distributed over the surface of the dessert, using a culinary brush for this. All smudges can be removed a little later, when the icing will solidify.

glaze for gingerbread house recipe

To gingerbread house turned out to be maximallyit is recommended to cover it not only with melted chocolate, but also with confectionery powder. For example, the roof can be sprinkled with white crumbs, and the walls - blue or green. It is also recommended to draw windows, doors and other attributes.

We serve to the table

Now you know how to make chocolate icingfor a gingerbread house. The recipe for this dessert should be known to every hostess. After all, it is such a delicacy that can serve as an excellent decoration for any children's holiday.

After the gingerbread house is completelydecorated, it should be immediately placed in the refrigerator. In this form, it is recommended to keep the dessert for at least three hours. During this time, the chocolate icing must finally freeze.

Serving a homemade delicacy to the table is recommended.in a general form. And only after the children see this culinary masterpiece, it can be safely cut into pieces and presented to the table with a cup of tea.

Make the icing for Christmas dessert

About how to make chocolate icing forgingerbread house, we told above. However, it should be noted that other sweet masses can be used to make this dessert. For example, if you decide to make Christmas gingerbread, then they should be smeared with cream sauce. For him we will need:

  • sugar is not too large - a full glass;
  • cream of medium fat content - a full glass;
  • sugar vanilla - use to taste;
  • creamy quality oil - a dessert spoon.

how to make the glaze for gingerbread

Cooking process

Before you make the glaze for gingerbread,It is necessary to take a small saucepan and pour sugar into it. Next to the sweet product you need to pour in the fatty cream and put them on a weak fire. Warm up both ingredients until they start to thicken. This can take you about ¼ hours. Further in the received weight it is necessary to lay out a small piece of a qualitative butter and vanilla sugar.

Thoroughly mixing the ingredients, they should bethoroughly grind with a large spoon and heat until a homogeneous mass is formed. In this case, all components must completely dissolve. After that, the glaze must be removed from the plate and cooled at room temperature.

How to apply on gingerbread?

After the white glaze for gingerbread will beready and cooled, it should be carefully applied to each product using a culinary brush. In this form, the dessert must be presented to the table with a cup of hot chocolate.

colored glaze for gingerbread

Cooking glaze for homemade gingerbread from egg white

Protein glaze for gingerbread is done easily and quickly. This mass is excellent not only for chocolate, but also for dairy products.

So, we need:

  • egg whites - from 2 large proteins (can be more or less, depending on the amount of gingerbread);
  • fresh lemon juice - 2 dessert spoons;
  • powdered sugar - 1.5 cups.

We prepare the protein glaze

To prepare a protein glaze, it is necessary to break the eggs in advance and remove the yolks. They can be useful for dough or other dishes.

Thus, egg whites should be laid out indeep and narrow dishes, and then cool and beat at high speed with a blender or a mixer. In the process of this procedure, the product should gradually pour in powdered sugar and pour a little fresh lemon juice. As a result, you should get a persistent and sweet protein, which should immediately be used for the intended purpose.

How to apply?

Now you can answer the question,how to make the icing for gingerbread. It should be specially noted that the whipped protein mass should be used for decorating the products immediately after its preparation. Otherwise, it can settle.

how to prepare a glaze for gingerbread

There are two ways of applying protein glaze.The first involves the use of a culinary brush, by means of which only the tops of the products are lubricated with a white mass. As for the second, it provides for the use of large packagings. In it it is necessary to lay out all the gingerbread, and then add the protein glaze to them and mix everything thoroughly.

In the future, the product should be placed on a large plate on a large plate and immediately fed to the table. Eat these gingerbread is desirable throughout the day, as raw protein can easily spoil.

Making colored glaze

Sometimes cooks need colored glaze for gingerbread. From it you can make a very beautiful and colorful dessert, especially for small children.

So, the ingredients:

  • powdered sugar - about 200 g;
  • fruit or vegetable juice of any color - 4 large spoons;
  • lemon juice - a large spoon.

Method of step-by-step preparation

Juice for making colored glaze can beuse any. It depends on obtaining the desired color. For example, beet, carrot, cherry or spinach juice is very often used. It must be poured into a deep bowl, and then covered with powdered sugar. Also to the ingredients you need to add fresh lemon juice.

After all the described actions, all productsshould be carefully grinded so that in the end you have a homogeneous mass. It must be removed to a walking chamber and left until the baking is complete.

white glaze for gingerbreads

Method of application and feeding to the table

Apply colored glaze on gingerbread should only after the products have completely cooled down. It is recommended to perform this procedure by means of a culinary brush.

Sugar glaze for a gingerbread house

If you have formed a gingerbread house, but you want to make it glossy, then it is recommended to use sugar icing. One is done quite easily and simply. For this we need:

  • water is common for drinking - about 130 ml;
  • sugar is small - about 250 g.

The process of making sugar glaze

The way to prepare this sweetness is familiar to many from early childhood. After all, it was on the same principle that we used to make domestic cocks.

protein glaze for gingerbread

So, for the preparation of sugar glaze forgingerbread house, it is necessary to mix ordinary water for drinking with small sugar and slowly heat them on low heat. After the sweet product completely melts, the resulting mass must be removed immediately from the plate. If this is not done on time, the sugar will begin to burn, resulting in you are formed burnt caramel, and not sugar glaze.

We decorate the gingerbread house

After the preparation of sugar glaze, it should beimmediately used to decorate the gingerbread house. If you wait a while, the sweet mass will completely solidify, and it will not be possible to pour it over the dessert.

Thus, glaze requires pouring the entire surface of the house, if necessary, spreading it with a culinary brush.

Present to the table

Sugar glaze, cooked onThe above recipe quickly and well freezes even at room temperature. That's why the decorated dessert is not necessary to put in the refrigerator. Serve it with a cup of coffee or black tea.