/ Gingerbread homemade - tasty and fast

Gingerbread homemade - tasty and fast

Baking gingerbread is not a complicated process,You do not even need any culinary skills, unless you are going to bake gingerbread cookies for the royal court. In other cases, you just need to decide whether you want some special gingerbread or ordinary gingerbread for tea. We will suggest you bake homemade gingerbread cookies according to different recipes. Among these recipes you will find quite unpretentious, which can hastily pamper the family. Or you can choose the original gingerbread with candied fruit. The choice is yours!

Gingerbread homemade with candied fruits and nuts

Ingredients based on 50 gingerbreads:

  • 200 grams of dark chocolate;
  • 600 grams of tropical mixture of candied fruits and nuts;
  • four hundred grams of almonds (crushed and without peel);
  • 500 grams of hazelnuts (ground);
  • 25 grams of starch;
  • 750 grams of sugar (brown);
  • 50 grams of special mixture for gingerbread (ginger, nutmeg, cinnamon ...);
  • nine eggs;
  • 400 grams of chocolate (on the glaze);
  • 250 grams of powdered sugar;
  • 25 ml of coconut oil.

Cooking method:

Chop the dark chocolate.Then, using a dough nozzle, mix almonds with a mixer, spices for gingerbread, nuts, eggs, sugar and starch. In this mixture we add candied fruits and chocolate. Then cover with a lid and put it overnight in the refrigerator.

Preheat the oven to 150 degrees. On the baking sheet spread gingerbread mugs and bake for 25 minutes. Let the gingerbread cookies cool down a little.

Chop the chocolate for the glaze and melt it in a water bath, adding coconut oil.

Then half the gingerbread dipped in the glaze and decorate with candied fruits.

The second half of the gingerbread is dipped in sugar powder, mixed with 4 tablespoons of table water (it is necessary that the consistency was like that of glaze) and also decorate with candied fruits.

If you put these gingerbread in a tightly closed jar, they can last even a month.

For those who love honey, we offer the following gingerbread recipe.

Gingerbread house honey

For such gingerbread you will need:

  • 250 grams of honey;
  • 75 grams of sugar;
  • butter (tablespoon);
  • a teaspoon of gingerbread mixture;
  • 450 grams of flour;
  • a couple teaspoons of baking powder;
  • one egg.

The way of preparation of such gingerbreads:

We heat on a small fire honey, sugar, butter and gingerbread mixture, stirring constantly. Then leave to cool.

Next, pour into the bowl of flour and baking powder. In this mass we add still warm honey mass and egg. We mix everything thoroughly and put it on the refrigerator for a couple of hours (if there is no time, it can be for an hour).

Roll out the dough and cut out the figurines from it.

Cut the figurines on a baking sheet, smeared with margarine, and sprinkle a little flour.

Gingerbread cookies at medium temperature.

Ready-made gingerbread can be covered with any glaze.

If you need to quickly bake something for tea, then use the following recipe.

Gingerbread cookies

Ingredients for gingerbreads:

  • three glasses of sugar;
  • a half cup of milk;
  • 7-8 glasses of flour;
  • a teaspoonful of soda;
  • a floor of a tablespoon of mint drops (you can buy them at a pharmacy);
  • four eggs.

Ingredients for glaze:

  • one and a half glasses of sugar;
  • half a glass of milk.

Method of cooking gingerbreads:

We bring the milk and sugar to a boil, stirring all the time. Then turn off and add two glasses of flour, mix well and leave for about an hour.

Then take another warm dough and add ita mixture of soda, mint drops and eggs. Mix everything well and add five to six glasses of flour. You should get this dough so you can roll it out.

Roll out the dough about a centimeter thick and cut out the circles.

The resulting circles are laid out on a baking sheet, which must be oiled with sunflower oil, and put in the oven (temperature up to 200 degrees).

In ten minutes your gingerbread will be ready. The main thing is do not overdry them.

After the gingerbread cookies get a little cool, you need to roll them in the glaze.

We prepare the glaze: boil milk and sugar for about seven minutes, stirring, and use while hot.

Whichever recipe you choose, we are just sure that gingerbread homemade, prepared with our own hands, will turn out to be magnificent.