/ / How to cook chocolate icing - advice to the hostesses

How to cook chocolate glaze - advice to the housewives

What can be more delicious than chocolate glaze oncake or cakes? Probably only the stuffing itself. Many sweethearts prefer their home-made delicacies to purchased cakes and rolls. And so many are interested in how to make chocolate icing at home. Because it is the glaze that gives the bake a complete and elegant appearance, and its taste does not leave anyone indifferent either.

As a basis, you can take cocoa or milkchocolate. The ready-made coating for confectionery products should not be heated hotly on the cake, but to spread evenly throughout the dish (cake, cake), it is necessary to pour the glaze into the center, and then use a knife or a blade to stretch it around the edges.

How to make chocolate icing from cocoa?For this option, we need: 2 tablespoons. cocoa, sugar - incomplete glass, hot milk - about 4 tablespoons, creamy (soft) oil - 70 gr. Combine the cocoa and sugar, gradually adding milk. In this case, it is necessary to constantly mix the whole mass, so that there are no lumps. Then the resulting mixture is put on fire and cook until it gets a liquid creamy consistency. Remove the saucepan from the heat and add gently the oil. Mix everything as it should, allow it to cool slightly and you can water the products.

How to make chocolate icingdirectly from the chocolate itself? For this recipe, we take a few other ingredients: about 100 grams of chocolate, butter - 50 grams, powdered sugar - glass, milk - 5 tablespoons, cocoa - 3 tbsp. spoons, a little starch and vanilla sugar. In a saucepan (or in another container) you need to pour the milk and add the powdered sugar. Put on the heat and heat until the sugar has melted. Gradually add the chocolate in pieces and butter. Then we wait until the chocolate melts. Stir, add cocoa and starch. The mass must be constantly mixed, otherwise lumps are formed, which will negatively affect the quality of the glaze.

You can recommend a tasty glaze of whitechocolate. In this case, we take the following ingredients: white chocolate - 200 grams, powdered sugar - 170 grams, milk - 2 spoons. Chocolate in a water bath melt, then add one spoonful of milk, and then sugar powder. Gradually add another remaining spoonful of milk, whisk the mass with a whisk. That's the whole simple way how to make chocolate icing from white chocolate.

There is another way to prepare this dessert. For this we take:

  • for chocolate sauce: finely chopped bitter chocolate - about 150 grams; water - 250 grams; sour cream or fatty cream - about 125 grams; sugar - about 70 grams;
  • for the glaze itself: cream - 80 grams, bitter chocolate - about 100 grams, cream unsalted butter - 4 teaspoons, chocolate sauce - 110 grams.

How to make chocolate icing?To do this, mix the ingredients for the chocolate sauce in a saucepan, put on a fire and, constantly stirring, bring to a boil. Reduce heat (make it minimal), stir with a wooden spoon until thick. The stirring time is about 10 minutes. Then we take the icing. In a saucepan, pour the cream and bring to a boil, gradually add the chocolate. Remove from heat and stir constantly. Put the butter and pour the chocolate sauce. Again, as it should be mixed, and the glaze is ready.

We figured out how to make chocolateglaze of cocoa, white, dark and bitter chocolate. The prepared dish should stand for a while in the refrigerator. From the glaze you can make various decorations for cakes, cakes and other confectionery. To do this, you can drip a few drops of alcohol in the glaze, and then quickly mix. The optimum variant of density is when the glaze drips from the spoon slowly. Frozen glaze says about a small amount of alcohol, you need to add more. How to cook chocolate glaze for hearts, mesh and other ornaments? Everything is exactly the same as described above. To create a drawing, you can take a thick paper, pour glaze into the pastry bag (you can pour and straight from the spoon, but in this case, difficult drawings can not be depicted) and, squeezing out, make patterns.