It is impossible to imagine a full receptionfood without bread. Of course, now it can be purchased absolutely in any of the stores. But how to bake bread in the oven at home, few know. But he, unlike the purchase, will always be fresh and soft. The process of its preparation is not as complicated as it may seem initially. It is easy to delight your loved ones on weekdays and surprise you with unusual bread and bread made by yourself. How to do this is written in this article.
Bread Flour
In order to bake at home the bread in the oven, first you need to decide on the choice of flour, from which it will be prepared. But her choice should be approached correctly.
If you want to bake bread in the oven at home,classic white, then for him it is worth taking wheat flour of the highest or first grade. This flour is made from durum wheat, which is famous for its high gluten content. Bread from this flour will turn out to be airy and will not harden for a long time, since it absorbs moisture very well.
If you use wheat flour of the second gradeor general purpose, then you can add a small amount of bran. In this case, the bread will have a pleasant nutty flavor. It will be enriched with vitamins, minerals and will contain the fiber necessary for the body. It is worth considering that when adding bran, the texture of the bread becomes more dense.
And now a little about how to bake bread in the ovenfrom other grades of flour. Whatever flour you choose: corn, buckwheat, rye or barley, it still needs to be mixed with wheat. Because only it contains the necessary amount of gluten, necessary for successful and air baking.
The secrets of a good test
The recipe how to bake homemade bread in the oven is easy to find. But all the secrets for obtaining a successful result are not disclosed by everyone.
So, in order to get a delicious and lush bread, wheat flour must be sifted. Better to do it twice. In this case, it will be saturated with oxygen.
In order to knead the classic breaddough made from flour, water and yeast, just seven to ten minutes. Then you should put it up for a lift in a warm place for about one hour or forty minutes. Then the dough is crushed, in order to get out of it the excess air bubbles. After we give it a form and set it up again. For this will be enough thirty to forty minutes.
With a slight pressure on the dough, which is ready to be sent to the oven, the hole that forms on its surface is immediately restored.
The easiest bread recipe
In order to bake bread at home in the oven according to the classic recipe, we need the following products:
- About 80 ml of milk, you can take the usual warm boiled water.
- One with a slide a tablespoon of granulated sugar.
- A teaspoon of salt.
- A small piece of butter, weighing about fifty grams.
- A bag of dry high-speed yeast.
- Wheat flour of the highest grade - two glasses.
We also need sunflower oil to lubricate the form. Additionally, you should prepare the flour. It is useful for kneading dough.
How to cook?
Now about how to bake bread in the oven.Yeast is diluted in a small amount of warm water. Stir until smooth. The result should be a mixture of yellow-brown color. She should be allowed to infuse for fifteen (ten) minutes.
Then melt the butter.This can be done very quickly on the steam bath or in the microwave. We add yeast, warm milk or water, sugar and salt to it. All ingredients are very well mixed. Then gradually pour the flour. Knead the dough. If flour is not enough, then add it as needed.
When the dough begins to lag behind the edges of the bowl and stop sticking to the hands, leave it in a warm place for one hour (rise).
After we lay out the prepared and kneaded dough.on a floured table. Roll it out, giving it a rectangle shape, and roll it up into a roll. Put in a greased form and again leave in a warm place for proofing.
Then you can send the form with the bread to the oven heated to 200 degrees for twenty-five minutes.
Bread "Holiday"
The classic baking recipe is simple and straightforward.but how to bake home-made bread of an unusual, festive look in the oven? This is also not difficult to do. To do this, you need the following products, based on ten servings:
- Wheat flour, baking, about 500 grams.
- Three tablespoons of sunflower oil, odorless.
- Table salt - one teaspoon.
- Two or three tablespoons of tomato paste.
For the preparation of brew:
- 20-25 grams of fresh or live yeast;
- two tablespoons of granulated sugar;
- a glass of warm water.
It is also worth preparing a yolk from a chicken egg, for lubricating the surface of the bread. The flour product itself can be sprinkled on top of sesame or sunflower seeds.
How to cook?
Well, now about how to bake bread in the oven according to this recipe.
First prepare the dough to make the doughit was airy and soft. To do this, in a glass with warm water dissolve granulated sugar and yeast. All thoroughly mixed, shifted to a deep bowl. It should be covered with cling film. Leave in a warm place for 15-20 minutes. Opara should rise well. Add sunflower oil and salt to it. Stir and begin to sift flour into the bowl. Knead soft dough, it should not stick to your hands. We cut one third of it off and mix it with tomato paste. As a result, the dough will get a nice carrot color. We remove both pieces of dough in a warm place to lift, covered with a towel for 60 minutes.
We form small pieces of both dough pieces."Sausages", the same length. We roll one of them into a rectangular bed. We lay out the rest of the dough on it, in random order. And we pin the edges, as if wrapping them in a towel.
Put the future harvesting of bread in the greasedbutter the baking dish seam down and put in the oven, preheated to 200 degrees for thirty minutes. The surface of the bread grease with beaten egg yolk and sprinkle with sesame.