/ / What is bran? Benefits, dishes and recipes

What is bran? Benefits, dishes and recipes

What is bran?In the process of processing wheat into high-quality flour of the first and highest grades, a kind of “side waste” appears. It is this mixture consisting of unrefined grains and residues of the peel, and is bran. Most of them are used in livestock and poultry farming as feed for cattle, piglets and young birds. And better bran, having undergone the necessary processing, turn into a dietary product of healthy nutrition.

what is bran

Bran: Calorie and nutritional value

High fiber content lowers significantlyenergy value of this product. Thus, a hundred grams of bran contains only 3.4 g of fat and 14.2 g of proteins. But carbohydrates - 46.3 g. Total calories - 270 Kcal. This clearly shows that this product is “easy” for your stomach, but at the same time it gives a feeling of fullness, which is associated with “swelling”. This property is widely used when including a variety of bran dishes - porridge, bread, raw bran in combination with dried fruit and kefir in the diet for weight loss. Therefore, lovers of light food have long been familiar with what bran is, firsthand.

Where can I buy?

Проблема состоит в том, что в обычном магазине в the result of a long search, you will not find the right product on the shelves. And after contacting the employees of the supermarket, the sellers may ask you: “What is a bran for baking?” Therefore, you can purchase the desired product in several ways:

- in specialized stores such as "Bakery House" or "All for Baking";

- in online stores;

- in pharmacies (department "For diabetics").

Bread with bran in bread maker

bran calorie

Such baking is very useful for digestion, soas it is saturated with fiber and contributes to the removal of toxins, and therefore leads to a general improvement of the body. Usually it is included in the diet of patients with diabetes or for weight loss, replacing them with the usual white flour flour. If you decide to try baking bran bread according to the recipe below, purchase all the necessary products in advance. The use of a bread machine is more rational, since it will do everything for you exactly as it should, the main thing is to choose the right mode of operation (usually there are different recipes in the instructions). Experienced housewives can try to bake bread in an ordinary oven, allowing the dough to wander in a warm place for the necessary time.


bread with bran in the bread maker

- warm water - 390 ml;

- milk - 70 ml;

- wheat flour - 420 g;

- finely ground wheat bran - 210 g;

- Sunflower oil - half a tablespoon;

- salt - one and a half teaspoons;

- dry "fast" yeast - two and a half teaspoons.


  1. Put all the ingredients in a container in the following order: water, milk, butter, salt. Then pour flour, bran and yeast.
  2. Place the mold in the bread maker.
  3. 1.5 hours before the end of work of the bread machine, remove the dough and, putting it in the bread pan, put it back.
  4. In 20 minutes until the end of baking, wet the top of the roll with water using a brush.
  5. Ready bread reach on a wooden stand and cover with a paper napkin or towel, leave to cool.

Удачно гармонирует такой хлеб в бутербродах со butter and lightly salted fish. The result will be equivalent to the acquired loaf in the bakery. And now you probably will know what bran is, having tasted them.