/ How to identify palm oil in milk? How to determine the presence of palm oil in milk at home?

How to determine palm oil in milk? How to determine the presence of palm oil in milk at home?

Today it becomes more difficult to find naturalFood. Even in ordinary drinking milk, which, it would seem, does not even need to be replaced, you can find skimmed milk powder and palm oil. At first glance, there is nothing wrong with this, because the taste does not suffer too much. Yes, indeed, but if you look deeper, it turns out that instead of a useful drink, we get a completely unambiguous product. Today we will try to find ways how to determine palm oil in milk, because the consumer must know what is being sold to him.

how to determine palm oil in milk

What is palm oil?

This is vegetable fat, which is derived from fruitsoil palm. And the oil, which is squeezed out of the seeds of the same palm, is called palm kernel. In Russia, it was used only recently, but immediately gained popularity among food producers. But if we consider European countries, here it has been widely used for many decades, this is due to its cheapness and affordability, as well as resistance to oxidation, so that the oil itself and the products prepared with its addition are stored for a very long time.

Where can you find palm oil today?

Surprisingly, it is much easier to listproducts where it is not. Below, we'll talk about how to identify palm oil in milk and other dairy products, but for now, let's take a moment to look at the products in which it is most commonly found. Basically it is the food industry. It is used for cooking wafers and biscuits, cakes and creams, it is on it that they cook semi-finished products, prepare famous burgers and popcorn. Palm oil is an indispensable component of processed cheese and condensed milk, combined oils. It is added today in cottage cheese, it is replaced by milk fat, in general, almost any modern recipe does not do without palm oil.

how to determine the presence of palm oil in milk at home

Useful properties of this product

If this oil is so widely used in allworld, then perhaps this is due to its high utility for the body? In fact, palm oil contains a large number of carotenoids, that is, the strongest antioxidants, which are very important for our body. However, they mostly affect the skin and hair, which is used with great success among cosmetics manufacturers. This oil contains a huge amount of vitamin E, which fights with aging. A lot in palm oil and unsaturated fats, oleic and linoleic acid. But does this value of the product justify its presence in almost every food and how to identify palm oil in milk, cottage cheese and other healthy products that should be on our table every day?

palm oil in milk how to spot

The Harm of Palm Oil

Surely you've heard a lot about thatproducts containing transgenic vegetable fats should be excluded from the diet of your diet. Scientists are sounding the alarm, proving that palm oil helps increase cholesterol levels in the blood, the rapid development of atherosclerosis and causes various metabolic disorders inside the body. And it's not even in the oil itself. In fact, it is much closer in its characteristics to animal fat than vegetable. This is a very refractory fat, which, perhaps, benefits the body, but in minimal quantities. But the fact that today it does not add to its products only a lazy producer, and leads to the fact that we absorb a huge amount of palm oil, without knowing it.

That's why today we want to talk abouthow to identify palm oil in milk and other foods so you can know exactly what was on your table. Although often even a thorough home investigation is not able to help you, because there are a lot of unscrupulous producers who tend to get as much as possible of the final product with minimal investments in the form of quality products and sell it under the natural brand.

If we talk about dairy products, then to theirthe choice should be approached especially carefully, because most often we take them for their children. Carefully examine the packaging, in addition to the use of palm oil, unscrupulous manufacturers also paint the milk white. Milk is most often produced by adding non-fat powder to water and then adding fat more. But the mixture turns gray. Then in the course goes the addition of E-171. Just a few drops, and the drink is snow-white again, and in fact you will drink paint.

how to determine the presence of palm oil in milk

Can palm oil based products be eaten?

Generally, this product cannot be called harmful ordangerous, with the same success can be written in the same list of pork fat, butter and other products. However, no one forces you to eat them if you do not want to. Avoiding the use of palm oil is almost impossible. Almost all pastry, cookies, candy - it is solid palm oil. But if sweets can still be discarded, then dairy and fermented milk products are what is considered healthy food and are recommended for daily consumption.

Nutritionists say that this fat isdangerous enough for the body if it enters it in large quantities. High melting point (39-40 degrees) leads to the fact that it is practically not processed by the body. It becomes a kind of plasticine, which accumulates on the walls of blood vessels, slags the body and provokes weight gain. Indirectly, this product can cause the development of cardiovascular and oncological diseases. Therefore, it is worth thinking about eating only village milk, cottage cheese and sour cream, as well as baking tea cakes at home.

milk with palm oil how to determine

Pros palm oil for manufacturers

Конечно, никто бы не стал столь широко use this product if it were not justified from an economic point of view. In addition to the low price, this product has a number of serious advantages. It significantly increases the shelf life of products, it is extremely beneficial for manufacturers of confectionery. And second, palm oil improves the taste of finished products. It is addictive, because of this it is so difficult to give up fast food, ordinary food seems tasteless. These properties are used by manufacturers, and they do not always indicate the exact composition on the packaging. However, there are ways to determine the presence of palm oil in milk at home. Let's break them down.

Attention to the label

Sometimes the composition of the product is given to us inveiled, the manufacturer expects that the person will not intently study the composition. It often happens. And since it is quite difficult to determine the presence of palm oil in milk at home, the consumer usually relies on the manufacturer’s honesty. However, it is necessary to study the composition. Start with a name. If the package contains a dairy product, a cocktail product, and similar derivatives, it is unlikely that you have natural milk. This also applies to other products. All definitions in the form of "cheese", "cottage cheese", "condensed milk" say that before you weight, 95% consisting of palm oil. Low cost should also cause suspicion. Genuine milk of proven brands is usually much more expensive than others. Finally, the shelf life - the higher it is, the greater the chance that you have a product that contains palm oil. If the composition contains "contains vegetable fats", then this is it.

how to determine milk from palm oil

Detailed study

Compared to all other products, notso often palm oil is found in milk. How to identify a fake, we'll talk more now, but such production is usually not justified due to technological difficulties. This applies to kefir and ryazhenka. Where it is more profitable to establish the production of palm butter, cheese or ice cream, this is where the benefits will be obvious. However, in milk as well, it is also found, so let's identify a surrogate.

So how to determine the presence of palm oil inMilk offhand does not work, open the bag and pour the contents into a glass. Real milk, even with a low percentage of fat, should not be with blue. Leave the glass for an hour in the refrigerator. The appearance of a layer of cream on the surface is the best indicator of a quality product. Now take out the glass and leave it warm. If the next day the milk has not deteriorated, or it has acquired an unpleasant taste, but it has not changed at all externally - there is milk with palm oil in front of you. How to determine its presence in other dairy products, we will talk a little lower, we still have a lot of interesting things ahead.

There is one more thing you needbe sure to pay attention. This is the expiration date shown on the packaging. Only on this date, you can already conclude whether there is palm oil in milk. How to determine the shelf life, we will tell you. Natural milk is stored for no more than three days, therefore, if the date shows 10 or more days, it contains vegetable fat.

Butter or Spread

На сегодняшний день это довольно дорогой продукт, and each of us wants to buy high-quality oil that will benefit the body. Speaking about how to determine milk from palm oil, we have already mentioned that the cheaper the product, the greater the chance that it contains vegetable fat. This also works with oil. However, you have already brought the purchase home. Cut a piece and heat to 37 degrees (you can just put it on the palm). The natural product will melt completely, and a white film will remain on the surface. But if there is palm oil in its composition, it will take a very long time to wait and you will still have solid pieces.

Теперь попробуйте кусочек масла на вкус.This oil melts quickly, has a creamy taste. In palm oil, the teeth get stuck, it slowly melts in the mouth, forming a "paraffin" film. Leaving the oil in the room, you will see that it will soon become soft, and the pseudo-product will remain firm. As you can see, it is even more difficult to determine palm oil in milk than in its derivatives.

how to determine palm oil in milk at home

Cheese or Cheese Product

Probably the first product that failedthe public to the fact that we began to feed fake. More recently, all outlets began to break from cheap cheeses, which seemed to be no different from ordinary ones. If you have no packaging left, you will have to investigate. Cut a slice and place in the room. If the cheese is dense and "sweaty", then this is a palm product. Melted cheeses with herbal additives have a sugary creamy taste, and if left in the room, they quickly dry out and crack. And of course, you can use the same method that we talked about when you were told how to determine palm oil in milk at home. That is, examine the packaging: if the composition contains vegetable fat (especially if it comes first), then this is a cheese product.

Palm ice cream

Previously, delicious sweetness was performed exclusivelyfrom natural milk. Today the situation has changed, a huge amount of ice cream made from powdered milk and palm oil has appeared on the market. And after all, children love him so much. First of all, choosing a quality product, pay attention to trademarks with the GOST icon. If the ice cream has already been bought, then take a piece in your hands and rub it in your palms. If there is a feeling of film, then there are additives in the composition. If time allows, leave the ice cream on the table. The dairy product becomes soft, but keeps its shape, and its vegetable analog melts for a long time and turns into a clear liquid.