/ / Palm olein is a dubious product

Palm olein is a dubious product

Palm olein
Recently in our diet more oftencome across products that are of very questionable quality. So, many of us are suspicious of such a substance as palm olein, which occurs even in baby food. What is this product and how to treat it? Palm olein, the harm and benefit of which is equally disputed by many specialists, is produced by separating the liquid fractions from palm oil, which in turn is obtained from the fruit of the oil palm. Most often, crystallization is used to produce it. It is refined, deodorized, bleached. A qualitative product at room temperature is a light yellow liquid.


Palm olein - harm or benefit?
In terms of its quality characteristics, palmolein is a substance like super-olein. It has a narrow triglyceride composition and does not need additional treatment. That is why it is most often used as an excellent alternative to soybean or sunflower oil. Palm olein has one more important property - it does not oxidize for a long time. This is because it contains a negligible amount of linoleic acid, but it contains many tocopherols that prevent the oxidation of the product.

Palm olein is widely usedbecause it allows you to protect products from carbon deposits, reduces the cost of oil for frying, eliminates extraneous flavors in the finished product. Thanks to this substance, producers achieve very attractive appearance of food products, reduce foaming, avoid problems arising from mixing with other types of oils.

Scope of application

Palm olein in baby food
Most often palm olein is used asCooking fat and oil for frying various products. This is due to its resistance to oxidation. When heated in palm olein, no harmful carcinogens appear. Since this product is 40% cheaper than sunflower oil and stored much longer than any other vegetable fats, it is increasingly used for cooking in our country. Although many doubt the usefulness of palm olein, scientists talk about its effects on human health. It, according to many, is similar to the influence of olive oil.

Palm olein in baby food

Несмотря на все полезные свойства данного product, as a rule, people prefer to avoid it as part of baby food. This is due to the fact that children are much more sensitive than adults to the chemical composition of food. Specialists confirm the opinion that palm olein reduces the absorption of calcium from infant formula containing it. This substance also contributes to increased appetite, which often leads to overeating, which for a long time contributes to the emergence of early obesity. In this case, often on boxes with similar products indicated that they have palm oil, although in fact they contain palm olein.