Everyone knows that homemade kvass from the wort is goodquenches thirst in hot weather. However, such a drink, prepared personally, can be used not only as a thirst quenching agent, but also as an additional ingredient to the famous Russian dish - okroshka.
How to cook kvass from kvass wort at home?
Necessary ingredients:
- rye bread (it is advisable to take only dried crusts) - 3-4 slices;
- dry granulated yeast (for single use) - half a dessert spoon;
- kvass wort purchased in the store - 2 full big spoons;
- granulated sugar - not less than 170 grams.
Features of the choice of kvass wort
In order to make kvass from the wort, itsmust be purchased separately at a grocery or bakery store. It is worth noting that such a product is sometimes sold under the name "malt extract".
In appearance, the wort should be dark (almost black) in color, and also very thick. In the event that the seller offers you a too liquid version of this product, you should not take it.
As a rule, kvass from the wort does onlya category of people who like the dark color of the liquid, as well as a special fragrance. So, for the preparation of homemade drink should be in a three-liter clean can pour in two and a half liters of cooled boiling water, which is required to dissolve 170 grams of granulated sugar. After that, in a glass dish you must add two large spoons of kvass wort, as well as dried rye crust.
In order to ferment the kvass from the wort and get tasty, it is also recommended to pour half of the dessert spoon of granular loose yeast to it.
The final stage in the preparation
After all the ingredients are laid out in a three-liter jar, they need to be mixed with a large spoon, and then loosely covered with a glass lid or just cover with multi-layer gauze.
Thus, the kvass from the wort should be kept inwarm place (can be in the sun) for about two days. At the same time homemade summer drink is recommended to periodically try. And if you liked exactly the taste that is liquid at the moment, then kvass can be removed before the recommended aging period of 48 hours.
Pouring homemade kvass
Present brew should be drained throughmulti-layer gauze or small strainer, and then pour it into plastic bottles. Also in dishes with a drink it is recommended to add several highlights, which will give a special sweet liquid taste. Next, cooked and filtered kvass needs to be well closed with a lid and put in a refrigerator for five to six hours. During this time, the drink will cool and gas.
Second life sourdough
После того как первая партия кваса закончится, You can safely put a new drink from the ferment remaining in the three-liter jar. To do this, it is necessary to add wort, granulated sugar, crusts of rye bread and chilled boiling water. Next, the drink must be placed for a day in a warm place, and then processed in exactly the same way as the first time.