Kvass is one of the most popular and favoritethe people of drinks, with honor passed the test of time. It is known that even his first recipes appeared long before the baptism of Russia, i.e. in times quite ancient. But already in The Tale of Bygone Years, an unknown author, listing the dishes cooked in honor of this momentous event, mentions bread kvass, which, among other things, Vladimir-Prince handed out to the baptized people.
Unfortunately, one tenth has reached our days.the wealth and diversity of kvass recipes, with which our ancestors pleased and spoiled themselves. And what is offered to us in bottles with bright labels and beautiful “Kvass” inscription is far from a true drink. Therefore, we will talk today about how to make a leaven for kvass and make a drink at home. Moreover, it can be used in okroshka, turyu, jelly, etc. And the leavening ground will be an excellent basis for the test for cheesecakes, pies, breadcrumbs and pies, pancakes and pancakes. So, having learned how to make sourdough for kvass, the hostesses will receive additional “semi-finished products” for their dishes.
Basic blanks
Настоящий квас делается из квасного солода.This is its basis. Under the dishes you need to take something enamelled - a bucket or pan, but only henders, without potholes and vycherblin, with intact enamel. True, before making sourdough for kvass, our ancestors prepared clay pots and wooden barrels for these purposes, but they could not find anyone in a city apartment, except in a rural house. You need to prepare wheat, or rye, oats, barley or peas - depending on what you want to make kvass.
Зёрна тщательно промываются в тёплой проточной water and filled with clean water, which is equal to room temperature. The liquid must cover the grain mass completely. It is necessary not to forget: before making a leaven for kvass, the grains must be kept in water for two or three days and must be mixed regularly. Then rinse the mass again with warm water and fill it with fresh water, leaving again for the same number of days. Watch for the appearance of sprouts - they must be several times larger than the size of the grain itself. When the “plantation” has matured, the water is drained, the grains are dried and grinded, and then in a coffee grinder. Thus, you got a dry sourdough, which should be stored in a linen bag in a place cool and inaccessible to damp. And pour the wort as needed. If you are germinating grains of different crops, then the leaven should be stored separately for sorts. And if you want assorted kvass, you can, for example, mix wheat and rye. The taste of the drink will be interesting and pleasant.
So when the malt is ready, you can cook andleaven - pour warm water (not boiling water) on it and add yogurt, kefir or beer to speed up the fermentation process. You can go more simple way and use the yeast. But be sure to get honey, fruit, raisins, aromatic herbs, rye bread - all this can be used to enrich the taste of the drink and its smell.
Attention recipe!
А теперь давайте попробуем приготовить настоящий rye kvass. It is called “Monastic”, an old, proven recipe for centuries. It needs: a glass of ready rye malt, two zhmenky raisins (about two tablespoons), lemon, apple of average size, sweet varieties, a glass of rye flour, honey - a tablespoon, some dried leaves of raspberry and two liters of water.
Brew flour with boiling water, definitely cool, andwait until cool. In the meat grinder, scroll through the fruits and raisins, after washing out. Raspberry leaves chop, then all the ingredients are added to the cooled steamed rye flour and pour the remaining water. Mass thoroughly mixed, tightly closed and provide an opportunity to ferment in the heat for several days. Then filtered and bottled. You can add sugar - to taste. And the strained thick is stored in the refrigerator - for new starters.
This brew is good because it is perfectly suited for various fruits - pears, quince, prunes, apricots. Or berries. And add flavor can mint leaves, sage or cumin - to whom that is more to their liking.
Drink to your health!