The recipe for kvass

The history of kvass dates back more than a thousand years, heappeared long before the baptism of Rus, where barley, wheat, rye and oats were always grown, on the basis of which the best kvass was prepared. Preparing a drink in those distant times required a lot of effort from the landlady, as the procedure for its creation was very laborious: from soaking the grain and germinating it to preparing the wort it took about 70 days. Thanks to this drink Rusich experienced severe winters without diseases, as kvass has bactericidal properties.

Today, many ways of cooking kvass are lost: pear, apple, mint, peasant and other species are forgotten.

Modern industry has remade the recipekvass beyond recognition. The sweet substitutes sold in stores with the taste of this drink have very little in common, so we suggest you prepare real kvass by yourself.

The recipe for kvass today is based on kvasconcentrate, and to prepare a drink you just need to stock up on this ingredient. And the process of preparation is very simple. By the way, the concentrate can be successfully replaced with toasted breadcrumbs.

Bread kvass

The recipe recommends a kilogram of black breadcut into cubes, dry in the oven. Then add 6 liters of boiling water to 10-12 hours, then strain. Take 25 g of yeast and the same amount of wheat flour, stir them in a piece of infusion from biscuits, put in a warm place, let them come up.

To brew 10 g of mint,boil everything and add 300 g of sugar. When the yeast is suitable, you need to pour them into the biscuit solution, add mint with sugar, mix, cover with a napkin, place in a warm place and stand there until thick foam appears. It should be removed, drain the liquid and pour into bottles, not topping up. Close tightly with lids and put in cold. Wait 12 hours. Kvass is completely ready.

The recipe for kvass exists, of course, not one, they are known more than 150. You can prepare a drink in the following ways.

Kvass beer on yogurt

Rye bread cut into small pieces togetherwith crusts, dry in the oven to get a glass of small biscuits. Mix half a glass of beer and kefir, pour half of the crackers and leave for 6 hours to start the fermentation process. For one raw peeled carrots and beets grate on a small grater, then pass them through a meat grinder, put a tablespoon of dried raspberry leaves, a teaspoon of salt, a tablespoon of honey and mix. The resulting mixture diluted with three liters of warm water (about 35-45 degrees), put for further fermentation for a couple of days in a warm place.

The recipe for kvass from raspberry

A glass of berries should be crushed slightly and pouredthree liters of boiling water, let it brew for a day, then drain. Add 60 g of sugar, 10 grams of yeast and citric acid (at the tip of the knife). Mix everything and leave to wander for another day.

Kvass rowan-apple

Rinse a glass of dried apples, pour boiledwater (50 degrees) for about an hour and a half, then scroll in the meat grinder along with 1 carrot and 0.5 cups of mountain ash. Pour the prepared mass with warm water and 2 cups of leavened hazel, leave for several days for fermentation. Readiness is determined by the taste of the drink. Kvass must be filtered, the thick can be left to prepare the next portion (store it in the refrigerator).

In this recipe, it is allowed to mix dried apples with pears, and rowan - to replace aronia.

Kvass on yeast should not be given to children, it is better not to use it even for adults, if you want to sit behind the wheel. For such cases, there is kvass without yeast.

Berry unleavened kvass

Berries (strawberries, blueberries, strawberries or anyothers) must be cleaned and rinsed, then kneaded in enameled dishes. Cook the sugar syrup (a liter of water, 100 g of sugar), cool it to 40 degrees and pour it berries at the rate of 6: 1. Infuse the mixture within a day, without removing it in the refrigerator, strain through gauze. Such kvass can be stored only for a few days, and if it takes longer, the drink is bottled, not topping up to 5-7 centimeters, clogged and tied. Kvass should be kept in the refrigerator.