/ / How to make kvass at home

How to make kvass at home

Even in the old Russian times it was customary to cookkvass from various cereals, such as oats, wheat or rye. At its manufacturing various vegetable additives, for example, grasses, berries or vegetables were used. It differed not only in the simplicity of preparation, but also in the presence of a large number of useful properties that make up its composition.

At that time, each family had its own recipe for cookingthis drink. These recipes have survived to this day and are widely used by chefs from different countries. In this article we will look at how to make kvass at home.

To begin with, it should be noted that both beer and kvasshave in their composition the same ingredients, but they differ in the way they are cooked. So beer is obtained as a result of alcoholic fermentation, and kvass - fermentation of acidic, during which there are lactic, acetic, formic and carbonic acids, and also alcohol, which gives the drink a special taste and aroma.

Preparation of homemade kvass involvesthe presence of such ingredients: one kilogram of rye breadcrumbs, ten liters of water, twenty-five grams of yeast and mint, one glass of sugar, fifty grams of raisins.

The rusks are put in a saucepan, poured with boiling waterand leave for four hours. The resulting infusion is filtered, put into it yeast, mint and sugar, cover with a towel and leave for six hours for fermentation. When foam appears, kvass is filtered and bottled, adding a little raisins, and then they are placed in a cold place for three days.

In the same way, you can cook Petrovsky kvass. However, instead of mint in it put honey (fifty grams) and grated horseradish (fifty grams).

Consider how to make kvass home from apples andcarrots. For this you need to have: ten medium apples, three carrots, half a glass of sugar, five liters of water, one spoonful of yeast and a dry chamomile.

Apples should be washed and, without cleaning, cutslices. Carrots are cleaned, rubbed on a coarse grater and mixed with apples. To the resulting mass, add water, in which yeast and sugar are pre-bred, everything is mixed and left for one day for fermentation. After a while, kvass is rearranged to a cold place for two days, then it is filtered, and the remaining cake is used to make a new beverage.

Another recipe for how to make kvass from oats.

Ingredients: one glass of oats, four tablespoons of sugar, fifty grams of raisins.

Oats are well washed and put intothree-liter bottle, then add sugar and raisins, after washing it with water. All this is poured with cold water (boiled), the jar is covered with gauze and put on for four days in a well-lit place, and after the time has to be filtered. It should be noted that the remaining oats can be used up to four times, each time adding sugar one spoon less.

Consider how to make kvass home from rice. To do this, it is necessary: ​​one hundred grams of boiled rice, one and a half liters of water, one spoonful of raisins, one hundred grams of sugar, a pinch of dry yeast.

Rice is well washed, boiled in saltedwater, recline on a sieve and cool. Add to it yeast, raisins and a spoonful of sugar, put everything in a towel, wrap and leave for one hour. In the remaining sugar add water and pour it rice, after which everything is covered with a film and left for four days. At the time when the film is formed on kvass, the drink will be completely ready for use, it will only drain and add raisins.

So, before you cook kvassat home, you need to pick up your favorite recipe and purchase all the necessary ingredients. Prepare this drink is not difficult. It can not only remove thirst, but also give a special taste to other dishes, where it is used as one of the ingredients.