/ / How to bake buns with poppy seeds

How to bake buns with poppy seeds

A bun with a poppy is a favorite delicacy of children.In view of whether you want to bake them yourself at home - it will be much more delicious! So, let's look at how you can make buns with poppy seeds. If you undertake to cook them according to this recipe, then from the given quantity of ingredients you can get about 20 delicious buns. So, let's get started.

Buns with poppy seeds

At the very beginning of cooking buns youit is necessary to knead the dough - it must necessarily be yeast - so the buns with poppy will be much softer and airier than from a yeastless. It is prepared very easily. First, heat half a liter of cow's milk. As you know, milk has the property of suddenly boiling and "run off" from the plate. Remember that this should not happen - the milk should be warm, not boiled. In warm milk you need to dilute 50 g of yeast. Now is the time to talk about them. Naturally, these words mean that yeast should be the most common - pressed. However, as is known, today many people use not compressed but dry yeast - this is much more convenient. Well, if you are an adherent of those, you can take dry yeast to prepare the test - they will need at least 0.5 tablespoons, but not more than 1 tablespoon. - here everything depends on the manufacturer.

Now, take over the grinding of the chicken egg.This is done in a separate bowl. To the egg should also be added 3 tablespoons of sugar. Once these two ingredients are converted into a homogeneous mass, they can be introduced into the milk. Then there should be added salt, vanillin and, of course, flour - one kilogram for the given amount of ingredients will be enough. After that, all the ingredients should be carefully stirred and kneaded from them with a yeasty dough. However, this is far from the last stage of the test - now you need to enter into it 8 tablespoons of butter, which before that you need to melt. Remember and that the oil should be cooled down - if you pour it hot, then you can not even count on a positive result. After that, the dough is again thoroughly mixed and finally kneaded. Now your task - to wait until the dough, so to speak, will do. To do this, it should be left in a warm room for about an hour. As soon as the allotted time has elapsed, the dough needs to be kneaded again and left again in a warm place, but for half an hour.

After half an hour, the dough will be consideredready. Now you can directly create buns with poppy seeds. To do this, it must be laid out on the table and broken into small pieces, which, in addition, will be equal to each other. From these pieces you need to roll the balls, and then roll them with rollers to oblong layers.

Now your task is to expand into each of theselayers of stuffing. Therefore, now we use only those ingredients that are designed specifically for it. Take 70 grams of butter and melt it. Now each layer must be lubricated by it (but only on one side!). After you finish this procedure, proceed to the next - take 300 grams of poppy seeds and a glass of sugar - you need to lay out one teaspoon of both of them for each layer.

Теперь, когда вы уже разложили начинку, самое time to start wrapping the layers in buns. This is done very simply - each of them is rolled up into a roll and the edges are fastened together. You get the so-called "seam" - so, you have to put every bun on this seam - to make it down.

You've got a kind of rolls - you have to cut each of them in half.

Теперь же самое время приступить к выпеканию buns. To do this, you need to grease the baking sheet with vegetable oil, put the buns on it with the same oil and put it in a preheated oven for 180 minutes for 15 minutes. As soon as you get already almost ready buns with poppy from the oven, they should immediately be smeared with a pre-whipped egg and send it to another 15 minutes.

And at this stage your buns will not be fullyready - now they need to be smeared with syrup, which can be cooked while baking buns. It is made from three teaspoons of sugar and 50 ml of water. It should be boiled to boil, and then on low heat. The field of how you get out of the oven buns, be sure to grease each of them with cooked syrup.