/ / Step-by-step recipe for curd cake according to GOST

Step-by-step recipe for curd cake according to GOST

Baking according to GOST is enjoyed by the owners of the well-deservedpopularity. In the recipe already everything is thought out and carefully verified. True, not all of them enjoy the same popularity. For example, the recipe for curd cake according to GOST was undeservedly forgotten. And completely in vain. Its delicate aroma and delicate texture can not help but like it. And the cottage cheese in it is not felt at all. GOST provides 4 prescriptions. But 2 of them deserve special attention.

The recipe for cottage cheese cake according to GOST

Classic recipe

With the exact observance of GOST's recipes, a cupcaketurns out to be gentle, crumbly and pleasant cream shade. In production, of course, all products are measured to the nearest gram on the scales. At home, not all housewives are used to measuring ingredients with the same scrupulousness. Of course, from a deviation of 2-3 grams, the cottage cheese cake will not change. The recipe according to GOST at home can be adapted to convenient measures (glasses, spoons and the like).

What is needed?

For preparation it will be necessary to take such products:

  • 3 chicken eggs;
  • 330 grams of granulated sugar;
  • 155 grams of butter;
  • 260 grams of cottage cheese fat content of 18%;
  • 16 grams of baking powder;
  • 287 grams of wheat flour;
  • powdered sugar (for sprinkling).

Immediately I would like to note that the recipecurd cake according to GOST, especially the first time, it is desirable to observe even in small things. This will give an opportunity to appreciate the taste of the finished cake. So, it is very important to find cottage cheese in fat content of 18%. It must be homogeneous in consistency, without grains.

Cooking procedure

  1. In advance from the refrigerator to get butter,so that it becomes room temperature. This is convenient to do the night before. It is desirable for softening not to use any tricks (for example, to warm up on a water bath or in a microwave).
  2. Mix the butter with fine crystalline granulated sugar. This stage of cooking is given a lot of time. The mass should become homogeneous, white. In this case, the sugar will completely dissolve.
    Curd cake according to GOST recipe with photo
  3. At the end, add the cottage cheese. Shake again.If it was possible to find only dry, with grains, then it must be wiped through a sieve in advance. Some housewives curd such cottage cheese in a blender. It is very convenient.
  4. Add the chicken eggs. For the cottage cheese cake, they should be large: varieties 1 or 0. Once again, beat until a uniform mass is obtained.
    Cupcake curd recipe according to GOST
  5. Add the baking powder. 16 grams is about 3 teaspoons with a slide or 2 sachets. Mix.
  6. The last is to sift the wheat flour and knead a soft, homogeneous dough. Of course, it's best to measure it on a scale. If they are not there, then about two glasses and a half will go to one portion of the curd cake.
    Step-by-step recipe for curd cake according to GOST
  7. Preheat the oven to 170 degrees.Put the resulting dough in a greased form and put it in the oven. If you follow the recipe of the curd cake in accordance with GOST, you should make the preparation in a metal form measuring 20 * 12 cm ("brick"). The cake will be baked for 50-60 minutes. Willingness, as usual, to test the breakdown of a "dry match".
    The recipe for cottage cheese cake according to GOST preparation
  8. Then curd cake to cool a little in the form,put on a plate and sprinkle with powdered sugar. According to GOST he needs to stand a day in the refrigerator to reveal his taste and aroma. And really. It is necessary to have patience and wait. The cake only benefits from this.

Voronezh curd cake

However, the above culinary recipecottage cheese cake according to GOST is not the only one. And it's not even that many mistresses adapted it for themselves and their needs. GOST also allows the preparation of curd cake for different recipes. Therefore, one more variant of the preparation will be given below. It has slightly different proportions, and instead of butter, cheaper margarine is used.

Necessary ingredients

So, to prepare a Voronezh curd cake, you will need:

  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • 150 grams of granulated sugar;
  • 50 grams of margarine;
  • 150 grams of 9% cottage cheese;
  • a quarter teaspoon of soda;
  • a teaspoon of baking powder;
  • 200 grams of wheat flour.

For those who are familiar with the recipes of cupcakes,it is obvious that with this amount of fats it will turn out to be quite dry. Therefore, first, do not reduce the fat content of cottage cheese, and secondly, a long time to keep in the oven. Otherwise, the cooking process will be very similar to the previous one. Therefore, it will not be long to paint this recipe for curd cake according to GOST.

Preparation by steps

  1. Softened margarine to beat well with halfof granulated sugar. Obviously, as in the previous recipe, you need to get it in advance, preferably at night. Beat also for a long time and at a high speed mixer. However, to achieve smoothness is unlikely to work, as very little with such a quantity of granulated sugar margarine. But it's not scary.
  2. Then add the cottage cheese. Shake again. Of course, there should not be any grains. How to achieve this, it has already been written. Therefore, there is no point in repeating.
  3. Beat 2 eggs in a bowl. If you look at the recipe for a curd cake according to GOST, their total weight should be 80 grams. This is grade 2. Add the remaining sugar and beat well.
  4. Combine both masses and mix gently. Introduce soda and flour mixed with baking powder. Stir until the dough is uniform. It should turn out lush, wet and heavy.
  5. According to the requirements of GOST Voronezh curd cake should be baked in an oval form. If it was not found, you can use the usual rectangular, as in the previous recipe, or round.
  6. Preheat the oven to 170 degrees, put the dough into it (to remove excess air, knock on the table several times) and bake for 55-60 minutes until ready.
  7. Ready cake to cool a little, take it out of the mold andDecorate with powdered sugar. After it has completely cooled down, you can take a sample. Usually after 3-4 hours. This step-by-step recipe curd cake in accordance with GOST is over.

Permissible deviations

Of course, everyone would like to observe GOST's recipes from start to finish. However, this is not always possible. But this does not mean that we should abandon their preparation.

First of all I want to mention that GOSTadmits the addition of cottage cheese cake raisins. It only needs to be soaked in strong alcohol in advance, and then dried on a paper towel. Add to one serving not more than 100 grams at the end of the batch.

Those who, for their own reasons, do not likebaking on margarine, can replace it with butter. The taste of this will not suffer. In addition, GOST recommends the use of creamy margarine of high quality.

It has already been said that cottage cheese in this cupcakeplays an important role. Therefore, it is highly desirable to use it with a high percentage of fat. However, if the house is only low-fat, you can take it. True, the curd cake will be drier than the recipe suggests.

Culinary recipe for curd cake according to GOST

Instead of an epilogue

It is worth or does not need to make a cottage cheese muffin overGOST? The recipe from the photo is unlikely to help answer this question. As with any other pastry, you need to try. Only by experimenting, you can find your favorite recipes. No standards here will not help.