/ / Chicken liver with mushrooms: a selection of recipes

Chicken liver with mushrooms: a selection of recipes

Many are aware of the wonderful combination of tenderchicken liver and fragrant mushrooms. These ingredients play the main batch in many great snack recipes. If you are planning to pamper your family with a treat, for the preparation of which chicken livers with mushrooms will be used, our selection of simple and tasty dishes with recipes will surely inspire you.

chicken liver with mushrooms

Main ingredients

Most often in the recipes you can find a combinationliver with mushrooms. This is due not so much to the compatibility of products, as the availability and prevalence of this type of mushroom. Of course, you can replace them with oyster mushroom, in this case, do everything according to the recipe, without changing anything. The technology of cooking these mushrooms is one. But if you plan to add to the dish of forest mushrooms, be sure to prepare them in advance: boil in water for 30 minutes, pour out the broth, and rinse the product.

Has certain features and chickenliver with mushrooms, a recipe which contains vegetables. Carrots and onions are stewed longer than champignons and liver, so if you plan to cook the dish in the same bowl, first always load the vegetable ingredients.

chicken liver with mushrooms recipe

Suitable seasonings

For dishes of liver and mushrooms can be usedonly a small amount of allspice. Many cooks claim that this is quite enough, because both main ingredients have a fairly pronounced taste. But you can apply any favorite spices. For example, with rosemary it turns out very fragrant chicken liver with mushrooms. Dried paprika gives the dish not only an appetizing smell, but also a wonderful shade. A mixture of crushed garlic and a small amount of chili pepper will add spice and spice. Perfect for similar dishes capers. At the same time, the taste of the main components will not be lost behind the train of aromas and aftertastes, but will remain just as gentle and expressive.

Stewed chicken liver with mushrooms

The easiest recipe for cooking greatmeals involves the use of liver and mushrooms in equal parts. Luke should be half. That is, a pound of liver and the same amount of mushrooms you need 250 g of onions.

Cut the onion into small cubes and immediately sendin a pan with hot fat. When it is steamed, load up the mushrooms for it. The liver can be left intact or cut into 2-3 pieces. Spread it evenly over the onions and mushrooms and cover with a lid. Extinguish about 10 minutes, remove the lid and cook until ready. Cooking time depends on the size of the pieces of the liver, but in any case takes very little time. At the very end of cooking, add some salt and seasonings. Fans of gravy at this stage can add half a glass of broth or boiling water.

If you want the dish turned out to be tender, use butter for frying.

flavored chicken liver with mushrooms

How to cook pate

Chicken liver with mushrooms is an excellent basis for making pastes. There are several ways to prepare products, you can use the one that you consider the most appropriate:

  • cooking in a double boiler;
  • boiling;
  • roasting in the oven;
  • roasting in a pan.

chicken liver with mushrooms recipe

If you plan to use for cookingonion, in any case it is better to fry or bake. The proportions of the products can be adjusted to your liking, but, as a rule, mushrooms, liver and butter are taken in equal quantities for the paste. Kill the components to a puree state, you can use a combine, meat grinder, blender. Serve the pie with bread, toast, crackers or use for stuffing tartlets, volovanov, pancakes.

French tradition

The French widely use the combination of these components in their sophisticated kitchen. If you are interested in chicken liver with mushrooms in French, you can cook this dish according to the following recipe.

Rinse half a kilo of liver under running water and cut into strips. 300 g of mushrooms clean, rinse, chop coarsely. Chop the onions as you like.

Mix in a plate 3 tbsp. l flour, 0.5 tspCoriander, 0.5 tsp. seasonings "Provencal herbs", on a pinch of paprika and turmeric. Stir and roll the liver pieces. Fry until tender, stirring, then shift to bowl. In the remaining fat, fry the mushrooms and onions. Combine components, salt to taste, add greens. Shredded parmesan is great for this snack, feel free to add it while the liver is still hot.

To emphasize the French mood, serve this snack with croissants from unleavened dough.

chicken liver with mushrooms in french

Sour cream sauce and its features

The recipe for chicken liver with mushrooms in sour cream sauce, many have known since Soviet times. This dish is widespread in the world. For its preparation usually use such products:

  • a pound of liver;
  • 0.3 kg of mushrooms;
  • onions, carrots - 2 pieces;
  • sour cream - 0.5 glass.

recipe for chicken liver with mushrooms in sour cream sauce

In addition, we need oil, salt and spices.The preparation scheme is the same: first send onions to the pan, then carrots, after 15 minutes mushrooms, and then liver. Fry, then stew until done. At the end, add sour cream, mix and season.

Serve and side dish

Куриная печень с грибами отлично подходит для everyday menu. This dish is usually served with cereal side dishes. It is well combined with different types of pasta. You can serve it as a separate dish with vegetable salad.