/ / Canned tuna - the basis for the preparation of a variety of dishes

Tuna canned - the basis for cooking a variety of dishes

Probably every hostess in the kitchen cabinets andThe refrigerator has its own “strategic reserve”, that is, a certain set of products that can be stored for a long time, and if necessary, you can quickly cook dinner or treats for unexpected guests.

A jar of fish can become part of such a “stock”canned food, good today the choice of this type of products is quite wide. For example, if you have canned tuna in your locker, then you can cook a variety of dishes within minutes.

It should be noted that canned tunaDifferent prices are produced and almost always the price is a quality indicator. Fish, canned in pieces, is more expensive than in the form of flakes. The last version of canned food can be used except for cooking meatballs or some types of salads. The most expensive option of canned tuna is fish in olive oil, but you can use the filling from such a jar as a salad dressing.

There are many different dishes that include canned tuna. We will give some recipes of these in this article.

So, a light and juicy salad of canned tuna, which can be quickly cooked, if guests unexpectedly came to you.

Нам потребуется двести пятьдесят грамм тунца, canned in its own juice, one small jar of pitted olives, paprika (preferably red), two tomatoes, half an onion. For refueling, you will need to take two tablespoons of lemon juice and olive oil, pepper and salt, as well as fresh greens.

Spread canned tuna in a bowl, drainwith a liquid, and knead the fish with a fork. Cut vegetables into small cubes and add to fish. Season salad and fill with a mixture of butter and lemon juice. Ten minutes - and a delicious salad is ready!

If you want to cook something hot, thenYou can try to make baked patties. In order to make this dish, we need one can (340 grams) of tuna, a small onion and a small carrot, celery stalk, one large or two small eggs, a third cup of mayonnaise, salt, pepper, dry oregano, lemon juice and breadcrumbs.

Grind vegetables and pass them in a smallthe amount of oil to soft, season with lemon juice, pepper, oregano and add some salt. We take canned tuna, open the jar and drain the liquid, knead the fish with a fork. Then mix it with vegetables.

Now beat the egg with the addition of mayonnaise andPour this mixture into the fish, knead the stuffing and put the crackers in there to give the mass the necessary viscosity. Put the bowl with minced meat in the fridge for half an hour. And then sculpt the burgers (should make seven or eight pieces), roll them in breadcrumbs and bake in the oven at two hundred degrees for about twenty minutes.

Alternatively, cooked minced meat can not be cut into cutlets, and put in a baking dish and cook something like pudding.

If there is no time for cooking cutlets, but you need to make a hot dish, you can choose a recipe from the series “quick dishes of canned tuna”. For example, such.

Put the pan on the stove, pour in a littlevegetable oil. When the oil becomes hot, throw onions into the pan, fry for a couple of minutes, then spread the mashed canned fish (liquid drain) to the onion and mix. Cut cubed paprika and tomatoes (skin is better to remove), put in a frying pan. There we send canned beans. Salt, season, mix and, reducing the level of heating, leave to stew under the lid for about fifteen minutes. Spread on plates and sprinkle with greens.

On a can of fish, we need a can of beans (you can in your own juice, you can in a tomato), two bell peppers and tomatoes, spices, vegetable oil and greens.

In addition, canned tuna can be used to make various sandwiches, rolls or envelopes of pita, pizza, various fish pies.