/ / Love Compatibility of a Gemini and a Lion Woman

Love compatibility of the male Gemini and the female Lion

He is a dear joker, a true intellectual and a diversely developed eccentric. She is a royal person with a huge

Compatibility twin male and female lion
self-confident and brilliant.He attracted her with her sharp statements and egocentrism with a claim to originality. He also interested her with his unusual, witty and independent. Such are the man-twin and the woman-lion. At the first meeting, they wildly interest each other, flirt and start looking. What will be the development of relations and what compatibility of the male Gemini and the female Lion? We will find out below.

Sensual compatibility of the male Gemini and the female Lion

These two characters understand each other, in their pairthere is respect and mutual interest. The Gemini man, the Lion-woman, craves a great love, but each of them puts a different meaning in this word. Thus, the unstable Gemini literally runs like a fire from all obligations, he does not like strong all-absorbing feelings, encroaching on his freedom. He is not going to tolerate boundless jealousy from his companion "lioness." The Lion-woman, on the other hand, craves complete enslavement

horoscope female lion male twins
his beloved, worship himself.She wants a loved one to belong to her alone. Unfortunately (or fortunately), the all-round development and unrestrained craving for the knowledge of everything new and unexplored do not allow the Twins to fixate on only one object. Including the female. Conquering a new peak, he can decide to leave. If the Leo woman is wise enough to shield her lover from unreasonable claims and unrealistic demands, and give him freedom, and the Gemini man will pay enough attention to his second half, they can make an excellent alliance.

Compatibility of Gemini and Lion Female: Marriage

Family life of such a pair can not developvery successfully. As mentioned above, the Gemini man does not always differ in fidelity and likes to walk on the side purely out of sporting interest. At the same time he quite sincerely declares that he loves only his chosen one. This behavior will not be tolerated by the majestic Leo woman. Besides, this lady is too exhausted

male twins female lion
a man with his demands and arrogance.Therefore, their marriage can end very quickly. For a happy family life a couple will need great patience and prudence, caring for their second half and, of course, high moral qualities.

Sexual compatibility of the male Gemini and the female Lion

Where certainly there are no problems for the couple in question,so it's in intimate relationships - so says the horoscope. The Lion Woman, the Gemini Man, loves to deliver unearthly pleasure to each other. In addition, between them at first sight there is an irresistible sexual craving, which does not disappear even after many years of living together. The Lion woman knows her own worth, and the Gemini man can be conquered by her for life. Perhaps it will turn out that the pleasure that Lioness brings, Gemini does not want to trade for anything else (and no one else). The overall forecast, which gives a horoscope for this pair, is favorable. If the partners decide to overcome all difficulties together, then their feet will have the whole world.