Gemini and Lions - compatibility between themIs it possible or should they keep distance from each other? The relationship of this couple begins as a bright and unusually beautiful romance. And so they are able to remain for many years, if each of the signs will be able to realize themselves in life. But if this does not happen for some reason, then the union will most likely collapse. Stop, let's go in order.

Gemini and Lions: pair compatibility, or How to seduce him
The Leo Man is very selfish, he loves to amazehis darling gifts and unexpected surprises. But this is not done completely disinterestedly: in response, she should admire him and consider her the best. And the Gemini woman can handle it like no other. Only she can sincerely show her admiration for this king of the stone jungle. In order for him to stay with her, the Twin will be not only charming, smart and beautiful, but also flattering. And Leo values this. In addition, he is a connoisseur of everything beautiful and unusual - and who, if not a Gemini woman, can always strike him with a new image and an unpredictable style?
Are there conflicts?

As in any union, there are conflictingsituations that are most often provoked by a woman. Lion-man and Gemini - the pair’s compatibility will be complete only when she has completely surrendered to his power. But the woman of this air sign is very independent, she believes that she knows a lot more about the world. Therefore, he believes that one should not obey Leo. This is where the conflict begins, from which there are only two ways out. First: The twins will crush Leo with their perseverance and will get a bare cat instead of a king of beasts. And second: she admits that she was wrong, and will become a diligent housewife and an excellent wife. Then he will be able to become the very ruler he used to always be.
Gemini and Lions: pair compatibility, or How to keep peace in the family
In this regard, advice can be given only one -constantly admire your man. The Twin Woman made her choice herself long before they began to live together. And now you need to systematically consolidate success, and almost nothing is needed. However, the lady herself wins from this situation - it is more pleasant to live with a confident person than with a loser.
Compatibility of Leo and Twin Women in Love

He is the real king, who is alsoincredibly sexy. He will never limit himself to simply conquering his woman; diversity in love is always interesting. And the air Twins will perfectly support sexual fantasies. And it can conquer it. But never Leo will not be able to know this woman completely. A part of her soul always belongs only to her. A man may doubt his abilities and attractiveness. Nothing so terrifies a strong and courageous Leo as a recognition that he could not give a woman true pleasure. Therefore, if the Gemini is really dear to this relationship and this man, you will still have to try to make him think that he is the best and most unique.
So let's summarize
Gemini and Lions:compatibility of this pair is quite possible and can even develop into the largest and brightest feeling that can be between a man and a woman. But for this both will have to try.