/ / Lessons from practical astrology: the compatibility of a female Leo and a male Pisces

Lessons of practical astrology: the compatibility of female Lion and male-Pisces

Comparing your life with the stars, always followspay attention to certain signs that the sky sends us. Well-timed, correctly interpreted, they help us avoid many mistakes, including fatal ones. Or do not pass by his happiness, flashed for a moment like a meteorite. Especially important tips astrologer in the arrangement of personal life. After all, a family is that fortress, behind the walls of which we often lick our wounds, hide ourselves to wait out the storms and bad weather of the outside world, draw spiritual and physical strength for life and struggle.

Goldfish for the Lioness

compatibility of female Leo and male Pisces
As you may have guessed, the article is not aboutPushkin's fairy tale, but about how possible the compatibility of the female Leo and the male Pisces. Let's skip the lady forward, i.e. let's start with her. Lionesses are real fighting friends. This women are luxurious, bright, energetic, business. Around them, everything boils and boils. It is said about such: in the bed - a courtesan, in the kitchen - the ideal hostess, in the nursery - an exemplary mother, in the living room - the social lady. And with each of their roles or, more precisely, the hypostasis, as a rule, the Lionesses cope superbly. Having the strongest temperament, domineering character, such persons try to subjugate those around them, to extend their influence on them. They want to shine and reign, sometimes for the sake of these ladies are ready to accomplish the feat and even make a sacrifice. Is the Leo and the Pisces man real in this situation? As the stars suggest, alas, it is ephemeral and close to zero. Why? Because Pisces are beautiful-minded dreamers. Like the Lions, they, too, are not averse to living in castles? but only either air, or built by someone. In contrast to the ambitious representatives of the royal sign, the "subjects of Neptune" do not like and do not want to, they do it out of absolute necessity. Their elements are dreams, and everything connected with them: poetry, music, creativity. These are artistic natures, smart, talented, talented. But in order to be realized, they must always receive help from others from outside. This is what denies the compatibility of the female Leo and the male Pisces. Becoming a spiritual and material “crutch” The lionesses are not ready, or rather, they won’t get such an idea. Rather, such a lady would like to get a goldfish for herself in order to quickly reach the heights of social and other, to take a worthy step on the career ladder.
union of Leo and Pisces

Intimate sphere

The only thing, perhaps, is that for a whilecan bring together a couple, so it is sex. Only in this area is it possible to combine female Leo and male Pisces. Aesthetic fish is not only in art, but also in love. Weak character, such men are strong in love games, skillful and bright. They are gentle, resourceful, tender, passionate. As a rule, they have a non-sickly sexual temperament and potency. It is on this basis that the union of Leo and Pisces is formed. But it exists on certain, so to speak, conditions. For the Lioness, Fish is something like bedding, a lively sex toy. They can be together until the bed fun doesn’t bother the fiery women, or their endless prodding brings phlegmatic representatives of the water sign out of themselves. This is where the differences in attitudes, preferences, life priorities, and the rest of the rest will be reflected, what our human being consists of.

Compatibility Fish with Leo
However, for some other reason, it is possiblecompatibility of Pisces with Leo - the ability of the first to empathize, to sympathize, to sympathize. After all, even the proud and forever restless seekers of life's benefits and victories sometimes need to speak out and cry in a vest on someone's chest. Which with pleasure Pisces will substitute them.

Believe the stars or not - a personal matter. But probably listen to them worth it.