Compatibility of Sagittarius and Gemini in practiceis ideal. Practically ... Friends, partners, lovers - like everything that is needed for complete happiness. When you look at their relationship, you will not understand - whether they are friends or they are flirting. They themselves do not always fully believe in what is happening between them. Such strange compatibility. Sagittarius and Gemini combines an easy attitude to life - perhaps, it is the firm foundation of these relations. Everything is easy for them - life, cooperation, sex. One could envy, but not everything is so simple.

Sagittarius girl, Gemini guy: compatibility
A loving Sagittarius woman is something elsepleasure. She looks like a naive puppy, who unconditionally trusts the chosen one. Probably, only the Twins are able to respond adequately to such behavior in their address without unnecessary pathetic. But there are pitfalls: the directness and sincerity of Streltsy can play with them a cruel joke - some Gemini are able to play and try to test the girl for strength. This ends, as a rule, sad for Sagittarius. Then they put on the mask of a frustrated cynic and try to be rude to others, chopping the truth-womb on the case and without. Compatibility of Sagittarius and Gemini implies mutual respect and ability to listen to a partner. In this pair, a heartfelt and open woman will strive for emotional stability, which Gemini is simply unable to provide - they themselves who would give it. In the worst cases, Gemini can be hardened by increased demands, from their point of view, and literally turn a partner's life into hell. However, if the partners will speak and listen to each other, many acute angles can be avoided.

Compatibility Gemini with Sagittarius - is it real?
These signs draw each other, there is nothingyou can write. In the zodiacal circle they are opposite to each other, therefore the strong attraction arising at the very beginning of the relationship is felt as "I finally found him / her." Partners see each other as missing character traits and seek to connect. This is not without sense: the compatibility of Sagittarius and Gemini is first and foremost a complementary relationship. Both signs are young with a soul and possess an inquisitive mind - they will never get bored by each other's society. However, they are in dire need of freedom, but somewhat differently, so it is important to understand that the opportunity to be alone in one way or another is the basis of the relationship. If one of them feels that his freedom is infringed, the war will begin. And the partner may not even understand that in any way it encroaches on personal space. It is best to specify this moment immediately: who needs to read books on Fridays alone, and who needs to go to the cottage once a month without a half. Then everything will be fine.

Sexual compatibility
Both partners have a vivid imagination anda variety of erotic fantasies, which they are ready to embody with pleasure. There can not be any talk about any embarrassment - these are not the signs. The only thing that can badly affect relations is an overabundance of impressions: both must understand that sometimes conservatism is the best choice. For a change.