Male Cancer, female Leo: the compatibility of feelings
Such a union is considered conflicting.Often the Men are Cancers, the women of the Lions start a war with each other, which leads to the victory of only one of them, and therefore to the overthrow of the other. As a result, no one wins. Feelings suffer the most. Leo is an active sign; for such a woman in life, the main thing is the external life, her position in society. Next to her, she wants to see a bright man who would be a match for her. Cancer can have all the qualities she needs, except one thing — the desire to be the center of attention. This sign is passive, he likes to stay at home and watch the romantic comedy together, than to go to another social event, which his chosen one wants. The lioness is ready to forgive him this “flaw”, because Cancer generously presents her with her love and envelops her with romance. If a woman in this union chooses feelings, not social life, then their relationship promises to be long and cloudless.

Economic man conquers home skillshis woman, and she will go crazy with his care. Cancer loves to follow the farm, it is important for him that there should be comfort and convenience around him. The lioness strives for royalty; she likes the atmosphere of the Silver Age in the house more than the sweet simplicity. In addition, a woman can leave her man alone, having fled to a party or exhibition. If the representatives of the couple understand each other’s wishes and accept them, then happiness will live in their home. If at least one of them starts redoing his partner for himself, then the end will begin. The lioness will never accept the role of an ordinary housewife, in which her husband wants to see her. In turn, Cancer is unlikely to become a star of secular society, which his wife so desires. In this pair harmony can reign only with a reasonable compromise.
Male Cancers, Female Lions: Sex

In the sexual relationship of these signs maythere is a lot of dissatisfaction. So, the royal Lioness is eager for adoration, she believes that her man will throw all his strength to bring her to bliss. Sensitive and romantic Cancer will do just that. And what will he get in return? The lioness often forgets about her loved ones for herself. For her, self-satisfaction is paramount. If a woman Leo turns off her self-esteem and draws attention to her chosen one, then this problem can be solved. If you let everything go to chance, then the representative of the stronger sex will endure for a long time, but in the end will go to a more understanding lady. These are the variants of relationships that can develop between such characters as the man Cancer, the woman Leo. Love can always appear, the main thing is to keep it.