/ / Anthurium: home transplantation and care

Anthurium: transplantation at home and care

Homeland of Anthurium - the most beautiful unusualindoor plants - are the tropical rainforests of America. This determines the methods of preparing the soil during transplantation, as well as the method of care for this flower. The plant is not too whimsical, easily tolerating shading and even lack of watering. However, certain rules for its cultivation must be observed.

general description

Anthuriums belong to the genus aroid, characteristica feature of which is a long inflorescence wrapped with a brightly colored leaf. In nature, there is simply a huge number of species of this plant. Most of them are epiphytes, that is, they grow high in trees. In room conditions two types of anthuriums are usually grown:

  • Andre This is a very beautiful variety, with straight long inflorescences, wrapped in a leaf of bright red or rich pink color.
  • Scherzer. The inflorescences of this species are also very long, but at the ends they are bent into a beautiful spectacular spiral. Wrapping blanket from a sheet they have a bright orange color.

Both types of home anthuriums are notepiphytes, but growing conditions require similar. Therefore, the soil, performing such a procedure as transplanting anthurium at home, should prepare a special one. About what, let's talk a little below.

Anthurium home transplant

Anthurium Transplant Rules

A flower purchased from a store should betransfer to another pot. The fact is that usually exotic potted flowers are brought to our country from the Netherlands in the so-called transportation soil. For good development and abundant flowering, it does not fit too well.

Therefore, only after carrying insuitable soil can be obtained spectacular beautiful anthurium. Transplant at home is made in a larger pot, wide and not too high. The roots of this plant are superficial, and therefore they do not need too thick a layer of soil. But the ground area should be significant. If the pot is too small and the roots fill it to the walls, the plant will stop blooming.

anthurium transplant at home

Anthurium, transplant at home (in whichthe pot, we found out that can be produced, including during flowering - the plant is quite hardy. Transfer it to another, larger in size capacity is allowed in winter. However, in this case, the so-called transshipment into a pot, filled with very loose soil, is usually performed without releasing the roots from the ground. A flowering plant from spring to autumn can be transplanted in the usual way.

What should be the soil

Soil anthuriums love slightly sour, goodmoisture wicking. The usual mix for indoor flowers from the store is not suitable for them. In neutral ground it is simply impossible to get a beautiful anthurium. Transplantation at home is in store, but acidified soil. The easiest way is to purchase shredded pine bark and mix it in the ground. With its rot, it will saturate the soil with organic matter while acidifying it. You can also add to the soil sphagnum or perlite.

Anthurium home care transplant

Anthurium: a transplant at home

Как только подходящий горшок будет найден, а slightly acidic soil is ready, you can proceed with the actual carrying of the plant. Transplantation of young anthuriums is done once a year, adults - once every two years. The plant is carefully removed from the old pot and free the roots from the ground. The last operation should be carried out especially carefully. Anthurium roots are very tender and easy to damage. After the land is removed, they should be carefully examined. The rotten roots are removed, and the cut is sprinkled with coal.

Anthurium home transplant with photo

How to transfer prepared in such a wayanthurium? Transplantation at home (reviews about the simplicity of this plant abound, and therefore should not be afraid of this procedure) is made only in a pot with a drainage arranged at its bottom. Anthurium plant is tropical and loves moisture. However, the stagnation of water its roots can not tolerate. As a drainage, you can use broken petioles or ordinary expanded clay. A layer of water permeable material should be about 1/3 of the capacity. The pot is slightly filled with earth and the anthurium is placed in it in an upright position. Next, the container is filled almost to the brim, also trying not to damage the roots.

anthurium home transplant soil

This is how you can arrange a suitablemedium for the roots of a plant such as anthurium. A transplant at home is a procedure for him that is not too traumatic (unless, of course, it was done correctly), but certain rules for leaving after it are still necessary to follow. So, after carrying for some time, you need to be careful when watering. Spray the plant for the next two weeks should be as often as possible. It is impossible to allow hit on just transplanted plant and direct sunshine.

Where to put anthurium

Thus, anthurium transplantation at home after the store is a mandatory procedure. It is also important to choose the right plant for this plant.

The light of these tropical plants love very bright,but scattered. Therefore, in summer, it is not recommended to place them on the windows facing the south side. Direct daytime sunlight will surely cause burns on the leaves. In the warm season it is better to put the anthurium on the east window.

How to fertilize

Anthurium, home care (transplantingproper preparation of the soil allows you to get a beautiful spectacular plant) which is not complicated, however, requires periodic dressings. Fertilize these plants in the summer once every two weeks. In this case, you can use such complex feeding, as "Uniflor-bud", "Rainbow", "Kemira Lux". Anthurium plant is very gentle. Excess fertilizer can easily cause him a chemical burn. Therefore, ½ of the recommended dose should be applied to the soil. In winter, the number of dressings reduced. To fertilize anthuriums in November-March can be no more than once every three weeks or even a month.

How to water?

This plant is rather moisture-loving - Anthurium.Home care (transplanting, feeding, etc.) is not very complicated. However, it should be followed including the rules for watering. Moisturize the soil under anthuriums need quite often. When growing, you should try to do so that the crust on the ground has time to dry slightly. The lower layers at the same time must remain wet. Despite the fact that the anthurium plant is tropical, with the stagnation of water, its roots begin to rot. Drying a coma tolerates this flower well.

Anthurium transplant at home in which pot

What should be the humidity

Does not tolerate anthurium and dryness in the room.The humidity indicator in the room should not fall below 60%. Otherwise, the plant will dry the leaves, and the flowers will lose their color. To increase the humidity, wide trays filled with small stones are usually used. They are poured with water and set on top a pot with anthurium. In this case, the tank itself in the water should not be lowered. In this case, only evaporation is important. Anthurium, which is transplanted at home (the soil should be as loose and loose as possible) which is usually made into plastic, well-conducting heat pots, the roots, as already mentioned, are very tender. Therefore, at least in any way to touch their water. If desired, you can do without a pallet. However, in this case the plant will have to be sprayed very often (twice a day).

anthurium home transplant reviews

Air temperature

Like any other tropical plant, anthuriumloves warmly. But it shouldn't be too hot in the room either. Just fine this flower feels at a temperature of 18-20 gr. In this case - with sufficient light - the anthurium will bloom profusely and please the eye with bright green foliage. The lower threshold of air temperature in the room in the winter is 15 grams.

As you can see, the plant is not particularly capricious.- Anthurium. A transplant at home (with photos available on the page, it will be somewhat easier to understand the procedure) is described in the article in detail. The operation is elementary, and even an inexperienced lover of indoor flowers can cope with it. It is very simple to care for this plant.