/ / Handsome rainforest: Anthurium flower

Handsome man from the rainforest: anthurium flower

Indoor anthurium flower, also called“Flamingo flower” is one of quite whimsical and capricious plants. Its homeland is South America, where more than 900 species of anthuriums grow. On the basis of only two of them, Andre Anthurium and Scherzer Anthurium, many hybrid varieties and forms have been developed that have different colors from snow white to dark brown.

In room conditions are more often grown variousAnthurium Scherzer varieties. The height of this flower, growing in nature in the rainy mountain forests of Costa Rica, reaches 30 cm. It has dark green, oblong, lance-shaped leaves. Their length is about 20 cm, they grow on 10-15 centimeter petioles. The flower of anthurium Scherzer consists of two parts: a bright bract, the so-called veil, and a spiral-shaped cob.

This view does not have a specific time.flowering: under favorable conditions, it can last several months a year. This is an unusually beautiful and picturesque flower. Anthurium Scherzer usually produces several flower stalks at the same time with bright flowers that attract everyone's attention. Due to its high ornamentation, it is one of the most popular species in industrial floriculture: various varieties of anthurium Scherzer are grown for sale as well as bouquets. Its cut-off inflorescences do not lose their attractive appearance for three to four weeks.

His relative, indoor flower anthurium Andre,in nature it grows in humid Colombian forests. Flower growers it is grown much less often, as it is less adapted for existence in a closed room. Anthurium Andre is much larger and can reach a height of 70-90 cm. Its leaves are heart-shaped. Both species in nature grow as epiphytes (in trees), but they take root well on the ground.

В качестве комнатного растения также Anthurium is cultivated climbing, whose homeland - the tropical mountain forests of the Antilles. It is a semi-epiphytic with a long stem and dense oval leaves on short petioles. The flowers in this species are inconspicuous, but its fruits in the form of a cob with large translucent berries are very beautiful.

All cultivated varieties of anthurium areheat and light-loving (climbing anthurium loves diffused light) and do not tolerate drafts. A plant that lacks light begins to turn yellow, and when it is supercooling, dark spots appear on the leaves. The temperature in the room where the flower is grown anthurium, should not be below +15 degrees in the winter and +22 - in the summer. The substrate should have a weak acid reaction and be loose, with good drainage. The most suitable combination is sod land, coarse sand and humus (1: 1: 2) with pieces of bark (best of all - pine) and charcoal. Ideally, the substrate requires an annual replacement.

These flowers like moist air, but water themyou need moderately: like many other indoor plants, anthurium does not tolerate waterlogging. If water is collected in the pan, it must be drained immediately to avoid rotting of the roots. At the same time, the soil should not dry out. It is easy to create a flower with the desired microclimate by placing the pot on a wet gravel tray. Anthuriums Scherzer and Andre need regular spraying with warm water. Their leaves as they should be cleaned from dust.

Transplant anthurium flower in spring.The pot for him should be wide enough, but relatively small - otherwise the flowering will be much weaker. Blooming anthuriums are propagated by separating the side shoots or by dividing the bushes into parts, and the anthurium is climbing - cuttings that are rooted in the mini-greenhouse. When planting plants it is necessary to ensure that the soil is constantly wet, and periodically spray them. Rooted anthuriums are transplanted into separate pots.