/ / Whimsical orchid: transplantation at home

Whimsical orchid: transplantation at home

Many people tend to make their home cozy andbeautiful, in this very help house plants. But one should not think that they will stand silently on the windowsill. Green pets require special attention and care. To very capricious and demanding colors is an orchid. The transplantation at home is carried out approximately every two years, but it all depends on the substrate. For example, if a flower is planted in the soil from pieces of bark, then in one pot it will feel fine for five years. Planting an orchid in moss, you should replace it every year. And if the composition includes expanded clay, then the transplant is carried out every 18 months.

Orchid transplant at home
Over time, the substrate becomes denser, worsePasses air, retains moisture, accumulates mineral salts, so it needs to be replaced. In addition, it can simply grow from an orchid pot. Transplantation at home is usually done in the spring, but there are emergency cases when roots start to rot or they grow so much that they get out of the pot, and the leaves turn yellow and fall off, exposing the stem. In any case, you need to know the basic steps of the procedure so as not to damage the plant.

transplantation and reproduction of orchids
First you need to lower the pot for half an hourwater, so that the orchid is more easily pulled out. Transplantation at home requires extreme caution, because the root system of the flower is very tender and fragile. If the pot is plastic, then it must be squeezed from different sides so that the earthen fell out, with the clay vase it will be more difficult, since the wooden rod will have to separate the roots from the roots, sometimes you even have to break it.

transplanting orchids into glass
Transplantation and reproduction of orchids require specialapproach. After removing from the pot, the roots should be shaken off the ground and cleaned by rinsing with water. Then you need to carefully consider them, remove decayed areas, and place the sections of the disinfection with greenery or sprinkled with crushed activated charcoal. To dilute and propagate an orchid, you can divide it. A plant with too tangled roots can simply be transplanted into a larger pot and poured a nutritious substrate.

orchid transplantation
Transplanting orchids into a glass pot is notis recommended, although the flowers need rich illumination, but they need to breathe. Ideal for them are woven baskets, admirably letting in air. In any case, the pot should be with an opening, about half of the total volume is drainage, it is the orchid that is placed on it. Transplantation at home involves a uniform distribution of the substrate between the roots. Soil should be chosen special, light and breathable, it should contain particles of rhizomes of the fern, sphagnum moss, polystyrene and pine bark.

orchid transplantation
Substrate in no case can not be rammed,so as not to reduce its air and water permeability. Sometimes all the roots do not fit in the pot, they do not need to be put there by force, let them stay on the surface. To retain the necessary moisture, moss can be laid on top of the substrate. After the transplant, you do not need to water the flower, just spray its leaves and leave it in a shaded place for two weeks, then transfer it to the window sill and take care of it as usual.