One of the most beautiful types of flowers of the genusGesner is a violet. This is a unique plant represented by thousands of different varieties, including the violet sunkissed rose. It blooms almost all year round, delighting with unusual terry flowers of delicate color.

Variety description
Violet sunkissed rose is a unique variety with terry lace fawn yellow flowers. In the center of the inflorescence is a dark eye. The edges of the flower are dark pink.
The rosette of violet sunkissed rose is light green, with quilted leaves with prongs at the edges.
The peculiarity of this variety is that when it reproduces by leaf, it can go into the sport with pink flowers.
The flowers are not very large varieties - about four centimeters. When flowering, they form a lush hat with buds gathered in one bunch.
First the violet sunkissed rose reveals whiteflowers. Then, as the volume increases, yellow stains and spots on the petals appear, and the tips begin to turn dark pink. In the middle of flowering pink turns to red, and at the end of the corner turns brown.

How to care
For a long time, people believed that violet requiredspecial care, but in fact it is not. Caring for a violet sunkissed rose is no different from caring for other plant species. If you follow all the rules, you can get a magnificent lush plant with a chic blooming hat.
In order for the plant to enjoy a long time with abundant flowering, it is necessary to ensure proper lighting, watering and fertilizing.
Temperature and lighting
Чтобы фиалка sunkissed rose показала себя во всей It’s necessary to provide it with plenty of light, but without direct sunlight. When placing the plant on the windowsill, it is necessary to ensure that the leaves do not touch the glass. Ideal is the cultivation of violets on the north and west windows.
Some growers grow violets on the shelves. They are equipped with ultraviolet lamps that provide the right amount of light for the growth and development of the plant.

Violet - light-loving plant. For abundant and long flowering, it is necessary to provide coverage 14-16 hours a day.
It is important to observe the temperature. In the warm season, the violet sunkissed rose should be kept at a temperature of +20 ... 23 aboutC. In winter, all growth processes slow down. At this time of year, violets are sleeping. To make them feel comfortable, they are kept at a temperature of +18 aboutFROM.
When growing violets on the shelves, the vital processes of flowers continue throughout the year. With this method, the plant does not hibernate, but continues to grow.
Irrigation features
Violets are among those plant species thatlove moderate watering. These plants can not be poured, otherwise they begin to rot. Under optimal growing conditions, plants are watered twice a week.
During flowering, violet watered with care to prevent water droplets from falling on the flowers.
So that the plants themselves can regulateirrigation intensity, many growers practice the wick irrigation method. It involves placing the wick in a pot with a violet, the end of which is placed in a container with water. With this method, the plant takes as much water as he needs.

In the photo the violet sunkissed rose is very lush. Socket takes a rounded shape with proper care and, most importantly, with a properly selected soil.
The plant loves loose and nutritious soil. It can be made independently or you can buy ready-made soil for Saintpaulia.
To prepare the soil, take a sheet of soil, peat and sand in the ratio of 5: 3: 1. Lay a layer of expanded clay on the bottom of the pot to prevent stagnant water.
With self-draining of soil mixture orWhen buying it in a store, it is important to add coal and vermiculite to the composition. The latter will help remove excess moisture from the ground and increase the time between watering the plant.
Violets have small roots, which are located on the surface of the pot. As seen in the photo, the violet sunkissed rose is planted in a small pot.
Ideally for standard varieties it is recommended to use pots with a diameter of 9-10 cm.
Additional fertilizing
Judging by the photo and description, violet sunkissed roserefers to those types of plants that love to "eat" well. Throughout the year, the plant needs organic and mineral supplements. For senpoly developed special compositions in which vitamins and trace elements are balanced. Usually, violets are fed according to the instructions - once every two weeks.
In winter, the number of dressings is reduced to one per season. However, when growing plants under artificial light, feeding in the winter time is not stopped.
Sort of sunkissed rose is best propagated by stepchildren. This is one of the few varieties that, when propagated by sheets, can lose varietal characteristics.

With proper care violet will be a long timedelight with abundant, beautiful flowering. If you wish, you can get several different varieties, the parent of which will be represented by the variety. Each of the plants obtained will bloom in different ways and delight with beautiful, medium-sized flowers.