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Home Coquette - Violet Your Majesty

Creation of coziness in the house is an integral part of the taskwomen. Room flowers bring harmony into the home interior. Violet, Your Majesty will not only decorate the home environment, but will also bring harmony and tenderness to the family hearth.

Created unsurpassed colors and shapespetals. Cultivated from elegant large specimens to mini-species, it shows great photos. Violet Your Majesty is that inimitable flower that blooms for a long time and pleases the views of others.

Violet Your Majesty

Even beginners can grow magnificent live bouquets on their windowsill.

Botanical characteristics of violets

The plant is ideal for home use. Its gentle inflorescences of iridescent shades, it can charm for almost a year.

Violet is a perennial plant.Oval-shaped leaves with uneven edges are collected in a rosette. The color of the leaves varies from light to dark green. Inflorescences small in diameter from 2 to 4 cm, in different shades.

There is a huge number of different selectionsand varieties of a beautiful popular plant. One of the most popular species is the violets of the breeder Makuni. This group of Senpolia is named in his honor.

Violets Your Majesty the Makuni are distinguished by large double-combed inflorescences and have a large number of species.

Violet Your Majesty Photo

Among the group Makuni should pay attention to certain varieties of violets:

  • "Winter is smiling" - semi-double pink buds enchant a look, and petals look like a delicate lace.
  • "Forest magic" - bright and magnificent decoration of pink inflorescences is complemented by a white delicate border.
  • "The Swan Princess" amazes the whiteness of the buds and the velvety petals. It is impossible not to fall in love with the violet, Your Majesty, a photo and description of which are given on this page.

Violet Your Majesty photo and description

When you look at the flower pot, an illusion of a noble white bird floating on the green waves is created.

Care of the plant

Violet does not require much attention. It is only necessary to observe the basic rules that your highness requires of you.

  1. Flower pot should be small, 5-7 cm in diameter, for young outlets. For a large crown is suitable 12 cm.
  2. A new pot should be given with boiling water and vinegar, which will help to avoid troubles in the future.
  3. The larger the pot, the more claydite or other drainage is required.
  4. The earth needs a loose, well-permeable water. There are various admixtures of fertilizers. You can buy ready-made earth mixture for violets.
  5. Top-dressing is carried out annually, in the spring or summer period. Feeding plants can be carried mullein, bird droppings with vitriol or a ready organic mixture.
  6. Watering is carried out regularly and moderately. The soil should be slightly moist. Excess moisture or drying leads to illness and death of the flower.
  7. Violets like a shower. Earth during the procedure is covered, and excess moisture from the leaves is removed with a paper napkin.

Violets, as a rule, please abundant floweringall year round. Experts say that plants need rest. Preferably in winter. To do this, it is necessary to trim the peduncles within 3 months.

A gorgeous flower needs lighting, but does not tolerate direct sunlight and drafts.

Reproduction of violets

Reproduction is best done in spring at the time of active vegetation.

Violet Your Majesty multiplies uncomplicated, in several ways:

  • leaves;
  • seeds;
  • children;
  • stepchildren.

The most simple and common methods are the reproduction of leaves and stepsons.

Choose healthy leaves and place them ina small container with water. The sheet is immersed in water no more than 1 cm. This level must be maintained before rooting. It is recommended to add activated carbon to the tank.

After a lapse of 30-40 days cuttings should giveroot. After that, the leaves are transplanted into a small pot. Leaf is better to fix with a stick and cover with polyethylene. After 2 weeks, the shelter is removed - and before you an independent flower.

Often, several root rosettes form in one pot. When transplanting plants, they should be divided. From each separate outlet an independent flower is formed.

Diseases of flowers

Violets are fairly resistant to various diseases.

If the leaves of the plant become sluggish anddull, you need to properly inspect the flower. In particular, the root system. Rotten roots are immediately removed, and the root is completely washed with a weak vinegar solution. Thoroughly rinse the pot and transplant the reanimated violet into fresh earth.

The presence of brown spots on the leaves suggests that the flower has been exposed to sunlight for a long time. Diseases of violets Your highness photo below shows clearly.

violet your majesty makuni

The plant needs to be moved to a dark place. Dull leaves will restore their natural color. Injured leaves can be gradually removed.

Trimming violets

Circumcision is necessary for the plant. It is produced, as a rule, in the spring, in the following cases:

  • for rejuvenation, thus stimulating the formation of the root system;
  • for abundant flowering;
  • when old leaves die.

Violets Your Majesty will not only decorate the room, but also clean the air and fill it with essential oils and pleasant aromas.

According to experts, violets have a positive aura. The aroma of flowers restores nervous tension, restores the heart rhythm and has a beneficial effect on immunity.