"Sea Wolf" is a violet that does not leaveindifferent to anyone. Anyone who has seen this miracle of the flora, has an irresistible desire to have such a flower at home. But the beauty of the plant requires careful attention. Care for flowers is the correct watering, lighting, fertilizer and much more, which you need to know for proper cultivation. In this article, we decided to highlight exactly these issues, which are of primary interest to beginning florists.

"Sea Wolf" (violet): description
In nature, there are many different typesviolets, which differ from each other in the shape of the leaves, in color and size. The variety that interests us, externally differs from others, first of all, the size of the flowers themselves. Large buds can reach eight centimeters in diameter. Dark green leaves also differ in large dimensions and beautifully set off the blue color of the flowers. "Sea Wolf" - violet, which was bred by a well-known breeder E. Korshunova. It has in its set a lot of beautiful species, and our brand is in this list is not the last place. Specialists consider this kind of exhibition as an exhibit due to the beautiful form in the form of a bell and semi-double edging of each flower. Moreover, each petal has a pattern in the form of a mesh, which gives the general appearance of the plant a special charm.

Care of the flower
Правильный уход за цветами необходим для того, so that the violet does not hurt, constantly flowered and developed correctly, pleasing you and your guests with its beauty. Very important factors in the care of the flower are:
- temperature regime;
- correct replenishment;
- indoor air quality.
Let's consider each factor separately.So, the ideal temperature for a flower is 20-24 degrees of heat. If your flower is still young, then a higher temperature will suit it, and adult flowers prefer to grow and bloom at 20 degrees. Of course, in winter, a decrease in temperature can occur in the room, but it should not be allowed to be below sixteen degrees. In addition, you must not allow the flower to stand in a draft or near a constantly opening door. Also, the content of the plant on the windowsill, which is strongly cooled in winter, affects the development of the root system negatively. In this case, you need to put a pod under a pot of wood or plywood.
To the flower can bloom, he needs strength.You can give them to them with fertilizers. In specialized stores, there are many different growth stimulants that not only help the flower to develop, but also enhance immunity. This leads to the fact that the violet is not subjected to attacks of diseases and pests. The main thing is to follow the instructions to the drug that you purchased.

Another important factor is the humidity in the airThe room where the violet grows. It should fluctuate around 65 percent, but not less than 45. Increase the humidity by helping vessels with water that can be placed next to the pot. But remember that you can not spray the violet with water, as it is done with many other plants. It is contraindicated to get fluids on leaves and flowers.
Watering mode
Watering violets is regular and careful. Here you need to remember a few important recommendations of specialists:
- watering the violet is advised in the daytime during the winter and autumn periods, and in the morning in the summer and spring periods;
- Water for irrigation should be settled before use for about two days;
- the flower requires moderation in watering, it is impossible to overdry or over-saturate the land;
- by the form of the flower you can determine that it's time to pour it: it becomes sluggish;
- Do not let water get on the leaves and flowers of violets;
- It is better to use the watering when watering, it helps to avoid flooding the flower.
"Sea Wolf" - a violet that can be propagated in three ways:
- Reproduction peduncle.
- Use leaflets.
- Rooting shoots.
All three methods require accuracy and patience,but if you want to have such beauty in your home, then it is worth it to try. Most often you come to visit someone, you see a flower and there is a desire to have the same. The best way to get a copy of a plant is reproduction using a flower stalk. Leaflets also successfully give roots, it does not matter where you keep it, in water or in the ground.

Possible problems
"Sea Wolf" - a violet, which is not consideredespecially capricious, but still there may be some problems. Most often the problem is that the flower becomes sluggish, and its leaves fall. In this case, pay attention to how the plants are watered. When the land is overdried, the plant begins to wilt, but waterlogging also leads to wilting. Adjust the watering mode. It is impossible to say for sure how much water a flower needs and how often it is necessary to water it. Much depends on the size of the container, the humidity in the room and the age of the flower. Watch your pet and work out your regimen that best suits violet.