/ / Violet Buckeye Seductress: proper care at home

Violet Buckeye Seductress: the right care at home

Homeland room violets, so beloved by manygrowers, is east africa. This flower was first discovered by French biologist Saint-Paul Iller in the Uzumbar Mountains. Since then, a huge number of varieties of this beautiful southern plant have been developed. One of the most interesting is the Buckeye Seductress Violet. Tips on caring for her from experienced flower growers are quite simple, but she looks really unusual and spectacular.

Where did the grade come from

This unusual elite violet was bred completelyrecently by American breeders (P. Hancock), but has already managed to occupy a worthy place on the window sills of domestic fans of indoor plants. The main focus of botanists in the United States today is not on the size of violet flowers or the shade of their petals, but on the shape of their rosettes, trying to ensure that it is as accurate and symmetrical as possible. With Buckeye Seductress, they did it to the full. The outlet of this violet is absolutely flat, elegant and very compact.

violet buckeye seductress

Variety description

Thanks to a neat outlet looks like a violetBuckeye Seductress real aristocrat. The flowers are pretty small, but at the same time they bloom on the plant in large quantities. Shade terry corolla are pale lavender. On the edge of each petal runs a wide white border with a green outer edge. The eyes of the flowers are dark lavender, and the stamens are bright yellow.

Не совсем обычной окраской отличаются и листья this violet. The plates themselves are saturated green, have an absolutely regular shape and are thickly carved with streaks. The form they have is absolutely correct. The edges of each leaf, among other things, are also decorated with a spectacular, brightly highlighted against the dark background border of cream and white splashes.

What should be the earth and the pot

Soil Violet Buckeye Seductress Prefersloose, well breathable air and water. Best of all for this variety is suitable soil mixture, designed specifically for violets. However, if there is no possibility to acquire such soil, it is allowed to use this flower and ordinary decontaminated garden soil with humus. When applying such a primer in the bottom of the pot, you must first put the clay, and then a few pieces of charcoal. Before backfilling, garden soil should be sieved (preferably twice). Disinfection is carried out by steaming.

buckeye seductress violet photo

Buckeye Seductress - violet (photo of this beautycan be seen on the page), preferring not too large pots. Flower dishes with a diameter of 15 cm and a height of 10 cm for an adult plant will be quite enough.

Where to put

Like all other varieties, Buckeye Violet Seductressprefers bright lighting, but does not tolerate direct sunlight. Therefore, it is best to put it on the north window. Sometimes Buckeye Seductress and place on the east or west, pre-closing the windows with thick curtains.

The air in the room in which it is supposedto grow Buckeye Seductress should be pretty wet and warm. Most often experienced lovers of indoor plants set this elite violet in the kitchen. In this room, and especially during cooking, for Buckeye Seductress simply ideal conditions are created in terms of heat and humidity.

buckeye seductress violet photo and description

In a draft this plant can not be installedin no case. Otherwise, it will definitely start to hurt. In order for the violet outlet to always have a neat shape, the flower should be turned about once every two weeks to the other side.

Buckeye Seductress Violet: Plant Care

Of course, like any other plant, thiswhen growing a variety, it is necessary to pay enough attention. Just put a flower on the windowsill and forget about it, of course, impossible. Buckeye Seductress violet care mainly consists of timely watering and fertilization. Also, the plant needs from time to time to remove the weak leaves of the first tier. If the stem below is exposed at the same time, it should be slightly sprinkled with earth.

How to water

Увлажнять почву под Buckeye Seductress следует не too often. Overflows this variety does not like. If there is too much water, the roots of the violet may start to rot. Determining that a flower needs watering is easy. To do this, just drop your finger in the ground. If it turns out to be dry, then it's time to water Buckeye Seductress. The water in the pot should be allowed to trickle, trying not to fall on the leaves and the growth point of the plant.

Violet buckeye seductress care

Bleaching this violet can do much harm, therefore it is only necessary to moisten the soil under it only with well-settled water at room temperature.

For small violets, you should use a specialwatering method. A pot with such a flower should simply be put in a cup filled with water. As soon as the earth lump is saturated with moisture, the violet should be transferred back to the window sill.

How to fertilize

Better feed for Buckeye Seductressjust suitable nutritional mixtures, designed specifically for violets. This variety is usually fertilized during irrigation, having dissolved the acquired composition in water. Feed Buckeye Seductress should be once a month. Increase the frequency of fertilizer only during flowering. During this period it is advisable to water the violet with nutrient solutions once every two weeks.

Winter Care

Violet Buckeye Seductress came to us withsouth, and therefore in the cold season needs additional lighting. If possible, purchase a small fluorescent lamp for a flower. But it is possible and simply in the evenings to include in the room where the flower is installed, a chandelier or lamps. Watering Buckeye Seductress in the winter is not too often. In any case, to prevent the stagnation of water in the pot can not. Otherwise, in the violet by the spring the roots will surely be removed.

The grade endures poor temperatures.If the window sill is cold, it is better to remove the flower from it to a more suitable place. In winter, the air in the rooms is usually very dry. Therefore, under the pot with violet is to put a pallet with expanded clay and water.

violet buckeye seductress care tips

Buckeye Seductress - violet, photo and descriptionwhich are described in detail in this article. This plant is quite unpretentious. Caring for him is no more difficult than for any other variety. The appearance of him, in fact, is very original and elegant. With timely watering and fertilizing, as well as the condition of choosing the right place, Buckeye Seductress will surely please its owners with a spectacular long flowering.