/ / Forced ventilation with air heating. Fresh air ventilation valve

Forced ventilation with air heating. Fresh air ventilation valve

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of ventilation.It is necessary both at home and at work. Usually ventilated areas such as residential apartments and houses, industrial buildings (shop, plant), as well as offices, offices, warehouses and much more. In any case, it is a necessary attribute wherever something is stored or people are, and there is also the possibility of leakage of explosive or toxic substances. But if in the past, natural ventilation was used in most cases, today supply air with heated air is popular. It is about her that we'll talk in this article.

ventilation with air heating

Features of natural ventilation

Natural ventilation, without a doubt,good and has some advantages. For example, for its device there is no need to perform complex installation work. In addition, this type of ventilation requires almost no investment. The movement of air in this case is provided by the difference in temperature in the house and outside. This creates traction, and air is drawn out of the room by vertical or inclined channels. Wind can significantly help, significantly speeding up the process. In the room the air enters through special channels. Previously, they were not, so the streams passed through the cracks in the windows and doors. But the effectiveness of such ventilation does not always meet the expectations. This is due to the fact that it is dependent on weather conditions, which is not its strong point. Nevertheless, well-mounted ventilation with heated air can solve this problem. Now we will understand why.

fresh air valve

Advantages of ventilation

Agree, if we have the opportunityto control the flow of air entering and leaving the premises, why not create a more comfortable environment for work or leisure? But at the same time it is necessary to understand that there is a natural supply ventilation, and there is forced. We are interested in precisely the latter, since its effectiveness is higher, especially in the winter period. But in this case, forced ventilation with air heating is necessary, as a simple fan will deliver only cold air. Often there are special requirements for clean air. Installed additional equipment can not only clean it, but also moisten it, as well as reheat it. Let's understand what the supply ventilation is with heated air, what are its features and how the installation is carried out. There are a lot of important nuances and details that need to be known and implemented.

air inlet ventilation valve

Central and individual ventilation

You must understand that the installation methodVentilation directly depends on its type. The central one is designed to supply air to the whole building. For example, on the production workshop or a large office. In this case, use a typesetting system that can serve buildings of any size. But installation in this case should be carried out by professionals in a phased mode. Any error leads to the fact that the efficiency of ventilation as a whole decreases. Some rooms may receive more air than needed, others less.

A device for servicing one ora few rooms more simple. This kind of ventilation is mounted in a monoblock space, due to this, the noise level from the fan is significantly reduced. Such systems are very popular, and even a beginner can install them.

What is the ventilation valve for?

Many systems do not have this component at all.For example, natural ventilation does not imply the installation of such equipment. Occasionally, a fan is installed, driven by the force of the wind, but its efficiency is nearing zero in calm weather. Although the valve itself is part of the ventilation, it is installed in the upper part of the plastic window. Please note that we are talking about hermetic windows, as wooden ones let air flow through, and condensate and mold are not formed.

supply and exhaust ventilation with heated inflow

In all cases installation is carried out in a framewindows made of PVC material. At the same time, its tightness is not broken, therefore the level of transmitted noise will remain at the same level. Usually the hole is drilled through a special conductor in the upper part of the frame. Installation can be carried out both in the manufacture of the window still in the shop, and already in the finished product. At the same time, the mounted inlet ventilation valve does not require the removal of double-glazed windows. It is very convenient and efficient.

Advantages of valves in forced ventilation

The most significant plus that you need to say infirst of all, this provision of the room with fresh air. At the same time the inflow is very impressive and reaches 30 meters of cubic air per hour. But even with such volumes, temperature fluctuations are completely excluded, especially if an inlet ventilation valve with heated air is used. The same applies to such an important parameter as humidity. Draft is also missing, so do not be afraid to catch a cold. After a while, you will notice that condensation has stopped forming, and you can forget about mold at all. At the same time, the operational characteristics of the window, such as noise and heat insulation, remain at the same level. If you are using a simple system without heating the air (heater), then you do not need to connect to the network. At the same time, the valve opening is almost imperceptible, since it is performed in the same color as the window frame.

installation of ventilation with air heating in the house

Something else about ventilation

Currently, there are 4 types of artificialroom ventilation. All of them are mechanical and are characterized by efficiency and cost of installation. Thus, the supply and exhaust ventilation with heated inflow is the most perfect. Its advantages are that, depending on the time of year, the air is either dried or cooled. Usually, the parameters are changed using a central air conditioner. But modern heaters imply a large number of functions. For example, air cleaning is available in almost all models. For this, a special filter is used, which must be periodically changed.

Domvent fresh air ventilation system

Briefly about the cost

To create a normal microclimate in warehouses,in industrial buildings and other premises, such as schools, libraries, hospitals, it is advisable to use forced-air ventilation with heated or cooled air. At the same time installation in private houses or apartments of such systems may raise some doubts. First, this is due to the high cost of equipment and installation. Today, the price of air handling units with heated air starts at 40,000 rubles. It should be understood that the system is equipped with a heating element, a filter and sensors that allow to determine the temperature in the room and the need for heating or cooling the air. The equipment works in automatic mode. All you have to do is periodically change the filter element.

price for air handling units with air heating


Installation of forced ventilation with heatingThe air in the house should be carried out by professionals. First, this complex equipment is not so easy to mount. Secondly, it is necessary to adjust the sensors, which is also done by masters. Typically, the price of the installation is about 10% of the cost of equipment. For example, the house ventilation system “Domvent” is very popular. The domestic manufacturer produces high-quality valves that have several mounting options. In addition, it is relatively inexpensive, and, judging by consumer reviews, the quality is at a good level. In principle, this is all that you can tell about the ventilation with heated (cooled) flow. As you can see, the systems are very effective, but their cost makes you wonder.