/ / Forced ventilation in an apartment with filtration: how to choose and install

Forced ventilation in an apartment with filtration: how to choose and install

The problem of ventilation in the RussianThe apartments were inherited from the Soviet era, when comfort was the last thing that was thought of. Today, the optimal housing climate is not an additional privilege, but a necessity. This is understood not only by consumers, but also by manufacturers who produce efficient and reliable ventilation systems. However, the variety of designs, models and functions of such equipment is so extensive that people have difficulty in choosing the right system. In this regard, fresh air ventilation in an apartment with filtration can be the best solution as a means of forcing fresh and clean air. If necessary, it can be supplemented with an auxiliary option, which will increase both the quality and performance of the equipment.

Fresh air ventilation device

forced ventilation in an apartment with filtration

Standard supply systemsinclude an air intake, duct duct, fan, air valve and filters. The air intake performs a rather crucial function, protecting the equipment from penetration of water, dirt and insects. This is an external element of the system, so the decorative function falls on it. Air is supplied through the air duct by a fan. Its shaft can be equipped with a noise-insulating coating, due to which the inlet ventilation in the filtering apartment works almost without sound. The valve protects the system from unintended air infiltration when the system is turned off. The most important component in terms of the quality of equipment operation is the filter. It determines the purity of the emerging air. Modern adsorption-catalytic filters not only create a barrier against dirt and dust, but also eliminate the penetration of bacteria and viruses.

Monoblock and typesetting installations

Supply systems can be monobloc ortypesetting design. From the point of view of operational capabilities, this separation is not particularly important, since the functionality in both cases may be different. The main differences are in cost, size and method of installation. Immediately I must say that the monoblocks are more expensive, but in terms of the economy of space, they benefit. Often, consumers have a choice: forced ventilation in an apartment with filtration or air conditioning? Many in the choice of the first option is stopped dimensions. Air conditioners, if you do not evaluate the functionality, are small. So, monoblock equipment also takes up little space and is the best option for apartments and offices. Typed models are cheaper, but require a deeper approach to installation. They need to be assembled as a designer, from separate components, which, of course, requires certain skills. Also the size of the typesetting system is quite impressive.

The principle of the system

ventilation in the apartment with filtering reviews

In the understanding of most people, the intake systemperforms solely the function of forcing air. However, this is not entirely correct. Thanks to such systems, clean air penetrates into the apartment, and polluted leaves through the air outlets to the outside. This model of work is carried out according to the following algorithm: fans provide air movement through a special shaft (channel) into the room. At the same time, the exhaust air is naturally forced out fresh, going out through the ventilation channels. In other words, the forced ventilation in the apartment with filtration, thanks to its mechanisms, provokes the supply of clean air, displacing the waste air. This principle of operation is one of the oldest, but the features of modern systems include the wide possibilities of setting operating modes and the high quality of incoming air masses.

What are the differences from air conditioners and cleaners?

Установки кондиционеров обеспечивают охлаждение of air. At the same time, the equipment does not use fresh outside air, but works only with the masses present in the room. The outdoor unit of the air conditioner performs the function of a heat exchanger, but it is not a forcing mechanism. In turn, the inlet ventilation in the apartment with filtration supplies the house with purified air, and if it has the appropriate functionality, it cools it. It is possible to note the fundamental differences between such ventilation and air purifiers. Again, such systems do not provide air flow, and qualitatively filter the one that is in the room. Based on this, we can conclude that intake ventilation is a multifunctional system that copes with the tasks of air purifiers and air conditioning functions. Of course, the quality of this work depends on the capabilities of a particular model.

forced ventilation in an apartment with filtration how to make

Heated models

Опция подогрева не является прямой функцией, which must have intake ventilation systems. However, in recent versions, manufacturers are trying to include this feature, expanding the optional range. In essence, this is realized at the expense of the climate control unit, which is controlled by a remote control. In the process, fresh air ventilation in an apartment with heated filtration provides three functions at once. Firstly, it performs direct air injection, secondly, it cleans the incoming masses, and, thirdly, sets the optimum temperature in accordance with the user's requests. It is worth noting that in modern versions, automatic heating can independently set up a comfortable temperature mode, focusing on the weather conditions outside the window.

Cooling Models

The possibility of cooling is also important into ensure an optimal microclimate. Manufacturers solve this task by including mechanisms that ensure the work on the principle of conditioning. That is, the equipment includes evaporators and condensers, which allow to control low temperatures. At the same time, the ventilation in the apartment with filtering and cooling can provide a drainage function. This set of options eliminates the need to use air conditioners and air purifiers. Multifunctional ventilation may be sufficient to regulate the parameters of the microclimate at any time of the year.

Filters and their replacement

forced ventilation in an apartment with filtration and cooling

Much of the quality of the ventilation systemdetermined by the filter installed in it. Manufacturers have significantly improved the characteristics of this element, offering today unique solutions in quality. Already in standard versions, filters are able to effectively clean air masses from fluff, wool, pollen, dust, mold particles, etc. Modern ventilation in the filtering apartment also does not do without special anti-allergenic barriers. Reviews, in particular, note that such installations do not allow exhaust gases, harmful fumes and even odors. The most effective are considered to be adsorption-catalytic filters that can act as a reliable barrier against bacteria and viruses, providing a comfortable and safe microclimate. Of course, the full operation of this element is impossible without compliance with the rules of operation. Manufacturers recommend regular cleaning of filters, as well as replacements every six months or a year, depending on the characteristics of the element.

Installation of equipment

forced ventilation in an apartment with seleng filtration

Installation of ventilation is allowed inall rooms where people live or periodically are. This may be a living room, a bedroom, a nursery, etc. It is desirable to place the installation under the window sill or on the side of the window. The main thing is that the location allows you to provide free access to equipment. Next, a hole is formed in the wall. It is important that it coincides with the channel through which the specific intake ventilation in the filtering apartment will work. How to make this hole is not an idle question, since one cannot cope here without a special tool. Equipment for diamond drilling will be required, through which a through channel can be made directly into the street. After that, the channel must be insulated and soundproofed. Next, the main unit is connected to the air intake channel. The equipment is fixed to the wall with mounting accessories and fasteners supplied.

Manufacturers overview

It is worth noting that a lot is offered on the market.models produced by domestic manufacturers. Among these, there is an inlet ventilation in an apartment with “Tion 02” filtration, which is supplied with highly efficient means of heating and cooling, as well as modern automation. Under the brands "Climate" and "Vents" come out cheap, but functional installation, providing a favorable microclimate.

If high performance is required,reliable and multifunctional unit to ensure fresh air, it is worthwhile to look at the Selenga products. The models of this brand are primarily distinguished by a technological approach to the design execution. Almost all exterior elements have powder coatings with anti-corrosion effect, as well as noise suppressants. The features that have a ventilation in the apartment with the filter "Selenga", and the use of removable coal-dust filters. They allow for multi-stage air purification, improving the characteristics of the microclimate.

Tips for choosing

forced ventilation in an apartment with filtration tion 02

Before the choice is to analyze the conditionsinstallation and functions to be performed by the system. To begin with, it is determined whether the model will have a single-block or type-setting model? If finances allow and space in the apartment a bit, then it is better to stay on a monoblock installation. Next, you need to decide what tasks the intake ventilation in the apartment will cope with. How to choose a system for the optional set - perhaps the main question. If the equipment will be used throughout the year, it is recommended to choose models with the possibility of cooling and heating. For summer use it can be limited to just one cooling, and for winter use it can be heated. Pay attention to the filters. As for residential premises, it is desirable not to save money and buy the most effective adsorption-catalytic devices.

Reviews of ventilation

If you compare the intake ventilation with anotherequipment performing similar tasks, its merits will be obvious. Users note that the system is able to regulate almost all parameters of the microclimate. If properly perform the installation, then problems should arise. The presence of protective coatings eliminates the risks of physical impacts, which may be subjected to forced ventilation in an apartment with filtration. Reviews in this regard suggest that modern models do not rust, are not deformed, and do not lose aesthetic value. But there are critical opinions. They are usually due to the complexity of installation. However, the acquisition of monoblock installations allows you to level this drawback.


forced ventilation in an apartment with filtration or air conditioning

Increasing environmental requirements and demandsconsumers to comfortable living conditions contributed to the improvement of climate equipment. As a result, modern intake ventilation in an apartment with filtration, the photo of which is presented above, provides several functions at once, being fully responsible for creating a favorable microclimate. Of course, maintaining clean air requires considerable financial costs. In this regard, ventilation systems are significantly inferior to conventional air conditioners. But the productivity of such equipment is much higher.