/ / Exercise for children for correct posture

Physical exercises for children for proper posture

Formation of a child’s posture isin childhood. During this period, adults should not only check the correct position of the spine, but also create all the necessary conditions so that the baby develops correctly and comprehensively. It is very important to do physical exercises for children from an early age for proper posture. This is not only an excellent prevention, but also a means to strengthen the children's spine and the whole body.

exercises for children for correct posture

What is the correct posture in children

Every child has a certain position whensitting, walking, being in a horizontal position. At the same time, it is important that the head is kept straight, the shoulders are turned, the back is flat, the stomach is pulled in, and the legs are not bent at the knees. Proper posture is not only a beautiful visual appearance, but also a pledge of the full healthy development of the child. In children with an even and flexible spine, the respiratory and circulatory organs function perfectly, the muscular muscles are well developed.

The risk and danger of poor posture

From what position the child takes whenmovements and passive state, depends on the development of his musculoskeletal system and the organism as a whole. Incorrect posture leads to spinal deformity and many problems of other organs arising in connection with this. Therefore, it is necessary from childhood to inculcate in the child the principles of the correct body position, to know which exercises produce the correct posture. For children it is very important.

set of exercises for correct posture for children

Factors that influence the formation of correct posture in children

At a young age, the spine is very flexible andductile, it develops slightly faster than muscular tissue. The formation of posture in childhood can be influenced by a large number of different factors, namely:

  1. Proper balanced nutrition with addedessential vitamins, minerals, trace elements plays a very important role. If the child lacks protein, calcium and essential nutrients, this can lead to spinal deformity, even if all other rules are followed.
  2. Hereditary factors.
  3. Daily regime.With full physical activity, timely and adequate sleep, balanced nutrition, spending time in the fresh air, not only the musculoskeletal system, but also the entire body develops correctly.
  4. Excessive physical activity, improper weight lifting can lead to spinal deformity, so it is important to talk with your child about this topic.
  5. Overweight.It is important from an early age to monitor the body weight of the child, as those extra pounds will impede the full development and can lead to spinal deformity and, accordingly, incorrect posture.
  6. Workplace, arrangement of a children's room.It is necessary to create all optimal conditions for work and rest for the child. Be sure to think about the lighting in his room. Watch how the child sits, sleeps. Choose an orthopedic mattress for the bed.
  7. Exercises for children for correct posture allow the spine to get the necessary physical activity and develop fully.
  8. Обувь для ребенка играет также немаловажную роль, it should be special, so as not to contribute to the development of flatfoot. Many do not consider this factor important, and its influence on the spine is great.

exercises for the formation of correct posture in children

The reasons for the formation of incorrect posture in a child

It is necessary to pay attention to the fact thatthe spine at an early age is very vulnerable and easily deformed. The posture can be influenced by permanent irregular posture while sitting, hypodynamia, flat feet, living conditions, as well as post-illness complications from childhood. In order to prevent serious disorders of the musculoskeletal system, adults should be very attentive to this issue and monitor their child. It is very important to choose exercises that develop the correct posture for children.

Prevention of posture disorders

In order not to make a lot of effort for treatment, it is best to prevent the violation of posture, to engage in its prevention, it can be attributed to:

  1. Muscle relaxation of the musculoskeletal system. It is important at least an hour a day to take a horizontal position to relax the muscles.
  2. Create an optimal workplace with good lighting, especially for schoolchildren.
  3. It is necessary to choose exercises for children for correct posture for each child individually, taking into account the characteristics of his body and physical development.
  4. Swimming is an excellent and most effective way to prevent posture disorders in children.

what exercises develop the correct posture for children

Psychological aspect of correct posture in children

The child must develop personally,he must be praised, supported. Indeed, often slouching, lowered shoulders is an indicator of the internal tightness of children. It is necessary to create the most friendly and joyful atmosphere in the house and in the place where he spends a lot of time (kindergarten, school) so that the child feels like a joyful, happy and full-fledged member of the team. After all, correct posture also carries a psychological factor: all confident successful people walk correctly, with their heads held high, so if parents want to see their children happy and successful, this nuance should be taken into account.

exercises that develop the correct posture for children

Exercises for the formation of correct posture in children

It is very important from an early age to teach a child tophysical activity, which not only allows you to strengthen the spine, but also to create the habit of holding it correctly, without hunching and slouching. Exercises for children for correct posture develop the habit of the desired body position, fix the correct position. It is best to start with movements that involve walking, climbing, crawling. Walking favorably affects the development of the feet, is the prevention of flatfoot. Next, jogging and exercises with a ball, rubber band are introduced.

exercise for children for correct posture

A set of exercises for correct posture for children

Systematic exercise and sportare the best prevention of disorders of the musculoskeletal system. Given the age, physical development, characteristics of the body, you can choose individual exercises for children for correct posture, for example:

  1. In a standing position, hands on the belt. It is necessary to move the elbows back, at the same time shifting the shoulder blades. Take a breath. Return to the original position. Repeat five times.
  2. Arrange hands to the sides and make circular sweeps hands back. Repeat ten times.
  3. Legs apart, put your elbows on his shoulders. Lean forward - inhale. Return to the original position, exhale. Repeat five times.
  4. In the standing position, arms lay behind your back, lean to the right, left. Do five times.
  5. Take up the stick. Extend your arms with a stick forward, leaning in with it. Inhale Come back. Exhale Repeat five times.
  6. Squatting with a stick repeat five times.
  7. Take a horizontal position. Raise the legs alternately five times.
  8. Lie on the stomach, hands on the belt. Straighten the body, repeat five times.
  9. Stand, hands on the belt, jumping for thirty seconds, alternating them with walking (one minute).
  10. Hands put in front of the chest, dilute and reduce. Repeat five times.

It is important to remember that it is better to start taking preventive measures in time from childhood, than to engage in spinal treatment in adulthood.