/ / Final parent meeting in the middle group of kindergarten. Topics, algorithm for

The final parent meeting in the middle group of kindergarten. Topics, algorithm for

The final parent meeting in the middle group is held at the end of the year. It can have different themes, taking into account the individual characteristics of preschoolers.


Final parent meeting in the middle groupinvolves a child psychologist, a tutor of a detailed analysis concerning the physiological and intellectual changes that occurred with the kids during the period under review. A music worker, a nurse and a teacher of physical culture are invited to talk with their parents.

final parent meeting in the middle group

Процедура проведения встречи предполагает и minutes of the final parent meeting in the middle group. A representative from a pre-school institution is chosen for its management. In addition, a chairperson is selected, which the caregiver can become. Parents are introduced to the questions that will be considered during the conversation, they are asked to ask questions after the completion of the theoretical block. The final parental meeting in the middle group is aimed at finding solutions to problems, the development of activities in the older group of kindergarten.

Variant of the conversation "We have become a year older"

To make it easier for the teacher to work,We offer a plan of the final parent meeting. In the middle group, the main purpose of the conversation is to summarize the work of parents, children, teachers.


The final parent meeting in the middle group is aimed at:

  • the development of interest from parents to the inner world of the child;
  • actively promoting the work of teachers by fathers and mothers;
  • the formation of skills of home education.

minutes of the final parent meeting in the middle group

Preliminary activity

The meeting in kindergarten involves serious preliminary work:

  • script creation;
  • the development of the booklet "Summer vacation";
  • conducting a conversation with the guys on the topic "What I like";
  • creating souvenirs in the form of hearts for moms and dads.

Conversation progress

How to start a final parent meeting inDoe? The middle group is characterized by the fact that the children already have certain communication skills, so the caregiver has the opportunity to conduct research on the activity of their children, to identify their creative abilities.

general parent meeting

To begin with, the educator greets the parents,talks about the subject of the meeting. Further, the teacher invites moms and dads to talk about what their kids love. Listening to the answers of parents, the tutor accompanies them with remarks that were expressed by the children themselves. In order to confirm your words, you can make a short video to the general parents ’meeting in which children tell about their interests, hobbies, favorite subjects and activities.

Tutor's speech

We begin our final parent meeting.The middle group, the end of the year, it's time to find out what we managed to do? What to look for? We will have to understand this with you, dear parents. To begin with, we will try to understand what they are - modern preschoolers.

kindergarten meeting

Often adults say that children have becomecompletely different, do not want to communicate, engage, help around the house. But didn't the parents themselves change? The society in which we live is changing rapidly, information technologies are improving, the rhythm of life is increasing. The childhood of our children passes under different conditions, therefore the main task of adults is to help them adapt.

Speech by a child psychologist

What are they - modern preschoolers? Studies conducted in preschool institutions revealed psychological characteristics of babies:

  • in the middle group, the guys are anxious, demanding, sometimes even aggressive;
  • they are sociable, but not always able to concentrate on one kind of activity;
  • children restless, the teacher is difficult to keep them in place during class;
  • many are lagging behind in language development, there are babies in the group who need professional help from a speech therapist;
  • the guys are dependent on electronic devices, there are problems with fine motor skills, the underdevelopment of brain structures, the inability and unwillingness to think while playing the game are revealed;
  • Not all children follow the rules of behavior.

final parent meeting middle group year end

Kids did not become difficult, but simply changed.But they still need maternal love, father's arms, and tender grandmother's hands. Given the social changes that are occurring in our country, we note that it has become much more difficult for parents. Many have to work late. In order to rely on good material prosperity, one has to sacrifice the time to be spent communicating with your child. Do not forget, dear parents, that first of all the baby needs not bright and expensive toys, but attention and parental care. When he grows up, there will be no cars or dolls in his memory, there will be happy moments associated with going fishing, reading books, preparing a tasty cake. Try to find as much free time as possible to communicate with your kids!

Then you can offer parents an interesting test, which can also be carried out with children.

Test for work

Psychologists offer their own for each letterdesignation. If you analyze the initials, they will be able to talk about some personality traits, creative abilities, inclinations. Of course, the results can not be considered reliable, but to look at them does not hurt. What does each letter mean?

  • A - a symbol of power and strength.
  • B - a tendency to serious feelings.
  • B - lack of continuity, inability to systematize events.
  • G - mystery.
  • D - the ability to involve other people in communication.
  • E - resistance to life difficulties.
  • F - lack of self-confidence.
  • З - suspiciousness, financial difficulties, constant dissatisfaction.
  • And - tension.
  • K - essential requests and excessive nervousness.
  • L - great logic, creative ingenuity.
  • M - the propensity to work, punctuality.
  • H - huge energy and ambition.

final parental meeting in dow average group

  • About - excessive emotionality, constant excitement.
  • P - excessive modesty.
  • Р - emotionality, constant tension.
  • C - systematic depression, nervousness, depression.
  • T - the state of constant search, the dream of ideals.
  • U - fear, increased intuition.
  • F - the ability to adapt.
  • X - instability of feelings.
  • C - the desire to hide experiences in yourself.
  • H - constancy.
  • Sh - uncompromising, jealousy.
  • U - excellent intellectual capabilities.
  • E - the constant search for stability and harmony.
  • U - huge ambitions.
  • I - excessive intelligence.

Do you agree with the studies thatdid the scientists have? Do these qualities have children? We are different, but each baby is individual and unique. Together we must help him to show his creative abilities, to get communication skills, to give the child the opportunity for self-development.

Making the protocol of the final parent meeting in the middle group, the tutor indicates all the proposals of the parents for further joint activities.


Parent meetings are important and necessary.form of work in any educational institution is not an exception and kindergarten. The children, realizing that they are not indifferent to their parents, try to show their best qualities, listen attentively to the teacher, fully implement all his recommendations and tasks.

plan of the final parent meeting in the middle group

В качестве завершающего этапа на родительском the meeting, you can use the exhibition of works to moms and moms saw what their children learned during the school year. In addition, the teacher shows a computer presentation to parents, which presents the brightest moments from the life of the average group. Each slide is commented by a teacher, so that moms and dads understand how fun and interesting children in kindergarten are, what they have learned during the period in question. If you wish, you can also organize a comic fair or a joint tea party for parents at the end of the final parent meeting.