/ / Who should go to the kindergarten? Duties of the kindergarten teacher and the specifics of the work

Who should go to the kindergarten? Duties of the kindergarten teacher and the specifics of the work

Have you finally given the child to a kindergarten?The duties of the kindergarten teacher include the care of the wards, the organization of leisure activities for toddlers and the conduct of developmental activities. And this means that in a pre-school institution your child is not only under supervision and learns to communicate with peers. After a few weeks of visiting the kindergarten, you will notice how your baby develops and takes over new skills. So after all, what exactly is the teacher responsible for in the preschool institution and what exactly is his job?

Kindergarten is the responsibility of the kindergarten teacher

Main duties of the employee

The rhythm of modern life implies a timelythe exit from the decree of all women raising young children. The easiest way to let mom work, as soon as the crumb is three years old, is to give the baby to the kindergarten. The duties of the kindergarten teacher assume that this specialist not only monitors the order in the group, but also deals with children. Its competence includes the withdrawal of children for a walk, the organization of the regime of the day and the observance of the schedule of meals and sleep. Duties of the provider kindergarten include and accompanying the group to profile classes for other teachers, the organization of developing classes and games in the group.

Duties of the teacher in kindergarten

What else does the caretaker do?

Should this teacher do self-education,because it is he who makes the plan for organizing leisure and conducting classes in the group. The introduction of new methods of development and conduct of trial sessions on the recommendations of various well-known teachers is mandatory. The tutor, together with other teachers, also organizes and prepares the holidays. The duties of this employee also include working with parents. If necessary, it can even be advice on home schooling with the child and solving the problems that arise in everyday life. The duties of the educator in the kindergarten assume some accountability to the parents. The teacher should talk with everyone, talk about the child's successes, his behavior in the group and learning.

Duties of the kindergarten teacher

Should I go to work in a kindergarten? Everyone will be able to perform the duties of a kindergarten teacher?

Эта работа идеально подходит тем, кто любит детей and knows how to find a common language with them. Most educators work half a day, respectively, for personal affairs of the time remains more than enough. But the teacher, who comes in the morning, should already take his work place at 7.00 and meet the first kids. Requirements for caregivers in state preschool institutions are minimal - this is the presence of specialized education, often to work with joy take young professionals without experience. In order to find a job in a private kindergarten, additional knowledge and skills may be required, everything depends on the organization's characteristics and the personal wishes of the management. It is useful to know if you are going to work in a kindergarten, the duties of a kindergarten teacher assume great responsibility and pedantry. During the day you will have to follow the plan and supervise, so that the same children do. Working with the kids will require self-control, remember that not all preschoolers are obedient. Many on the contrary are distinguished by capriciousness and harmfulness.