Polycarbonate - a material with very goodperformance characteristics. For gardeners, he fell in love more than, and especially as a covering material for greenhouses. The structures made with it can withstand enormous loads, are unusually durable and are used nowadays everywhere. In this regard, it is quite natural to ask how to process a greenhouse made of polycarbonate in the autumn, many people have.
Disinfection of the construction with soap
Polycarbonate greenhouses in contrast to the coveredpolyethylene care is almost not required. It is not necessary to disassemble them for the winter. This material will withstand both strong winds and a high snow cover. However, of course, to carry out preventive measures that will reduce the risk of diseases of different cultures, still follows. So, what to process a polycarbonate greenhouse in the fall?
No special chemical agents should be usednecessary. It will be enough ordinary household soap. It needs to be scraped in a bucket of water in such a way that a not too saturated solution is obtained. This mixture is wiped by the walls of the structure from the inside and outside. For this use only a soft rag. From the hard can remain scratches. If somewhere on the walls are found pieces of soaked dirt, you need to soak them with a soap solution and wait a while, wipe with a rag. Knife or other sharp objects can not be used categorically.
This is not the only way to prevent. Next, we will consider how to process a greenhouse made of polycarbonate in autumn still.
Disinfection using a sulfur checker
Soil treatment in a greenhouse in autumn
Of course, as in any other, in polycarbonate construction, attention should be paid to the ground state. Its upper layer is best replaced with a new one.
Autumn cultivation of soil in a greenhouse in any casemust end with a thorough loosening. In this case, all plant residues must be removed and burned. After all these operations are performed, the construction is closed. In the winter, you can sketch snow on the ground.
Thus, the answer to the question:"What to process a greenhouse made of polycarbonate in the fall?" - Absolutely uncomplicated. Its price is 20 rubles. That's what a piece of laundry soap costs. The most important thing is to ensure that the soil is maximally decontaminated inside the structure.