/ / Diuresis - what is it? Symptoms and treatment

Diuresis - what is it? Symptoms and treatment

One of the waste productsThe human body is urine. It is formed in the kidneys, into the bladder and out of it through the urethra. Specialists, discussing this topic, use such a term as "diuresis". What it is? How does this concept relate to the functioning of the urinary system?

Essence of diuresis

Under this term, experts understand the volume of urine that is excreted from the body for a certain time period. Most often measured daily diuresis. The norm should be as follows:

  • in 1 month - 320 ml;
  • in 1-2 years - 450 ml;
  • in 2−5 years - 520 ml;
  • in 5−8 years old - 680 ml;
  • in 8−11 years - 850 ml;
  • 11–18 years old - from 1 to 1.1 liters;
  • in adults - from 1.2 to 1.5 liters.

diuresis what is it

Indivisible concepts - diurnal diuresis and waterbalance. A person drinks from 1.5 to 2 liters per day. When comparing the specified volume and amount of urine released, the indicator "water balance" is obtained. Normally, it is 75%. Water balance is negative and positive. In the first case, less than 75% is excreted in urine, and in the second - more than 75% of the volume of fluid consumed. Abnormalities indicate a malfunction of the urinary system.

Violation of diuresis

The normal functioning of the urinary system in humans can be disrupted for various reasons:

  • infectious diseases of these organs (for example, pyelonephritis);
  • impaired blood supply to the kidneys (shock, atherosclerosis);
  • congenital abnormalities (polycystic, hypoplasia);
  • violation of the excretory function (urolithiasis);
  • kidney damage during intoxication and severe diseases (sepsis).

Polyuria - a condition in which it increasesdiuresis (rate significantly exceeded). The decrease in the volume of fluid secreted from the body is called oliguria. Sometimes urine stops flowing into the bladder at all. This condition is called anuria. But when experts talk about ischuria, they imply urinary retention in the bladder due to the inability to urinate.

diuresis rate

About polyuria

In this state, daily diuresis ismore than 2 liters. Polyuria occurs in absolutely healthy people due to the use of large amounts of water. Sometimes it is observed during pregnancy. The increase in daily diuresis can also be caused by certain diseases (non-sugar and diabetes, polycystic kidney disease, arterial hypertension).

Polyuria is manifested by increased urination.There are no other symptoms of increased daily urine output. In patients, only signs that are characteristic of diseases causing polyuria can be observed. However, each illness has its own symptoms.

For physiological reasons, treat polyuria notneed to. It is recommended only to revise the diet, to avoid consuming a large amount of fluid. For pathological causes, appropriate treatment is necessary. Therapy depends on the existing disease. In addition to the treatment of the disease, specialists are taking steps to compensate for the loss of electrolytes and fluids.

forced diuresis

About oliguria

Задавшись вопросом: «Диурез: что это такое?, It is worth considering oliguria. When it is about 500 ml of urine per day can be removed from the human body. This condition is physiological, that is, associated with the use of a smaller amount of water or sweating in the hot season. Sometimes oliguria occurs due to pathological causes (with high body temperature, prolonged diarrhea, vomiting, bleeding).

When a decrease in daily diuresis is detected,experts prescribe examination. In the course of it, the reasons for the oliguria are being investigated. Often diagnosed nephritis - inflammatory diseases of the kidneys. In some cases, daily diuresis changes downward due to pathologies of the cardiovascular system.

Therapy to the patient is prescribed taking into account the causes of oliguria. In general, the treatment regimen is as follows:

  • with the help of various drugs, the pathogenic factor is blocked, due to which the daily diuresis has decreased;
  • restoration of impaired homeostasis is carried out;
  • eliminated complications.

The decrease in daily diuresis is quite reversible atsubject to timely treatment by a doctor. If you do not think about the question: “Diuresis: what is it?”, Do not turn to a specialist in time, oliguria will turn into anuria.

daily diuresis rate

About anuria

Very often, anuria is confused with ishuria (acutedelayed urination). However, these are completely different concepts. With acute urinary retention, fluid accumulates in the bladder, but is not excreted from it. With anuria, urine does not enter the organ at all. Anuria can be:

  1. Prerenal. It is associated with insufficient blood flow to the kidneys. This happens with thrombosis of the inferior vena cava and renal arteries, acute heart failure.
  2. Renal. The essence of this pathology is a significant damage to the renal parenchyma that occurs in various diseases and injuries of the kidneys (for example, in the late stages of chronic pyelonephritis).
  3. Arenal. Anuria, which is caused by a lack of kidney.
  4. Subrenal. Lack of urine in the bladder is caused by compression of the upper urinary tract.

Anuria - a condition in which the patient needsin the immediate help of specialists. Before treatment is diagnosed. Then hemodialysis is carried out - extrarenal cleansing of the blood, normalization of electrolyte and water balance disorders. If the diagnosis reveals a subrenal cause of anuria, then surgery is performed by doctors.

About ishuria

Обсуждая тему: «Диурез: что это такое?”, It is worth paying attention to ishuria. This is a condition in which urine enters the bladder in a normal volume, but is not removed from there. The patient has the corresponding symptoms:

  • strong urging to the toilet;
  • bulging over the pubis;
  • pain in the overflowed bladder.

daily diuresis is

Most often, ischuria is encountered by men.They have this condition due to inflammatory processes in the prostate gland, prostate cancer, the presence of stones. For ischuria, emergency care is needed. It consists in carrying out catheterization.

If the installation of the catheter is not possible, thenSpecialists perform cystostomy - a procedure in which urine is excreted from the body through a special tube inserted through the abdominal wall into the bladder. After emergency care, treatment is prescribed to help eliminate the causes of ischuria.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that there is stillconcept as "forced diuresis". This term refers to the method of therapy used in cases of poisoning. Diuretics and fluid are simultaneously introduced into the body. As a result, urination is stimulated. Toxic substances are eliminated from the body more quickly with urine. For comparison, the following information can be given: normally, urine in a healthy human body forms from 0.7 to 1.3 ml per minute, and in case of forced diuresis, the index increases to 8-10 ml per minute.