Spasmophilia is a rather dangerous pathology,which is accompanied by increased excitability of neuromuscular fibers. Today, the disease is extremely rare (statistical studies confirm this). But, given the fact that children of the first 2 years of life are subject to ailment, each parent should familiarize with the basic information about the violation.
What is pathology?
Spasmophilia is a rare but dangerous condition.which is accompanied by muscle cramps caused by increased neuromuscular excitability. Pathology is associated with impaired phosphorus-calcium metabolism. By the way, this disease provokes an excess of vitamin D in the body. That is why in modern medicine rickets and spasmophilia are closely related concepts.
Today, both pathologies are recorded very rarely. However, the likelihood of their development is not excluded.
Spasmophilia: etiology and causes
First you need to understand the risk factorscapable of provoking the disease. Spasmophilia is a disease that mainly affects children between the ages of three months and two years. There are several reasons for the development of pathology, with a list of which should be found:
- an excess of vitamin D in the body, which is often triggered by an overdose of drugs intended for the prevention of rickets;
- improper diet, in which the child's body receives insufficient nutrients (as a rule, this is observed when artificial feeding);
- excessive sun exposure on the skin (as a rule, if radiation is prescribed as therapy);
- premature babies are more prone to this kind of disease.
It is extremely rare for a similar pathology to develop in older children. The causes of spasmophilia in this case are as follows:
- hemorrhage;
- severe forms of infectious diseases;
- tumors, including those that adversely affect the operation of the thyroid gland;
- surgical intervention in the thyroid gland;
In adulthood, neuromuscular spasms develop against the background of severe nervous overstrain and pregnancy.
Rickets in children: symptoms and treatment
Как уже упоминалось, эти заболевания тесно connected. After all, both depend on the level of vitamin D in the body. Before considering the causes and symptoms of spasmophilia, it is worthwhile to get acquainted with the information about what constitutes rickets in children. Symptoms and treatment, causes and complications - these questions interest many parents.
This disease develops against a background of vitamin D deficiencies and other metabolic disorders. The pathology primarily affects the nervous system and musculoskeletal system.
An ailment develops if, together withan insufficient amount of vitamin D gets into the body as food. Since this substance is produced under the influence of ultraviolet radiation on the skin, the lack of sun exposure is also considered a risk factor. Sometimes the disease develops against the background of some diseases in which the absorption of vitamin D in the intestine is impaired.
Pathology usually develops in smallchildren. First of all, the nervous system suffers from metabolic disorders. The child constantly cries, sleeps poorly. Other symptoms include occipital alopecia and excessive sweating.
Rickets is accompanied by muscle hypotension.Milk teeth erupt later and in the wrong order. The fontanel closes late. In the absence of treatment, the entire musculoskeletal system suffers - there is a deformation of the pelvic bones, indentation or protrusion of the sternum, the skull acquires a cubic shape.
Лечение сводится к устранению дефицита витамина Д.To this end, babies are prescribed appropriate medications, as well as frequent walks in sunny weather. Massage, physiotherapy exercises and physiotherapy help restore normal muscle function. If rickets was diagnosed on time, and the child received the necessary help, then the forecasts are quite favorable.
Forms of Spasmophilia
Spasmophilia in children can take two forms.
- Latent (or hidden).This form of pathology proceeds almost imperceptibly. The child looks quite healthy, eats and sleeps well. Nevertheless, you can notice signs of hyper-excitability - the baby reacts violently to any stimuli, starts from sounds.
- Explicit (manifest). A form of the disease, which is characterized by clear symptoms and severe disturbances.
What are the symptoms of spasmophilia?
What else should mommies know?For example, what signs are characterized by spasmophilia. Symptoms may vary. Quite often, children have laryngospasm - a powerful and sudden spasm of the muscles of the larynx. As a rule, an attack occurs during crying and looks like this:
- The breathing is partially blocked, as a result of which the child listens for wheezing breaths. The baby's skin turns pale.
- In the most severe cases, the glottis overlaps completely, as a result of which the patient cannot breathe. The skin becomes bluish, cold sweat appears.
- Often a child loses consciousness.Apnea can last several seconds, after which a loud breath occurs. As a rule, after an attack, the small patient calms down. Attacks can be repeated periodically.
Carpedo spasm and its features
A characteristic sign of spasmophilia is spasms of the muscles of the feet and hands. This condition is accompanied by the following symptoms:
- feet and hands reduces tonic cramp, and the spasm can last from 2 hours to several days;
- the baby pulls the shoulders to the torso and flexes the upper limbs in the joints as much as possible;
- the child’s fingers are clenched in a fist;
- the toes also tighten inward.
Of course, constant muscle tension is negativeaffects the condition of the child - he experiences discomfort and pain, which leads to problems with sleep, constant crying, increased irritability. A prolonged spasm is often accompanied by severe swelling of the hand or foot.
Isolated cramps in a child
Spasmophilia in children may be accompanied by severecontraction of almost any muscle. For example, muscle spasm leads to the sudden development of strabismus. If the tension encompasses the smooth muscles of the internal organs, then problems with urination and defecation appear in the child.
Very dangerous are the so-called spasmrespiratory muscles, as this can lead to respiratory arrest. Occasionally, stress spreads to the myocardium. The consequences in this case are extremely dangerous, because the baby may develop tachycardia, and sometimes even cardiac arrest.
Eclampsia: first signs
The most dangerous form of spasmophilia is eclampsia. The clinical picture is approximately as follows:
- First, small spasms of facial muscles appear, which are easy to notice, since uncharacteristic facial expressions appear on the child's face.
- The tension quickly spreads to the rest of the muscles - spasms of the muscles of the limbs are observed.
- In the future, there are breathing problems,laryngospasm. The child’s skin is covered with sweat and acquires a pale, sometimes even bluish tint. The kid is losing consciousness. Involuntary urination or bowel movement is observed. Foam appears on the child’s lips.
A similar attack can last about several hours. The child must be taken to the hospital, as there is a high risk of cardiac arrest or breathing.
Complications of the disease
Spasmophilia is a dangerous ailment that is not in anyin no case should not be ignored. Pathology is accompanied by a decrease in the level of calcium in the body, which leads to dangerous complications. Severe cramps, respiratory failure, problems in the cardiovascular system, including cardiac arrest, all pose a threat to the life of the child.
Fortunately, in most cases, doctors manage to diagnose the disease on time and take the necessary measures - the prognosis is favorable for the child.
Diagnostic procedures
In the presence of the above symptoms is worthshow your child to a doctor immediately. An obvious form of spasmophilia is easily diagnosed - the clinical picture is quite characteristic. But with a latent course of the disease, determining the presence of disorders is not so simple. Therefore, during a physical examination, doctors conduct some tests.
- Symptom Tail. The doctor gently beat the area between the arch of the cheekbone and the corner of the mouth. In the presence of spasmophilia, the face of a small patient appears grimace, which is associated with spam facial muscles.
- Symptom Russo. An elastic tourniquet is applied to the middle part of the baby’s shoulder. If a spasm of the forearm appears after a few minutes, and then the hands are clamped, this indicates a preconvulsive condition.
- Symptom Lust. With a hammer or finger, the doctor gently beat on the lower leg (under the head of the tibia). With spasmophilia, bending of the toes and a sharp withdrawal of the limb are observed.
- Symptom Maslova. A slight injection in any area on the child’s body in the presence of this disease leads to a short breath holding after inhalation.
In addition, a biochemical blood test is mandatory - during the study, a calcium deficiency in the child's body is detected.
The rules of first aid for an attack in a child
Regardless of the form and severity of the symptoms of the baby, it is urgent to show the doctor. Nevertheless, the child can be helped.
The baby is recommended to put on something solid.Do not carry it in your arms, clutching it to yourself, as this only blocks access to air. It is better to remove clothing that restricts movement and open the window, providing the child with enough oxygen.
With loss of consciousness, you can sprinkle the baby's facecool water. If the attack is accompanied by a violation of the activity of the myocardium and respiratory muscles, it is recommended to massage the heart or use artificial respiration.
Drug treatment disease
Often a child with a similar diagnosis is hospitalized. What therapy requires spasmophilia? Treatment includes several stages.
- First of all, the baby is prescribedanticonvulsants that relieve muscle cramps prevent breathing and heart problems. As a rule, in this case, drugs such as Magnesium Sulfate are used. Relanium, Seduxen.
- It is important to restore normal levels of calcium in the body. Therefore, the child is prescribed drugs such as Calcium Chloride, Calcium Gluconate, Ammonium Chloride.
- Patients are sometimes given sleeping pills and sedatives.
- After the seizure was removed, the child is prescribed a 5% - or 10% solution of calcium chloride. Therapy lasts about 7-10 days.
- Important for recovery is propernutrition. If we are talking about babies, then in the first 8-12 hours after the attack, a tea diet is recommended, after which the baby is again transferred to breastfeeding. The diet of the older child needs to be enriched with acidic mixtures, cottage cheese, kefir. If we are talking about school-age children, then on their menu must be present cereals, vegetable purees and fruit juices.
Are there preventative measures?
Of course, it’s much easier to prevent or another disease, than then try to get rid of it. Prevention of spasmophilia includes several points. Firstly, it is necessary to closely monitor the nutrition, especially when it comes to artificial feeding - it is important for parents to choose the right milk mixture.
Secondly, do not forget that the diseasedirectly related to excess vitamin D in the body. Do not refuse prophylactic administration of this drug. After all, its deficiency leads to the development of rickets. But during therapy, it is important to adhere to the recommended dosages.