In the event that a person has any problems with the stomach in its upper sections, it is recommended to perform FGDS of the stomach.
What does the technique show?
This diagnostic study allowsvisualize the stomach cavity. At the same time, the most valuable information is data on the state of the mucous membrane. To determine whether chronic inflammation or more gross defects in this area, it will help the EGD of the stomach. What does this technique show in pathology? Of course, the changes on the mucous membrane, which can be expressed very little, and quite strongly. Depending on the visual picture, the doctor performing the study will advise you to contact a specialist.
Every year technical equipmentendoscopic surgeries are improving. As a result, the specialist sees a sufficiently high-quality image when performing gastrointestinal ecgyskilysis. Photo mucous has a high resolution and allows you to notice even the slightest change.
When do you need to do research?
Currently quite commonThe method is FGDS of the stomach. What does this technique show? The presence or absence of problems with the upper digestive tract. Therefore, the passage of this procedure is shown primarily to those who have any problems in this area.
Наиболее распространённым симптомом, который causes patients to agree to perform this not very pleasant procedure, is pain in the upper abdomen. In addition, those who constantly suffer from heartburn often seek treatment for gastrointestinal parsulitis of the stomach.
In addition to the planned indications for this study, there are also emergency ones. We are talking about cases where the doctor suspects the presence of internal bleeding.
Another good reason to go through this procedure is unreasonable weight loss.
Where can I get FGDs?
Currently, this procedure is performed ina large number of a wide variety of medical centers. Among them are large public clinics, and private centers and hospitals. At the same time there is no consensus about where it is really better to carry out this survey. It all depends on the novelty of the equipment and the level of training of the doctor. Many recommend that fibrogastroscopy be performed in specialized hospitals for the reason that here immediately after the examination the patient can be hospitalized in the gastroenterology department and a rational treatment of a particular disease.
Who is doing the research?
There is a separate category of doctors whoperform FGDs. What this study shows is best known to the endoscopist physician, because it is he who performs it. This doctor is engaged in carrying out various manipulations using high-tech equipment, including fibrogastroscopy.
Occupation is relatively rare. Endoscopist specialization most often receive or surgeons or resuscitators.
При желании к этому специалисту можно записаться on their own. And most often, patients are not eager to undergo fibrogastroscopy, so they are sent to her by general practitioners, surgeons or gastroenterologists.
How is FGDs conducted?
Currently such a study is underway.using a fibrogastroscope. First, the patient will be told about how to prepare for the gastrointestinal estrosis of the stomach. One of the main conditions is that a person from the evening before the procedure does not eat food. This is necessary for the reason that the stomach cavity must be empty, otherwise the endoscopist simply will not see anything. It is for this reason that it is so important to tell patients about how to prepare for stomachic esophagus.
After the person came to the office toendoscopist, he should lie down on his side. This greatly facilitates the passage of the probe. If the patient has a pronounced gag reflex, local anesthesia of the oral cavity is performed. In addition, there is also transnasal FGDS of the stomach. What does this type of procedure show? Same as regular fibrogastroscopy, only a gag reflex and discomfort in a patient will be less pronounced.
What diseases can be detected with FGDs?
The most common find in the processconducting this study is an inflammatory process of the gastric mucosa - gastritis. In fact, after 20 years, it is present in almost everyone. A more serious find is an ulcer. Its danger lies in the fact that it can bleed and even pierce the stomach wall completely. In case of signs of such complications, emergency FGDS is performed. A stomach ulcer, among other things, is capable of reborn into more serious diseases.
Much more disturbing is the detection inthe cavity of the stomach of a tumor process. An unpleasant finding is also a polyp of the stomach. If you find something similar or just an inflamed part of the mucous membrane with signs of a change in structure, the doctor will most likely take a biopsy with the patient’s consent. In the future, samples of tissue removed are sent for pathocytological examination. The result will allow us to say exactly what exactly this or that modified section of the gastric mucosa represents.
The value of fibrogastroscopy
The main objective of this procedure isdiagnosis of various diseases of the stomach. In addition, the implementation of fibrogastroscopy allows you to spend small in volume, but very significant for the preservation of the patient's health procedures. First of all, we are talking about the removal of polyps, as well as endoscopic stopping of bleeding.
This procedure has significantlyincrease the detectability of various kinds of tumor processes at relatively early stages of their development. As a result, patients receive timely rational treatment, and the forecast for the future is much more rosy.
Who will tell about the results?
After performing the procedure, the endoscopist is usuallyspeaks about its results to the patient in only two or three words. Explanation of gastroduodenosurgery of the stomach is the task of the treating doctor. So what about the results of the study should ask him. In the event that after such a procedure the doctor recommends hospitalization in a specialized department, then you should not refuse it. Otherwise, the patient may have serious problems, and he will still end up in a specialized hospital.