/ / Preparing for FGDS: some important recommendations

Preparing for the EGD: several important recommendations

EGD is an endoscopic intervention.device - a gastroscope. Modern devices are made with the latest technology. They are more subtle, flexible. Thanks to this, patients can more easily endure an unpleasant procedure. It has become much more convenient for doctors to make a correct diagnosis, as well as to perform therapeutic manipulations.

How is it done?

The patient lies on his left side withswallowing movements enter the gastroduodenoscope into the esophagus through the mouth. Then it is pushed through swallowing movements, a flexible gastroscope probe is inserted into the esophagus, and then pushed into the stomach and duodenum.

Thanks to this research, visualassessment of the state of the mucous membranes of organs. During the procedure, ulcers, erosions, inflammations of the mucous membranes, as well as polyps and tumors are detected. Allowed the fence for histological examination of biological material.

This procedure can be done both in inpatient and outpatient settings.


Advantages of the procedure

There are a number of advantages that FGDs provide:

  • it is possible to determine the cause of the painful symptoms;
  • consider specific departments of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as the processes occurring in them;
  • stops bleeding (ulcerative) by imposing special stitches or plugging;
  • tissue sampling for histological examination;
  • sighting, at the site of damage to the mucous, special medications are injected;
  • sometimes removal of foreign bodies, as well as polyps and stones from the pancreatic duct of the duodenum is required.

All this can be done thanks to FGDs:

  • eliminate narrowing, various obstacles at the entrance to the duodenum of the bile duct;
  • get rid of the narrowing of the esophagus;
  • hold pH-metry (acidity of the stomach).

Perform this procedure with available testimony is allowed for any age.

Important in FGDs preparation for the survey.This aspect is very relevant, because if it is carried out incorrectly, the doctor simply will not be able to perform the necessary manipulations. The patient must strictly follow all necessary recommendations. As a rule, before the study, an interview is conducted about the importance of preparation for the procedure in FGDS.

symptoms of dyspepsia

Indications for which it is necessary to conduct FGDs

Such a procedure is appointed in the following cases:

  • not disappearing independently pains in a stomach;
  • symptoms of dyspepsia;
  • difficulty in swallowing due to problems in the esophagus;
  • anemia of unknown etiology, especially in cases where various studies have been conducted, but the cause has not been identified;
  • drastic weight loss in a short time;
  • examination of the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract in the dynamics of treatment;
  • exclusion of oncological pathologies.


There are certain situations in which research is not recommended:

  1. If the patient does not agree to the manipulation (before FGDS agreement is signed - without this signature, the doctor can not conduct the study).
  2. In case of gastrointestinal ferrosis, preparation for the procedure is required. If a person did not have time to perform all the recommendations before the manipulation, the FGDS is canceled.
  3. Patients who have just had a myocardial infarction, are in a hypertensive crisis - FGDS is not recommended.
  4. If a person has a violation in the processes of blood coagulation.
  5. For burns, scars, esophageal deformities.
  6. Aneurysm of the aorta.
  7. Allergic reactions to anesthetics, severe asthma.
  8. If the patient has a mental disorder in the acute stage.
  9. Severe condition of the patient, which does not allow to prepare for the EGD of the stomach.
    FGS execution

Features of preparation

As with any serious study, thisThe procedure must be treated responsibly. If you do not comply with all the necessary conditions before the manipulation, then the doctor simply will not be able to do their job, and therefore - to help the patient. Here are some important recommendations to prepare for FGDS of the stomach, which the patient should take into account in his own interests:

  1. The procedure is performed on an empty stomach. Eating can be eight hours before manipulation. With problems with digestion - all 12-13 hours.
  2. If the patient is scheduled for an examination in the morning,he needs to have dinner in the evening for three to four hours before bedtime. In other words, if a person is scheduled to arrive at 8 am, dinner should be held no later than 8 pm. If this rule is violated, by the time of the study not digested food will remain in the stomach, and during the procedure the patient will have an attack of vomiting. In addition, the remaining food in the stomach will interfere with visual inspection, complicate the diagnosis. It is possible that you will have to repeat the manipulation again.
  3. If reception is scheduled in the evening, a light breakfast is allowed at 08:30 am.
  4. Take care during FGDS preparation for antibiotics. Be sure to consult in advance with a gastroenterologist.
  5. During the procedure, dentists may interfere with your doctor. Therefore, for FGDs, the preparation of the patient also includes the removal of dentures.
  6. Before the procedure is also to stop smoking, as it can cause inflammation of the gastrointestinal mucosa, nausea, vomiting.
  7. At the reception should come dressed in loose clothing, which, if necessary, can be easily unbuttoned.
  8. The mental attitude is important. You need to calm down, drop all excitement. For the procedure it is necessary for the patient to hear the doctor and clearly follow all his recommendations.
  9. At the stage of preparation for FGDS necessarilyinform the doctor about all related diseases. This question concerns any health problems, including chronic ones, as well as possible allergic reactions. This will facilitate and protect the conduct of the study, as well as help to correctly determine the anesthetic.
  10. It is necessary to bring a referral to FGDs with you at the reception. If previous examinations have been carried out, show the doctor their results. Have a towel with you.
  11. Preparation for FGDs is informing the gastroenterologist about all accepted means.
  12. Preparation for gastroscopy also involvesadherence to a special diet for a few days before the study. This contributes to the normalization of the digestive tract, the removal of painful symptoms, reduce inflammation in uncomplicated gastritis and gastroduodenitis. Thus, a more realistic picture of the processes taking place in the gastrointestinal tract appears.
    Smoking is contraindicated

Can not be eaten

The following products are excluded from the diet three days before the study:

  • Heavy for digestion products: raw apples, pears, cherries, plums.
  • Sour foods: peaches, tomatoes, apricots, apples, plums.
  • It is impossible to categorically eat fatty, salty, smoked and spicy before the manipulation: smoked sausage, lard, shish kebab, fatty fish, onion, garlic, spices and so on.
  • Marinated dishes.
  • Very liquid food: soup, semolina porridge, soup.
  • Sparkling water, as well as juices and alcohol.
  • Cold foods: jelly, jellies, ice cream.
  • Coffee, chocolate.
  • Nuts, sunflower seeds (pumpkin, sunflower).
  • Bean products (beans, lentils, peas).
  • Sweet buns, bread (especially gray).
  • Milk products.

People suffering from peptic ulcer orgastritis, it is necessary to follow a diet, do not eat junk food during the whole exacerbation, as well as during the period between studies without fail. This makes it possible to adequately assess the processes occurring in the gastrointestinal tract, as well as to observe the dynamics of treatment.

what not for gastritis

What is included in the diet

Before FGDs preparation is the following diet:

  • Buckwheat porridge, oatmeal, barley and wheat are also allowed. Allowed to use with milk and sugar. The main thing - that the porridge was well cooked.
  • You can eat baked vegetables, fruits (apples, zucchini, cabbage).
  • Rusks from white bread.
  • Low-fat boiled or baked fish.
  • Boiled chicken (fillet, better - white).
  • Cottage cheese (low fat).
  • Omelet or boiled egg.
  • Mineral water, herbal tea, compote, just tap water. They are preferably consumed without honey and sugar.

If a person has epigastric pains on any of the listed products, then they should also be abandoned. It is better to eat more often, but only slightly. Optimally - 6 meals a day.

If there is an increased formation of gases, it is necessary to inform the gastroenterologist about this. In such cases, apply enzyme drugs during the entire preparation for FGDS.

Healthy food for gastritis

What categorically can not be done on the eve of the manipulation

What is not recommended to do:

  1. Take medicines (tablets, capsules, syrups).
  2. Drink alcoholic beverages.
  3. Brush your teeth. This may contribute to the development of mucus in the digestive tract.
  4. When preparing for FGDS of the stomach and duodenum, one should not smoke and chew gum three hours before the study.
  5. To use perfumery.

Allowed before the procedure:

  1. Inject drugs.
  2. To conduct physiotherapy.
  3. Drink water, tea.
  4. Studies without invasive interventions (ultrasound).

In the morning, three or four hours before the manipulation, it is allowed to drink a glass of mineral water without gases, tea with milk. But the amount of fluid consumed should not exceed 150 milliliters.

Histological examination

Consequences of FGDs

After the manipulation can remainunpleasant sensation in the throat, it will pass in two or three days. Therefore, it is recommended not to eat half an hour after the manipulation. Food after the procedure, use a soft, non-traumatic stomach. Usually these are porridges, yogurts, mashed potatoes, light soups, plain water.

The study is very informative, and sometimes justindispensable for medicinal purposes. Therefore, for the sake of obtaining a positive result is worth a little patience. If the patient is on a diet, he has responsibly approached the examination, the procedure will run smoothly, with a minimum of unpleasant consequences and memories.