FGDS or fibrogastroduodenoscopy - methodinstrumental examination of the stomach and duodenum, carried out with the help of an optical device of the gastroscope. This method is one of the main methods used to diagnose stomach pathology.
Indications for conducting gastric emptying:
- the need to clarify the diagnosis of the primary disease of the stomach (gastritis, peptic ulcer, tumors);
- determination of the nature of changes in the stomach caused by changes in neighboring organs (intestines, pancreas, liver and gallbladder);
- detection of foreign bodies.
GGDS of the stomach is prescribed for gastric dyspepsia, especially if it appears in a patient over the age of 40, bloody vomiting, prolonged diarrhea, iron deficiency anemia.
Contraindications for the study:
- diseases of the esophagus (cicatricial and tumor narrowing, diverticulitis) and surrounding organs (retrosternal struma, aortic aneurysm, significant curvature of the spine);
- severe cardiac and pulmonary insufficiency;
- dilated esophagus veins.
Preparing for gastric vaginal drainage
To perform gastric vaginal drainage it is not requiredspecial training. A routine examination of gastroscopy is carried out in the morning. The patient should come to gastroscopy on an empty stomach or not earlier than four hours after eating, and if he suspects pyloric stenosis - not earlier than eight hours. After an X-ray study using barium, the endoscopy can be performed no earlier than a day later. Emergency gastroscopy with a diagnostic and therapeutic purpose for gastric bleeding is performed without any preliminary preparation of the patient at any time of the day. In some cases, FGD is administered under anesthesia. This is required mainly in the study of emergency indications.
Before the patient is explained that duringconducting the procedure to talk and swallow saliva. Half an hour before the study, the patient is injected subcutaneously with atropine sulfate. A few minutes before the study removes removable dentures and the pharyngeal mucosa is irrigated with a solution of dicaine for local anesthesia. The patient is placed on the universal operating table, in the position on the left side. The trunk should be straightened, the shoulders divorced, the muscles relaxed. Insert a sterile mouthpiece into the mouth and insert a probe.
The duration of the gastroscopy 10-15minutes. During the study, the patient does not experience any pain. In the stomach cavity during the study, a small amount of air is introduced to spread the mucosal folds. This can cause a feeling of a slight overflow in the stomach. In the presence of tumors during a gastroscopy, a biopsy is taken to conduct a histological examination of the tissue and to diagnose the nature of the tumor.
After the FGDS, the patient should not be usedfood, drink and smoke for 1-2.5 hours until the complete restoration of swallowing. If during the study a biopsy was performed - food on this day is used only in a chilled form.
Before GCG of the stomach, it is necessary to conduct an X-ray examination of the patient to exclude the presence of contraindications: narrowing of the esophagus, diverticula, varicose veins.
The study may develop complications:
- perforation of the esophagus and stomach;
- bleeding after a biopsy;
- disorders of the heart and respiratory system.
Conducting gastroscopy with all the rulesindications and contraindications and proper preparation of the patient allows you to carry out this study perfectly safe and prevent the development of complications.