Hypertension is a very insidious disease, as a resultof which about eighteen million people die on the globe every year, and every year this figure only increases. Hypertension is a person who suffers from hypertension. Basically, the disease arises because of the careless attitude to the health of each individual.
What is hypertension?
Hypertension is a chronic disease, which is characterized by a constant increase in pressure.
Hypertension is high internal vascular blood and lymph pressure. There are two types - primary and secondary. The first species is characterized by high bloodpressure and appears with hypertension. The second type is high blood pressure, which has nothing to do with hypertension, but is a symptom of another disease. This species is not rare, and in most cases, it will be appropriate surgical intervention. To distinguish between these two types can only be a specialist, subject to a special study. If a young person has high blood pressure, the doctor prescribes certain tests to detect the disease in time.
The cause of this disease cannot be fully revealed to this day, although the mechanisms are well known. The main thing is the nervous mechanism which causes certain moral reactions that and lead to jumps with pressure. Hypertonic is person, who suffers from hypertensive disease, and his body reacts to nervous irritation by increasing pressure, which hard to bounce back. Several small stresses that cause hypertension, provoke hypertension.
Blood pressure norms
Артериальная гипертония - самая распространенная a disease that is the main cause of reduced life expectancy. If a person is hypertensive, this is provoked primarily by an abnormal lifestyle. This includes:
- Low motor activity.
- Unbalanced nutrition.
- High body mass index.
- Depletion of the body and stress.
- Smoking and alcohol.
- Excess glucose and fat in the blood.
Sometimes hypertension can be not only a separate disease, but also concomitant and caused by chronic human diseases. Normal blood pressure hypertonic is:
- Between the ages of 20 and 40, the rate is 120/80.
- Between the ages of 40 and 60, the rate is 135/90.
- With mild hypertension, the pressure will be 140/90.
- In severe form, the numbers will show 160/110.
The first indicator is systolic pressure (contraction of the heart and blood entering the artery). The second - diastolic, shows relaxation of the heart muscle.
How does atmospheric pressure affect hypertensive patients?
Probably all people at least a few times in lifeexperienced the effects of atmospheric pressure. But it has the greatest impact on people suffering from hypertension. In order to reduce the impact of atmospheric extremes, it is necessary to understand their harm to the human body.
Atmospheric pressure is the force with which airpressure on the ground. It is considered normal when its marks reach 748-758 millimeters on a mercury scale. The pressure is not stable enough, changes several times throughout the day. This is due to the fact that as the temperature decreases, the density of the air increases dramatically, since cold and humid air is heavier than dry and warm air. As a result, the pressure increases. And, of course, heat has a completely opposite effect.
How does the air temperature?
If the air temperature changes gradually,then it has no significant effect on people with hypertension. However, when changes in the weather occur at a rapid pace, the effect on hypertensive patients is extremely strong. Hypertension is a patient, which the feels bad when:
- Arid weather becomes rainy.
- Little frosts change dramatically on big ones.
- Frosts turn into rain.
- Severe frosts turn sharply into heat.
Why does temperature change affect blood pressure?
How does atmospheric pressure affect hypertensive patients, not fully explored. This is believed to be due to the fact that cardiovascular the human system cannot adapt extremely rapidly to drastic changes in the weather. If the atmospheric pressure is lowthen hypertension decreases the number of heartshock, increases the intensity of breathing and pulse. Since the human body has the ability to adapt to weather conditions, in this case, blood pressure also decreases.
Хорошо известно, что люди, страдающие hypertension, take certain drugs to normalize and reduce pressure, but with such exposure to atmospheric pressure slows down blood circulation, which causes a violation of breathing, headache, drowsiness and weakness of the body. Often carried a strong load on the internal organs, and it does not pass without a trace.
High blood pressure affects any person.Hypertensive body reacts with severe headache, heart disease and low activity. High atmospheric pressure for hypertensive patients is more dangerous than low. And all because there is a strong vasoconstriction that can cause not only hypertensive crisis and thrombosis, but also end in death.
How to reduce the effect of weather on your body?
With that, as atmospheric pressure affects hypertensive patients, they have understood, now the most important rule is to lead a correct lifestyle, and therefore you need:
- to carry out a balanced diet, while adhering to a normal body mass index;
- allocate at least seven and a half hours to sleep, so that the forces can be fully restored after a hard day;
- give up all bad habits and protect yourself from their actions (passive smoking);
- lead an active life and try to pay attention to the sport or at least do exercises.
But these are not all the conditions for preserving oneself from pressure drops. In addition, you need to monitor the weather forecast every day in order to be prepared for any differences.
Low blood pressure in hypertensive patients
If hypertonic pressure drops, thentake a medication that the doctor prescribed for such cases, and in no case do not self-medicate. Since poor blood supply to the brain occurs, it can have terrible consequences. If there are no tablets, then hypertonic can be boosted with strong tea with lemon, a cup of coffee with spices, or dark black chocolate. If the person is at home, you should lie down, lift your legs and drink two citramon tablets with an interval of half an hour.
Physician Prevention Tips
Can hypertensive patients is there anything? Doctors recommend to observe the following rules:
- Have breakfast with dishes that contain a large amount of potassium (to strengthen the vascular system). These can be foods such as bananas, cheese, nuts and dried fruits.
- Do not abuse the food, eat in small portions.
- To rest, allocate a sufficient amount of time.
- As little as possible undergo emotional and physical stress.
Но самое важное - это постоянно контролировать the level of blood pressure in order to reduce the possible severe consequences of a sharp temperature drop. Experts recommend to stay at home in such weather conditions. If there is no such possibility, then you need to have with you medications and a blood pressure monitor in order to protect yourself from critical situations.
Is there a connection between proper nutrition and hypertension?
Human well-being is inextricably linked tonutrition. If the diet is dominated by junk food, the risk of the disease due to any stupidity increases several times. This also applies to hypertension. It develops due to the formation of plaques and blood clots in the vessels - due to improper diet. Therefore, people with hypertension should first of all follow a diet that excludes foods with high cholesterol and fat. It should be remembered that during the development of the disease the heart suffers the most, and this leads to an increased risk of stroke and heart attack.
Выделяют ряд продуктов, которые категорически hypertensive patients are prohibited because they affect the nervous system, heartbeat and blood pressure. Therefore, for prevention is to change the diet.
Principles of nutrition for hypertensive patients
Diet for hypertensive patients provides for the exclusion of saltfrom the diet, because it retains water in the body, which promotes blood circulation and increase pressure in the body. Experts recommend consuming no more than ten grams of this product per day, but it should come from natural products, and not in its pure form. Salt cooked dishes are not recommended. But if it is impossible to do without using it, then it can easily be replaced with lemon juice. You should also give up any drinks that include alcohol, even in small quantities, because it causes vascular spasms and increases the load on the heart.
It is important to minimize food products thatinclude animal fats (sausages, butter, etc.). Persons suffering from hypertension, you need to use vegetable fats. They are safer and do not exercise such influence as animals. When cooking, use only vegetable oil. It is important to note that the harmful fats that cause high pressure are found in various types of cheese, fat and confectionery.
Hypertonic diet eliminates the use ofeasily digestible carbohydrates that cause obesity. Most of the diet should be vegetables that contain a lot of fiber, they reduce cholesterol. The best dinner for hypertensive patients will be a glass of kefir, or any fruit. Meat is allowed to eat only lean, or that which contains a small amount of fat.
And most importantly - in no case should hypertensives starve! This is a very negative impact on the general condition of the body.