/ / How to react to pressure 100 to 100, 100 to 90, 100 to 50

How to react to a pressure of 100 per 100, 100 per 90, 100 per 50

Reading tonometer 140/70 mm Hg. Art.considered normal. If a person's blood pressure is higher or lower than the indicated values, it cannot be called absolutely healthy. More than 140/90 - the risk of hypertension. And if the pressure of 100 to 100 is hypertension or not?

Hypertension rightfully deserved the title of "quietmurderers ". Sneaking up to a person who doesn’t look after his health, slowly gaining extra weight, moving a little, eating improperly, she doesn’t manifest herself for a long time. Hg This degree is called pre-hypertension.

Pressure 100 to 100 - this indicator can befor an athlete, for a person who constantly trains at the gym, and is engaged in fitness. Most often, this pressure is also for someone who is physically hard working. In this case, such indicators for the specified categories of the norm.

If the systolic pressure shows 100, anddiastolic - 90 and below, it is called developing hypotension. And if we talk and write a lot about hypertension (high blood pressure), then in the case when the pressure is 100 to 90 or less, you can see much less often the information about what to do. Many doctors consider such indicators as the norm. Unfortunately, for people who have a blood pressure of 100 to 100 or even lower, this is not easier. Their body also reacts to changes in mercury, fluctuations in atmospheric pressure, as the body of hypertensive patients. But they are saved by all sorts of medicines and drugs. People with low blood pressure have to make do with folk remedies, such as strong sweet tea, tomato juice, cocoa, sweet coffee with milk (or cream), herbal teas, chocolate, etc. Someone eats pomegranates, liver, veal, someone then they start to take a douche (hot and cold water in turn), and someone starts using medicinal tinctures from eleutrococcus, rhodiola, ginseng, etc. but for someone it's enough to eat a sandwich or what - more interesting.

On the one hand, the less a person usesdrugs manufactured by the pharmaceutical industry, the healthier it is. But on the other hand, if the pressure is 100 per 100, this is a deviation from the norm, which means that the state of health worsens, rapid fatigue, dizziness, etc. appear. Doctors recommend saving with traditional medicine, as there are still no effective pharmaceutical drugs.

Разумеется, показатели кровяного давления зависят from the occupation of a person, from the individual characteristics of his organism, from the way of life that he leads. The amount of blood pressure varies with age. So, pressure is over 140/70 mm of mercury. Art. for older people is already the norm, but if this indicator is in a young man of twenty, then this is the first symptom that he is on the verge of arterial hypertension. Blood pressure may also increase during emotional overstrain, physical exertion, and other adverse circumstances.

If the blood pressure monitor only once showed that the pressure100 to 100, then do not worry. But if such indicators began to recur, there is a reason to come to the therapist, especially if low blood pressure is accompanied by drowsiness in the middle of the day, sudden weakness, vomiting pain, etc. With such pressure, the body may feel a lack of oxygen, there may be problems with concentration, which is fraught danger, if a person, for example, a driver or his work is connected with dangerous mechanisms.

So, if you feel dizzy, youtired quickly, sleepy all the time, measure the pressure. It is quite possible, the device will show that it is lowered. A pressure of 100 to 100 and below is hypotension, which is mainly treated with the folk remedies mentioned above.