/ / Increased lactate dehydrogenase: causes, treatment

Increased lactate dehydrogenase: causes, treatment

In the modern world, science does not stand still.Diseases are carefully studied, and scientists are looking for ways to combat them. Doctors are often prescribed to take tests that are not understandable to ordinary people, but it is this result that can confirm or deny the doctor’s concerns. So the analysis on LDH, and especially the increased lactate dehydrogenase, says a lot. What it is and what the consequences are, let's talk further.

What is LDH

Lactate dehydrogenase is one of the enzymes,which shows the presence of damaged cells. It is found both in blood and in tissues in different amounts. In the process of breathing, the cells form a salt of lactic acid. Lactate dehydrogenase promotes its transition to pyruvic, which participates in the high-energy oxidation process. It promotes the rapid release of energy from glucose, which is necessary for muscle contraction, the course of biochemical processes. The result is products that are easily removed from the body - carbon dioxide and water. If there is insufficient oxygen, the enzyme accumulates, pathologies arise that accelerate the decay of cells. They will lead to the fact that lactate dehydrogenase is increased. This indicator is very sensitive to the destruction of cellular structures.

increased lactate dehydrogenase

Lactate dehydrogenase, if placed in order of decreasing quantity, is in such organs and tissues:

  • In the kidneys.
  • Heart muscle.
  • Skeletal muscles.
  • Pancreas.
  • Spleen.
  • The chemical laboratory of our body - the liver.
  • Lung.
  • In the serum.

Types of LDH

The enzyme lactate dehydrogenase has several forms,which differ from each other by isoenzymes, and they are in different tissues. Depending on the greater concentration of isoenzyme in a particular organ, there are types of this enzyme:

  • LDH-1 - mainly in the heart and blood cells.
  • 2 - in leukocytes.
  • 3 - in the lung tissue.
  • LDH - 4 - most of all in kidneys, placenta, pancreas.
  • 5 - found in the liver and striated muscle tissue.

lactate dehydrogenase enhanced treatment

Thanks to this, it is possible to conclude due to which isoenzyme LDH level is elevated, and to determine the disease.

When this analysis is prescribed

There are several conditions in which it is necessary to control the level of LDH:

  • With diseases of the hepatobiliary system.
  • After myocardial infarction.
  • In identifying various tumors.
  • If you need to determine the type of anemia.
  • In diseases with increased hemolysis.
  • With sharp pains in the chest.
  • If there are lesions of the liver or kidneys.
  • For examination of tissues and muscles after injury or disease.

The influence of factors on the analysis result

If your doctor suspects that you have increased lactate dehydrogenase, only an analysis can refute or confirm it.

lactate dehydrogenase increased

A blood test for LDH is taken in the morning on an empty stomach.Blood is collected from a vein. Before going to the treatment room does not require compliance with special food. It is only necessary to know that there are factors that can distort the result. What can affect the accuracy of the analysis result:

  1. Taking vitamin C can lower the level of LDH in the blood.
  2. The use of electric pulse therapy on the eve of the analysis.
  3. Skin problems.
  4. Blood alcohol content.
  5. Thrombocytosis
  6. The use of hemodialysis.
  7. Some medications such as Aspirin, Mitramitsin, anesthetics, fluorides can increase the level of the enzyme.
  8. Excessive physical activity.

These factors may affect the result, but this does not mean that there are pathological processes in the body.

Before you find out the content of the enzyme in your blood, you should consult with your doctor what drugs should be canceled before going to the laboratory.

It is very important to properly transport and store the collected blood, since non-compliance with the rules can lead to hemolysis of the blood, and as a result, increased lactate dehydrogenase.

LDH norm indicators for children and adults

Lactate dehydrogenase levels change with age. The older a person gets, the lower they are. So, the concentration of LDH:

  • Newborns - up to 28.9 ukat / l.
  • From 1 year to 3 years old - up to 14.2 катkat / l.
  • Boys from 7 years old to 12 years old - up to 12.7 ukat / l.
  • Girls from 7 years old to 12 years old - up to 9.67 ukat / l.
  • Men - up to 11.4 ukat / l.
  • Women - up to 7.27 ukat / l.

LDH values ​​may be above and below normal.

Increased lactate dehydrogenase causes

Increased rates are observed in pregnant women and with excessive physical exertion.

lactate dehydrogenase elevated causes

If as a result of the analysis of lactate dehydrogenase increased. The reasons for this are the development of the following states:

  • Myocardial infarction.
  • Viral diseases of the liver.
  • Cirrhosis of the liver.
  • Oncology.
  • Acute pancreatitis.
  • Pathological diseases of the kidneys.
  • Anemia.
  • Leukemia.
  • States in which there is an extensive disintegration of cells: shock, severe hypoxia, burns of large areas.
  • Extensive injuries.
  • Diseases of the muscular system.

However, not only this analysis confirmsthe presence of pathology in the body. It is necessary to conduct further examination. By studying the activity of isoenzymes, the specialist will be able to determine the localization of the disease.

The value of indicators of LDH isoenzymes

If we consider in more detail the increase in lactate dehydrogenase of a certain species, then it is possible to determine the foci of a possibly developing pathology.

The increase in LDG-1 or the ratio LDG-1 / LDG-2 is possible under the following conditions:

  • Ostrom infarction.
  • Anemia hemolytic megaloblastic.
  • Acute renal necrosis.
  • In the presence of tumors of the male and female genitalia.

An increase in LDG-5 is characteristic with:

  • Liver disease.
  • Rake
  • Skeletal muscle injury.

An increase in LDH-2 and LDH-3 is usually observed with:

  • Acute leukemia.
  • Chronic granulocytosis.

An increase in LDG-3, possibly partially LDG-4 and LDG-5 most often occurs, if present:

  • Kidney diseases.
  • Pulmonary embolism.
  • Heart failure that develops with the involvement of lung tissue.

An increase in LDH-4 LDH-5 is detected if diagnosed:

  • Circulatory disorders due to poor heart function.
  • Liver damage.
  • Muscle injuries.

LDH in children

If we talk about children, then you should considerage of the child. In children, LDH values ​​are higher. Also, before going to the doctor, it is necessary to trace which drugs the child is taking and to monitor his physical activity. If lactate dehydrogenase is elevated in a child, the causes may be caused by one of the pathologies described above. It should be borne in mind that if the baby is allergic, it can also affect the result, especially with severe childhood eczema or bronchial asthma. Injuries and bruises can distort the analysis, as well as the presence of anemia in a child.

lactate dehydrogenase is elevated in a child

If the first result is higher than normal,retake the analysis to ensure its accuracy. If, however, lactate dehydrogenase is elevated in a child, then a full examination is necessary. This indicator alone does not give the right to make a final diagnosis and prescription of treatment.

Treatment of diseases and changes in LDH

If lactate dehydrogenase is elevated, treatment of the disease can gradually bring this figure back to normal.

  1. In acute renal exacerbations, LDH is elevated, with chronic course of the disease remains normal. Increased after hemodialysis.
  2. With cirrhosis of the liver and chronic hepatitis, indicators of LDH are normal, at the time of exacerbation of the disease, the values ​​increase.
  3. For anemia, LDH is used for differential diagnosis.
  4. With a heart attack, LDH rises, and after 10-14 days it returns to normal. Control of this enzyme allows the doctor to analyze the course of treatment.
    lactate dehydrogenase is elevated in a child's cause

If at the beginning of the disease lactate dehydrogenase is increased, then with successful treatment of anemia, leukemia, neoplastic diseases, the activity of LDH decreases.

This is not a simple analysis, which most of us do not even guess. And he, it turns out, can tell a lot to his doctor.