/ / Treatment of dental caries

Treatment of dental caries

Caries is the most common diseaseteeth. Often it leads to a deep destruction of the tooth tissues, the development of pulpitis, periodontitis. Therefore, only timely treatment will help to avoid the occurrence of the above-described problems.

caries treatment
Most caries is a consequencepoor oral hygiene. The fact is that in the mouth of a person there are many microorganisms that secrete organic acids. The latter, in turn, destroy the enamel. As a result, caries are formed.

The development of harmful bacteria contributes to excessivethe use of products saturated with sucrose. Therefore, because of a diet with a predominance of sweets, child tooth decay often occurs. Dental treatment is a rather unpleasant procedure (especially for a child), so it is best to eliminate the causes of caries in advance. Namely - to monitor the hygiene of the oral cavity and not to give children many products containing sucrose.

Modern dentistry can carry out treatmentcaries by several methods applicable to both adults and children. This is tooth filling, ozone and laser treatment. But, despite the existence of the above methods, many people want to conduct caries treatment at home, trying with all their might to delay the visit to the dentist. However, there are simply no folk remedies to get rid of this disease. Therefore, it is better not to engage in self-treatment, but to visit dentistry, where caries treatment will be carried out by a qualified specialist for the shortest period of time.

Filling of teeth

Almost always caries treatment does not do without dental fillings. Sealing allows you to return the tooth an attractive look and basic functions in the shortest possible time.

children's caries treatment

To fill teeth, composite materials are used, which very quickly solidify. Therefore, the treatment of caries in the modern dental clinic is carried out in one day.

Ozone treatment

Treatment of caries with ozone is recognized as the mostpainless. This technique was developed in Germany. With ozone treatment, there is no need to use anesthesia. Also, drilling of dental tissue and the installation of seals is not required.

For the treatment of ozone caries,special apparatus. His job is to convert oxygen to ozone. Further, the ozone produced is filled with a small cap, which is fixed on the diseased tooth.

treatment of caries in the home

Ozone penetrates deep into the tooth tissue, while destroying pathogenic bacteria. The dentist treats the cavity with a special strengthening agent. After that, the patient goes home and forgets about caries.

Laser treatment

Also caries can be cured by laserradiation. This procedure is absolutely painless and does not damage tooth enamel. The advantages of laser treatment can also be attributed to the selective direction of the rays.

After laser treatment, the patient disappears the main signs of caries - increased sensitivity of dental tissues and their demineralization.

By the way, lasers are not only able to curecaries, but also to diagnose it. Before the X-ray study, lasers have two advantages - the efficiency of use and the absence of harmful radiation.