/ / In 3 months what vaccination do? Vaccination at 3 months: preparation, reaction and feedback

In 3 months, what vaccine do you do? Vaccination at 3 months: preparation, reaction and feedback

When his beloved baby turns three months old, heto be vaccinated. Do it to eliminate the risk of some infectious diseases that may pose a threat not only to health, but also to the life of the baby.

Recommended options

There is an official document calledNational preventive vaccination calendar. It contains a list of routine vaccinations, including those that are done in three months. The contents of this document may undergo some changes. It all depends on the epidemiological situation that develops in the country at a certain point.

in 3 months what vaccination do

Vaccination at 3 months can be severalchanged with the emergence of new types of drugs. It also depends on the availability of money in the state treasury allocated for the purchase of vaccines. Therefore, then, in 3 months, what vaccination is given to babies, it is better to clarify directly with the pediatrician.

Parental concerns

So, your baby needs to be vaccinated in3 months. What are these vaccines? The list prescribed in the domestic calendar includes a comprehensive vaccination against the three most dangerous infectious diseases - whooping cough, diphtheria and tetanus. Many parents have doubts whether their baby can withstand such a test, won't the baby have serious complications?

Right to choose

Комплексная прививка АКДС в 3 месяца призвана protect the child from the risk of dangerous diseases. Several companies from different countries produce a complex vaccine against diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis. That is why the composition may be slightly different. Different from them and quality.

temperature after vaccination 3 months
Comprehensive vaccination is plannedbaby in 3 months. What vaccination do then? The child must be revaccinated three times from these three diseases. Vaccination according to the national calendar of vaccinations is also carried out at the age of four, five, six and eighteen months. Terms of vaccination on the advice of pediatricians is not recommended to violate. This is due to a decrease in the effectiveness of the effects of drugs when the time intervals do not correspond, which may affect the immune forces of the child’s body.

Alternative vaccines

In 3 months, what vaccination do in ourmedical facilities? In addition to the domestic vaccine, an analogue of DPT imported can also be used. Thus, the pharmaceutical company of Britain produces the drug "Infanrix". With its use, vaccinations are also given at 3 months. What effects can be after using this drug? Same as after the use of domestic vaccines. However, as a rule, the imported analog is transferred by the baby absolutely normal. This is due to the body's response to the components of the vaccine.

Vaccination at 3 months

Так, в отечественном препарате находятся убитые whole pertussis sticks. The British vaccine contains three of its main antigens. In addition, the domestic drug is stabilized by mercury compounds that are toxic. But it should be borne in mind that to produce the drug "Infanrix" is extremely difficult and expensive. That is why it is much more expensive than the domestic vaccine.

At 3 months, what kind of vaccination do they still have in ourmedical facilities? Analogous to DTP is the pentavalent drug Pentaxim. Its use causes practically no reaction in the baby. Vaccinations made with this vaccine at 3 months also prevent polio and hemophilic infection. Thus, this drug will protect the crumbs immediately from the five most dangerous diseases. However, it should be borne in mind that this pleasure will cost parents dearly.

Preparation for vaccination

Before vaccination, it is necessary to ensure the minimization of any loads. Vitamins or probiotics, immunostimulants or antihistamines should not be given.

vaccinations in 3 months which

The best preparation is a slight decrease in the amount of food for the day before vaccination. It should also protect the crumbs from hypothermia and overheating, from contact with unauthorized people.

Where is the baby vaccinated?

Препарат вводят внутримышечно.This method allows all components of the vaccine to be released at the required speed. It is important for the development of immunity. If the drug is injected under the skin, the release of components will be delayed in time. An injection would be simply useless. DTPA is administered to the child in the thigh, since the leg is well developed muscles. In the buttock inoculation do not. In this zone, the probability of a needle hitting the sciatic nerve or blood vessel is high. In addition, on the buttocks is a large layer of fatty subcutaneous tissue, which may not allow the drug to penetrate the muscle tissue.


The drug is administered on the background ofantiallergic, analgesic and antipyretic drugs. It recommends children's medicines based on ibuprofen and paracetamol. In addition to the antipyretic effect, they have a moderate analgesic effect, which eliminates the discomfort in the injection area. In the home first aid kit should be analgin. It can be given to the baby with severe pain.

vaccination in 3 months
Already on the first day, temperature may occur.after vaccination. 3 months baby, he is still quite small, so that such a reaction to the injected drug is quite natural. The child in this case should be given antipyretic. On the first day after vaccination, you must also give your baby antiallergic drug. It does not matter whether the temperature has risen or not. On the second day after the vaccination, the child is also given an anti-allergic agent. Antipyretic drugs are needed only in case of high fever. On the third day, according to reviews of most parents, the condition of the baby is normalized. Drugs are canceled.

Side effects

The vaccination reaction occurs in almost thirty percent of children. However, it should be borne in mind that all side effects are not related to pathologies and are not symptoms of a serious illness.

DTP vaccination can cause local reactions. Among them are the following:

- swelling, redness, tenderness, and tightness at the injection site;
- Violation due to pain walking.

Reactions after vaccination may be common. These include:

- temperature increase;
- capriciousness;
- anxiety;
- lethargy and prolonged sleep;
- diarrhea;
- vomiting;
- disorder of appetite.

vaccinations in 3 months of polio
Reactions to vaccination occur inthe first day after drug administration. If side effects in the form of fever, diarrhea, or appetite disturbances appeared two or three days after the injection, they are caused by an injected drug. The cause of the disease state, as a rule, is an infection, the development of which coincided with vaccination. If the pathological symptoms appear several days after the vaccination, you should consult a doctor and find out their cause.

Side effects after vaccination can be severe. However, remember that they are reversible and the health of the child will not be damaged. The following reactions are heavy:

- incessant crying for more than three hours;
- temperature rise above thirty nine degrees;
- swelling in the injection area with a diameter of more than eight centimeters.

In such cases, the baby should be given drugs "Analgin" and "Ibuprofen", which reduce the strong pain. If the child’s condition does not improve, then a pediatrician’s consultation is necessary.


Currently, you can find a varietyreviews on the effects of vaccination. Some mothers describe that the reaction was neutral, while others point out that the baby was very difficult to tolerate the introduction of the drug. In any case, do not worry ahead of time, tune in to the best.